Heart of Space

Chapter 46 Introduction to Disaster

Lori's kiss directly made Wang Fan's body stiff, his eyes were straight, and his heart pounded.

"This, this, this is too, too exciting! When did the girls in the world become so bold? Belle looks lively and beating. I'm a little prepared to kiss me, but Elena, Lori, is so shy that she even blushes when she says something, and she is so bold today. Oh, my God! I was dedicated to the bright moon, but Lori hooked my heart!"

"Lori, Lori, I'm really not a strange uncle. I just like to develop games!"

Wang Fan looked up to the sky and was speechless, shook his head sadly and indignantly, and took a pair of boxes given by the mother and daughter into the tent.

When I opened the box, there were some exquisite cakes neatly, and a red heart was drawn on a golden pastry in the middle. Wang Fan was speechless and moved again.

Just as he picked up a piece of cake and was about to taste it, his eyes suddenly fell on the table in the tent.

"No! Someone has come in!" Wang Fan exclaimed in his heart. He was shocked to see that there was a letter on the empty table at this time. He clearly remembers that he didn't have it when he just came in.

Wang Fan immediately cast a range space detection spell on the surroundings.


All the creatures within 100 meters around him appeared in Wang Fan's mind. After the upgrade, he was more proficient in the use of this spell, and he also knew more clearly about the creatures in the range. Close-up life, he can even clearly perceive the other's voice and movements.

Quickly looking at the life around him, Wang Fan paid attention to the two most likely people. The mysterious man and Albert hidden in the caravan. Because people who can avoid his perception can only be done by people of the same or higher level.

However, the result of the review disappointed Wang Fan.

The mysterious man is now squatting in the toilet, and Albert, seeing what Albert is doing now, Wang Fan's heart is sad.

In the beautiful Mrs. Martin's tent, Albert was struggling to hit his crotch. The delicate and beautiful. The body gasped fiercely, and a plump pair shone with a white and shiny luster under the light. The pink cherry shook seductively, the two white thighs trembled, and the delicate toes were tightly twisted and tight.

The two of them are so forgetful, forgetful!

Wang Fan is now deeply sad for himself, such a noble, elegant and beautiful woman. Now I actually forget to moan in other people's **. Yin. Just now, the mother and daughter played at the same time, and now the ruthless reality has hit him.

Since Albert is doing the 'love campaign' now, it must be excluded.

However, not being able to find someone makes Wang Fan more vigilant. This proves that people are more powerful.

Wang Fan waved his hand, threw the two boxes into the heart of the space, and carefully walked to the table in the tent. Looking from afar, Wang Fan accidentally saw a very familiar symbol on the letter.

Suddenly, Wang Fan was shocked, and he finally thought of why this symbol was familiar.

"It's Uncle Lip's special mark! Uncle Lip has been here!" Wang Fan exclaimed in his heart that the symbol on the letter was a unique hollow dagger. Only Uncle Lip can use that kind of pattern. In the past, Colin learned this from Lipp.

Wang Fan was excited, and a lonely orphan finally found the happiness of the organization.

"It turned out to be Uncle Lipp. So, he has been secretly protecting me by my side?" Wang Fan thought excitedly and picked up the letterhead on the table and looked at it. However, his face immediately became serious. Because it is written on the letter.

[Kolin: After seeing the letter, leave quickly and hide in the evil city. The pursuer has found your footprints, and now he is rushing towards here. I'll lead them away. We met at the Yunmeng Hotel in the evil city.

After reading the letter, Wang Fan was nervous.

"The people who chased and killed so quickly have come. Uncle Lip actually went to lead them away. Will he be in danger? Well, I don't think so. Uncle Lip is best at hiding and assassination. The letter was so urgent that Uncle Lip didn't even have time to see me. It seems that I should leave immediately.

Wang Fan made a hasty decision and packed up his things. I didn't want to say goodbye to Albert and the others. I was about to leave the tent.

However, as soon as he took a few steps, he found that he did not recognize the way to the evil city. At this moment, a figure came over. He seemed to be drunk and his body was shaking, but he didn't fall down.

Wang Fan's eyes lit up. He recognized this person. It was Mario's bodyguard, De Biao!

He came to De Biao's side and slapped him hard on the face, which woke him up at once.

Of course, De Biao recognized Wang Fan. As soon as the wine woke up, he immediately knelt down and said with a sad face, "Your Excellency, you don't remember the villain, just forgive me. I shouldn't have bumped into you at that time. Damn it!"

Wang Fan shouted coldly, "Get up, let me ask you, do you know the way to the evil city?"

The two nodded hurriedly, "I know, I know!"

Wang Fan smiled and said, "Very good!" With that, he picked up De Biao's collar and shouted coldly, "Come with me!"

He carried De Biao like that. Although he was close to De Biao in height, De Biao did not dare to resist. He obediently followed Wang Fan. Wang Fan took him to the stable and played the people who watched the horses in the stable. Take two horses out of it. A white horse is a good horse to ride during the day, and the other jujube yellow horse is prepared for De Biao.

Wang Fan pointed to the yellow horses: "Go and ride that horse, hurry up!"

De Biao was trembling and did not dare to resist Wang Fan. He obediently got on the horse. The jujube-yellow Ma Herod shouted, and he raised his horse's hoof and was so restless. As if he was dissatisfied with the owner of De Biao.

Wang Fan would not be polite at this time. He slapped the horse's neck and instilled the fighting spirit and pressed it down. The yellow horse couldn't hold the huge force. His legs suddenly knelt down and suddenly became honest.

Wang Fan stepped on the white horse, took the reins and shouted, "Let's go!"

When Wang Fan disappeared in the night, the inconspicuous handyman looked at him coldly in the dark. There was a trace of murder in his eyes!

********Huang Hong said: Shenma are all floating clouds*******

In the mountains 200 miles away from the caravan station, a team of knights are moving forward in the dark. Each of them carries the badge of a white-headed eagle. These people are the pursuit team of Viscount Brandt. There is no doubt that their goal is Wang Fan in the caravan. But at this time, they still don't know that their goal has left earlier.

And two hundred miles away from the knights, a group of cavalry was also driving at night.

However, the leader of this team is the leader of Yuncheng and the second leader Haitian.

"Brother, do you think the people in Berlin are lying to us? How can there be such a coincidence? As soon as the group of people left, we arrived." Haitian has a thin face with a pointed chin, the bridge of his nose is very high, and his eyes are red. It looks very evil.

The middle-aged leader walking next to him has a national face, with a pair of slender eyes, and his eyes are cold and bright, looking gloomy and dangerous.

He said lightly, "That group of people are definitely not locals. Looking at their movements, even if they didn't kill them, they can't escape with them. Find them and the matter will be clear.

"But, depending on their direction, they are going to the evil city. Do we really want to follow?" Haitian is still a little hesitant.

The leader of Yuncheng paused and said, "If they enter the city, then we will go back!" Well, let's go quickly. Those people's feet are not slow. We must intercept them before they enter the city. I'd like to see who killed me.

They came out this time and brought more than 20 riders, each of whom was a master, including 18 fighters above the first level. The power is not powerful.

The road at night is difficult. Although there are business roads opened up, it is still very difficult to walk. Soon they came to a mountain road halfway up in the thick jungle.

The leader who was leading the way in front suddenly looked back with a feeling, and the accident appeared at this time.


A scream came from the end of the team. A knight suddenly fell off his horse, and blood gushed from his mouth. He threw it on the ground above his waist, but he was still riding on a horse below his waist. He screamed on the ground and cried bitterly!

At this moment, another knight was also attacked sharply. A cold light flew out of the night. The speed was so fast that the knight had no time to react, and the sword pierced the knight's heart.

"Puff!" The sound of the tip of the sword entering the body.

There was a slight pull-off sound, and then the sword was pulled out again, and a blood arrow flew out of the wound. The knight also screamed. Look up to the sky and fall down. On the verge of death, he shouted, "There is an enemy attack!"

Two people died in a row, and the commander was furious. He shouted, and his body was like a big bird. He flew up from the horse and killed the back of the team like lightning. The sea and sky followed closely.

However, they arrived too late. When they came to the rear, they could only see a shadow disappearing in the jungle. Go away quickly.

Haitian wanted to chase, but was stopped by the commander: "Don't chase. The other party is faster than us, and we can't catch up."

"But, big brother, just let him go? We have two brothers dead!" Haitian roared with red eyes, very unwilling.

The leader shouted, "What do you know? What if we go to kill that man and someone will raid the team? Don't we get the other party's plan to transfer the tiger away from the mountain?"

Just then, a knight shouted, "Your Excellency, I found something. It seems that the man accidentally dropped it."

"Oh, bring it here!" The commander shouted.

A knight handed over a small thing in his hand. The commander took it and found that it was a delicate badge. He saw a big white eagle carved on it, and an angry flame flashed in his eyes.

"It's them, it's them!"