Heart of Space

Chapter 58 The Forest of Terror

The roar came abruptly, and the blood bats fled more abruptly.

The fangs wiped the blood on his face and said in a low voice, "I don't think it's that simple. The roar just now must have made these blood bats afraid, so they suddenly left. I think the following is the really horrible Warcraft!"

With that, he looked down and the corners of his mouth **!

"Guys, we have come here, and even if we want to go back, we have no chance. You can only go all the way to the end. Brother Colin, how far is it from our goal? The commander also said with a calm face.

Everyone gathered in a circle, and the Canyue Lihen was still lighting with Huang Yanzhu. Wang Fan saw the heaviness from everyone's faces.

"According to my estimation, there will be an exit below. Through the exit, it is close to the legendary treasure." Wang Fan said vaguely. Because after entering the mountain, the map is very blurred, and there are only some simple descriptions in words.

However, Wang Fan doesn't know any of these words. He now leads the way by the perception of the heart of space.

"Alas, no wonder Sandra Fighter will not come back. I think, even if he gets the map. He can't go to such a dangerous place. Can Yue Li Hen suddenly said.

In any case, it has reached this point. To retreat is to die. We have to keep moving forward.

Once again, everyone was silent a lot. Even Morissa stopped joking with Wang Fan.

The bottomless hole seemed to be really bottomless, but after everyone continued to brush down for half a quarter of an hour, everyone finally saw a glimmer of light in front of them. As the crowd continued to sweep, the light became bigger and bigger. Everyone can already see that in that bright place, it is indeed an exit.

A huge outrageous outlet!


Molissa took Wang Fan down and ran from the stone bridge with the eyes of the spiral ladder to the bright place. The surrounding stone walls disappeared, in exchange for a suddenly bright and huge space. The spiral staircase stops in front of you. Wang Fan looked at the huge boundless space around him and was stunned.

Everyone was stunned!

Coming out of the exit, there is a silver light below. Although it is not strong, but a little gray, it is enough for everyone to see this huge space clearly.

In the marginal space that can't be seen at a glance, the dark red sky can't be seen up, and the ground extends to the end that can be seen by the eyes. It is an endless forest, and tens of thousands of meters tall trees are everywhere. And in this boundless forest, there is a roar from time to time.

But these roars are far from the shocking roars they heard just now. It's almost at the same level.

This is a world! An underground world!

"What is this? What a big underground space?" Haitian asked in shock.

"This is the magic cave! Connect the magic cave of the plane space!" The fangs also said with infinite emotion.

"If there is a legendary treasure, I think it should also be such a magical place." The leader of Yuncheng also nodded.

Wang Fan looked at the boundless underground world below and was extremely shocked. This is the real alien world, and this is the real legend. This is where heroes should experience.

Space detection has become his subconscious spell. Within a hundred meters around, countless white and green light spots lit up in an instant. And the vitality of these white and green spots is very strong.

"I. Shit!" Wang Fan couldn't help swearing in his heart. The life below is very powerful. Within only a hundred meters, he found more than a dozen first-order, two second-order warcrafts, and dozens of plants with huge energy.


At this moment, a roar came from below, and a huge scorpion-shaped beast ran out of the jungle and ran to a piece of water. As it ran and roared, a large number of monsters and birds were shocked on the road. But no Warcraft dares to stand in the way. The monsters that couldn't hide anything were torn in half by the huge green scorpion. This road is a bloody road.

It finally came to that piece of water. The water was only a few mu of land. It was dark under the water and could not see what was clearly.

But the giant scorpion more than ten meters tall came to Shuize, but did not jump down, but kept roaring on the edge, sounding as if it was provoking someone.

"Roar--" A slightly sharp roar suddenly exploded.

A huge thing suddenly appeared in the water, with a three or four-meter-thick body and a dozens of meters long tail. A pair of giant green eyes the size of lanterns opened. This turned out to be a python. However, there is a horn on the head of the python. Always sharp corners.

After the giant scorpion appeared, the roar was louder. It waved huge pliers and provoked against the python at the edge of the pug.

The giant python vomited a bright red core, and a pair of big cold eyes stared at the scorpion and walked back and forth. There is no movement.

Suddenly, the giant scorpion's tail, and the green tail needle suddenly broke away from the tail and stabbed the python with lightning speed. The python did not react slowly and hid to one side, but it still slowed down and was stabbed by a poisonous needle.

"Roar--" The python roared at the sky and couldn't help it anymore. He swam out of the pug and killed the giant scorpion.

Seeing that the two monsters are about to fight.


Another roar, but the roar was dozens of times louder than the giant scorpion and the python. And a strong pressure came to his face with the sound. The roar is long and grand, which is definitely the roar of a huge monster.

Hearing this roar, the giant scorpion and the giant python trembled and crawled on the ground. Until the sound stopped, the python immediately sank into the water, while the scorpion fled with its tail.

On the stone bridge, Wang Fan and others also heard the sound and were deeply touched. The pressure that came with the sound just now made everyone feel that their hearts were like a mountain. It can be seen that the owner of this sound is powerful.

When Wang Fan heard the sound, the heart of the space in his chest shook violently again, and this shaking was much stronger than last time.

"This sound? So familiar!" As soon as Wang Fan heard this voice, he felt very familiar with it. Isn't this the roar I heard again and again!"

Suddenly, a bold idea came to his mind: "This voice has been leading itself forward towards it. Otherwise, why is it that every time this sound appears, it is when we have no way to go!"

"Brother Colin, where should we go next?" On the one hand, the obscene fangs asked.

Wang Fan thought for a moment and pointed to the direction of the roar and said, "That's it!"

Everyone's faces changed, and their original thoughts were also shattered. Since they heard this voice, they never wanted to meet the owner of that voice. However, Colin pointed in that direction.

"Hey, little devil, are you sure? Even if we want to go there, there are so many powerful monsters in the middle. It's better if we don't go down. Once we go down, there will definitely be no life. You're not kidding us again, are you?" Haitian took the lead in raising an objection.

Wang Fan looked at him coldly, "Do I seem to be playing with you? I'm sure now that the roar just now must have something to do with the legendary mage. I guess it's leading us over."

"Isn't it possible?" Morissa exclaimed.

But even if we want to go there, with our strength, we can't wear such a far forest. You have seen the two major warcrafts just now, at least the third-order peak of the warcraft, and I have found no more than ten warcrafts like this, and there are also a large number of first-order and second-order warcrafts. There is only one way to die when we go down. The commander frowned. It's all here, and there's no reason to shrink back.

Wang Fan suddenly smiled and said, "Who said we must go down before we can go there?" Can we use the flying one?!"

"Flying?" Everyone was stunned and looked at Wang Fan in surprise. But he saw Wang Fan's hand pointing up. When everyone looked up together, everyone smiled heartfelt smiles.

It turned out that above their heads, I don't know when more than a dozen ferocious giant birds were gathered. At this time, these giant birds were lying on the wall of the stone bridge above, looking at them with saliva. I think this group of people is used as food.

Unfortunately, their strength is too low. There is only the first level.

"Wait, what if these birds don't come down? We can't fly?" Haitian, this stupid and rude baby asked again.

"If they don't come down, let them come down!" Wang Fan said with a smile.


Half an hour, every two people in Wang Fan began to fly through the air on a giant bird.

Their method is very simple. It is to lure these mouth-watering giant birds with fresh meat. Fresh meat is easy to make. With their strength, just go down there. Several fresh animal corpses were placed on the stone bridge. Those big birds were really fooled. Fly down in unison.

These big birds are only the first level, so their wisdom is not high, and they can't detect everyone's tricks. When you see fresh meat on your lips, you may give up. Therefore, deal with one for each person. Finally, I caught a few big living birds.

After being caught, two big birds died while struggling. Three of them were subdued. It's just enough for six people to ride.

So, the three big birds began to go on the road.

However, in this strange underground world, if you think that the air is basically safe, it is a big mistake. When they had just flown for less than three minutes, they met the enemy.

This is a huge colorful eagle with wingspan of more than ten feet! There are colorful eagle feathers on the back. They fly arrogantly in the air. The five of them gathered together and kept tweeting. When he saw Wang Fan, his golden sharp eyes lit up at the same time, and his wings flapped to kill everyone.

"No, these colored eagles are third-order warcrafts. "Dodge!" The fangs are extraordinary in their eyes. The first one recognized the strength.