Heart of Space

Chapter 83 Necromancer and the Light Wand

As soon as Andris left, Wang Fan couldn't wait to come out of the heart of space. Unexpectedly, as soon as he appeared, a boulder fell from his head and smashed down. The huge zenith of dozens of square meters has been fragmented, and large blocks of boulders have fallen.

Wang Fan was shocked and quickly hid in the heart of space.


The bloody palace outside collapsed and shattered. The huge bloody crystals fell from the air and cracked in the air. They collapsed without warning. The glazed crystals seemed to have been drained out of their strength. They were broken little by little, lost their luster, and slowly began to turn gray.

Wang Fan looked with emotion in the heart of space, and a generation of demons fell easily.

From some of the remaining memories of Rex, Wang Fan learned that in this world, above the ninth level, above the legend, there are also gods, gods also have strong and weak, and even powerful gods can easily erase low-level gods.

"If I work hard to practice and finally become a thousand-year-old legend and a god for thousands of years, but I will still be erased by more powerful people, then what's the use of my cultivation? I must be stronger, so strong that no one can erase me at will.

Rex's knowledge is too vast. Although Wang Fan has only absorbed a small part, his cognition of the world has exceeded the limits of mortals.

"Ignite the mana fighting spirit in the first order. The second level is to open up the body and condense the fighting clothes. The third-order body is like glass, condensed armor. After the third level, when breaking through the fourth level, the source of mana or Doudan will become liquid, and the strength will increase several times, and people will have the power to resist gravity. You can fly in vain. Moreover, mana or fighting spirit will condense into a true form and appear as an entity. The body is further changed and strengthened.

"More than the fourth level, the body can accommodate fighting qi or mana, and the body can be transformed into a fire body or water body according to the owner's mind, so as to better accommodate the fighting qi mana. When you choose a type of body, you can purify other energy in the body.

Wang Fan was recalling these things. Suddenly, in the outside world, a loud noise came into his ears, interrupting his memory.

Wang Fan turned his mind to the outside and found that the palace had turned into gray ashes, and those beautiful blood-colored crystals turned into gray on the ground. There is no more magical and huge energy. The whole palace is gone.

However, the stone cave on the palace also began to collapse, and the huge stone doors engraved with various patterns were also broken and collapsed. The sound just now was the sound of falling stones on the zenith.

In the whole huge cave outside, the sky collapsed and the landslides were cracked. The earth is shaking, a scene of the end of the world.

Wang Fan couldn't help thinking: "It's not because the demon god was killed by Rex, his world will automatically dissipate. No, from Buffett's words before his death, he should not have been able to ignite the divine fire and become a real god. It seems that this world should be the world created by Thor, and because of Buffett He has died, and Rex has disappeared in the depths of the universe. That's why this godland will dissipate!"

From the remaining memory, Wang Fan vaguely learned that Buffett was just a legend cultivated by a vampire.

When the outside finally quieted down, Wang Fan came out of the heart of the space. As soon as he appeared, he smelled the strong blood around him. The dust covered the surrounding space.

The spiritual power instantly swept the range of hundreds of meters around, except for stones and stones.

The bloody smell at the end of his nose was very strong, but Wang Fan found that these smells were the smell of stones from the zenith falling from the sky. Take a closer look, these stones actually began to ooze bright red blood from it. It's very weird.

Suddenly, Wang Fan felt the yin atmosphere around him, and some cold energy appeared from the stones engraved with ferocious monsters, and gradually increased. They rose into the air and began to flow slowly.

"Wow!" It seems that there is a breeze blowing.

Wang Fan suddenly shivered. Just now, he felt something flowing into his body and quickly flew out. It was cold and cold, which made Wang Fan feel cold all of a sudden. It took away part of his heat.

"Wow!" At this time, another cloudy wind blew over and quietly brushed Wang Fan.

Wang Fan's body trembled, and a silver-white spiritual suit condensed outside his body, blocking the road of the gloomy wind. As soon as the gloomy wind touched Wang Fan's aura gauze, it was hit by an electric light and dissipated with a "bang".

However, when the gloomy wind was scattered, Wang Fan's mental strength seemed to hear a shrill scream.

"What is this?" Wang Fan was a little upset.

Gradually, the condensed energy in the air became more and more, and the blood-red color began to produce. The blood-red fog gradually emitted and began to converge, getting thicker and thicker. It actually dyed the dust around it red.

Wang Fan's face focused on the changes around him. There was nothing in those bloody fog at first, but after it was much thicker, it began to emit disgusting blood, and the feeling of gloomy and cold became more and more serious.

" hiss~~~ hiss~~"

Suddenly, the bloody fog began to flow violently, and there was a hiss sound inside. Wang Fan's spiritual power reached into those fog and immediately felt a lot of negative emotions, evil, cruel, bloodthirsty, vicious, violent and cold.

It seems that there are countless evil spirits who are howling and devouring each other and fighting cruelly.

"What the hell is this? Soul? A ghost?" Wang Fan thought angrily, but he also realized that the environment here was not very good. He is going to leave here.

With a force under his feet, the silver electric light surged, his body was a few feet high, and Wang Fan flew away to the way in his memory.

Under the cover of mental strength, he knows the east and west directions within a few hundred meters around him. Each of his landing points fell steadily and accurately on a stone, and then flew quickly like an eagle. The bloody fog in front of him was purified and dissipated by the electric gauze on his body.

Suddenly, a vague head suddenly flew out of the fog in front of him and roared at Wang Fan.

He smiled strangely, "Hahahahaha!!!!!"

This man is as big as three basketballs, his mouth is full of bloody tusks, and he bites ferociously with his mouth open. Before people arrived, the blood permeated first, and the evil roar was harsh and touching.

When Wang Fan heard the laughter, his head was slightly dizzy. A sea of blood appeared in front of him. Fortunately, it was only for a moment that he woke up.

"This monster can even attack mentally. Humph, God punish thunder and lightning, purify him for me!" Wang Fan snorted coldly, and the silver light flashed on his body. A thunderbolt with thick arms flew out in an instant and greeted the bloody head with a gap.

The strange laughter suddenly stopped, and the bloody human head was hit by the thunder and lightning. There was a scream. The human head was smashed and scattered into pieces of blood fog, which can be said to be a piece of corpse.

Wang Fan did not stop. After smashing the monster, he continued to fly forward.

"Hahaha, what delicious flesh and blood, ah, human flesh, it's human flesh!" Suddenly, an evil voice came from the blood fog. A huge hell dog-like monster rushed out of the blood fog and opened his mouth to swallow Wang Fan.

Of course, Wang Fan would not be polite. A thicker lightning flashed out and hit the monster. It's just a blow that the monster screams and divides the body, but this monster is obviously much more powerful than the one just now.

Wang Fan obviously felt that the blood here was getting thicker and thicker, and the monsters brewing in it were getting stronger and stronger. At first, the first one was less than the first order, and the one just now had the first-order intermediate power. The monsters here are rapidly increasing their strength by devouring each other.

At this time, he felt a sense of urgency. He flew under his feet, flew on one stone after another, and accelerated his speed.

Constantly monsters rushed up to eat Wang Fan raw, but they were all killed by him one by one. But his speed is also full.


Once again, he killed a monkey-like blood monster. Wang Fan was about to move forward quickly. Suddenly, a white light flashed in the corners of his eyes. He turned his head and saw a white pure and flawless staff inserted there under a huge stone gap more than 50 meters away from him.

"The wand of Terence, the magic wand of the legendary mage?!" Wang Fan said in surprise.

"If you don't take it at this time, when will it be!" Wang Fan shook his body and immediately changed his direction. He skimmed to the Holy Light Staff, getting closer, even closer, dozens of meters away. After killing four monsters in a row, he finally came to the front of the staff.

As soon as he stood firm, Wang Fan couldn't wait to grab the holy light staff. At this time, an accident happened.

A fierce force suddenly appeared, and a faint black sharp blade condensed in the air. The sharp blade stabbed Wang Fan fiercely. The target was Wang Fan's vest, and when it stabbed, it was silent, without sound or fluctuation. Unexpectedly, this force stabbed three inches behind Wang Fan. Wang Fan did not react, but The old grab to the holy light wand.

Seeing that the sharp blade was about to pierce Wang Fan's vest, Wang Fan was stabbed into a pair. Wang Fan, who was already indifferent, suddenly rushed forward, turned his body, and stabbed back with a sword with his backhand. He neatly opened the sharp blade and stabbed out with a sword.

"Bow!" Like an iron pierced into the lake, Wang Fan's blue and silver sword pierced a soft, paste-like body.

This is a light gray shadow. It is like a monkey. The body is surrounded by a faint black, and the shape is erratic. The body is four or five feet high is bent, as if it is going to turn into fog and fly away at any time. And that sharp blade is condensed by this strange creature.

was stabbed into the body by Wang Fan's sword. The gray monkey-like monster gave a sharp cry, and its body suddenly atomized, turned gray, and disappeared.

When Wang Fan saw this creature, he was also shocked: "Dead ghost?!"

He was very impressed by this creature, because Brice died under this monster. The necromancer is a kind of creature between the soul and the real body, which can become a real body or a ghost. However, the most frightening thing is its two talents: first, concealment! The second is to absorb the soul!

The necromancer changes a lot, and there is no trace. It is difficult for ordinary people to find it. Even a magician may not be able to find it. This kind of creature will only exist in the evil cemetery - the place of the undead in the undead world. They are born with yin qi and are born to hide their bodies. In addition to hiding, they also like to absorb the souls of living creatures. Moreover, they are also very cunning and smart.

"Jia Jie Jie!!! This is my baby. You take my baby. I won't let you go. I will kill you and eat your soul alive. I will chew slowly until I break it, so that you can feel the pain of tearing your lungs. Jie Jie, what a delicious life!!!"

A faint voice came, which seemed to come from a distance, and some seemed to be nearby.

Wang Fan stared around alertly, and his spirit kept scanning back and forth, but he did not find any trace of the necromancer. And he automatically filtered the sound just now. After the attack and temptation just now, he already knows that this necromancer is just a second-order advanced strength. If you are more careful, you can kill it.

However, in the blood fog around him, more and more powerful monsters are born. If he doesn't leave here quickly, when these monsters grow up, he will not be gone. Maybe he will hide in the heart of space for a lifetime. Oh, not for a lifetime, but for ten or twenty days, he will starve to death.

In a hurry, Wang Fan burst his potential. He had an idea and came up with a good idea...