Heart of Space

Chapter 140 The Power of Faith

"The viper?" Wang Fan said the name, his eyes narrowed slightly, swept the man in the black robe again, and sneered in his heart, "Well, if it weren't for the person in the dark night, it's okay to say that if I knew that you were the killer of the dark night, you, you viper, would become a dead snake."

A few steps went to the black ice and white snow, and his eyes fell on the temple knight who had been knocked out among them.

"Baron Beaumont, I need some quiet rooms. Please prepare them." Wang Fan turned around and said to Baron Beaumont, who was also walking next to him.

"The adult's room has already been prepared. If the adult is tired, he can rest now." Seeing Wang Fan nodding his head, he immediately said to a maid in the hall, "Come here and take your adult to the VIP room to rest. It's easy to serve."

After saying that, Beaumont's fat face showed a hopeful look and said, "Well, my lord, can the temple knight you caught..."

Wang Fan waved his hand and said, "Let's talk about it after I interrogate it!" After saying that, he left the hall with the three people of black ice and white snow.

Looking at Wang Fan disappearing in the corridor, the smile on Baron Beaumont's face immediately faded. His eyes flashed with a trace of light, and he said, "Snake, can you see his real strength?"

The man in black came to him with a stingling eyes. "I'm sure that he is not a fourth-order strong man, but I just don't know how to make himself float."

Baron Pomon sighed, "Even if he is not a fourth-order strongman, it is obviously not something small forces can do to have the magic power to make himself floating. I think we'd better not provoke.

The man in black nodded, paused, and said, "Baron, these days, the messenger of the Chamber of Commerce is almost here. How is your offering ready?"

Baron Beaumont's eyes swept over the field outside the castle and sighed, "Is it time to pay tribute every five years again? How time flies. Don't you know who the messenger is this time?

The man in black said in a hoarse voice, "You don't have to worry about who the messenger is. Adults should now focus on how to collect 30 boys and girls. You know, we don't have much time.

Baron Beaumont's fat cheeks twitched and said with difficulty, "Do you have to have thirty children to hold the ceremony? Can't you replace it with something else?"

The man in black snorted coldly: "Your Baron, I want to remind you that your current identity is the protector of the Chamber of Commerce. Everything should be based on the interests of the Chamber of Commerce. The last time we were punished by the messenger for not successfully holding the ceremony. I don't want to fail this time because of your impotence. Take care of yourself!"

After saying that, the viper pressed the hood and went out through the side door.

Baron Beaumont sighed heavily and looked very sad. He looked up over the castle. The rain gradually became bigger, and the dark clouds covered the sun. Under the thick lead-gray clouds, the rain fell.

He stepped up and slowly stamped upstairs. Every day, he would go to his wife's room for a while, although he knew that his wife would not pay attention to him at all.

On the third floor of the castle, outside the window of the room, you can see the pastoral scenery in the distance, and the fields in the valley are evenly distributed and neatly. At this time, the disturbance of the hunting team has just passed, and the farmers in the field have come out to farm. The dotted people are scattered in the huge valley, a leisurely landscape.

Putting down the curtains, Wang Fan turned around and looked at the temple knight who had been awakened by cold water on the floor.

"Don't you want to say something?" Wang Fan went to the sofa and sat down. He took a glass of scarlet red wine and siped it slowly. Look at him leisurely.

The temple knight was in a mess at this time, and his body was soaked with cold water. His armor and weapons had already been taken away by Black Ice, and he was only wearing white underwear. There are obvious scars on the arms and thighs, which are obviously treated inhumanely just now.

"Cough! "Cough!" The temple knight coughed violently twice, and the corners of his mouth oozed blood. He said feebly, "Do it. I have nothing to say."

Wang Fan shook his head, "This is not the answer I want." After saying that, he waved his hand to black ice and white snow and said, "Keep fighting!"

"Bang!" "Dong!" Poo!"

A muffled sound sounded, and the sound of heavy objects hitting the human body was accompanied by screams, and scarlet blood splashed everywhere. Gradually, the screams also stopped.

"Your excellency, he fainted again."

Wang Fan nodded, walked to the unconscious temple knight, and smiled, "It's really a toast, don't eat and drink." He said to the black ice and white snow standing beside him, "Okay, you step back!"

"Yes, my lord!" The two bowed back and closed the door to get out.

What he is going to do next can't be seen by two people, even if they have converted.

Walking around the temple knight, Wang Fan said to himself, "The temple knight, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a person with magic, so how did he get his power? What's wrong with that beam of light?"

These days, he is thinking about the operation mode of the power of faith every day. He uses great faith to forcibly get the faith of black ice and white snow, but he can't feel their faith. Needless to say, Xiao Bai and Xiao Lv are controlled by the eyes of the soul and have no power of faith at all. However, Black Ice and White Snow are different. They are the first step of Wang Fan's great plan. If he can't even feel the power of faith, he doesn't have to make future plans.

It was not until he saw the scene of the temple knights fighting that Wang Fan had a trace of thought.

Wang Fan suddenly stood down, and the expression on his face became solemn and solemn. He read a word in his mouth and once again exerted his great faith. He pointed to the knight of the temple, and a white light flew out of his fingertips and instantly disappeared into the forehead of the knight of the temple.

The temple knight trembled all over, and suddenly his whole body trembled, as if he were twitching. Suddenly there was a bleeding red light on his body, but strangely, this light was not evil and bloody, but a strong fighting spirit. The blood-red light flowed around, as if spiritual, surging to the top of his head.

After this bloody light poured in, Wang Fan felt a mysterious force blocking himself from transforming the temple knights. In the dark, this power communicated the space, broke the plane barrier, and extended to the nihilistic starry sky. Soon, he sensed that a powerful force appeared at the end of the bloody power. It's an ocean of light.

Magnificent, vast, powerful and majestic.

A few seconds later, Wang Fan felt a force suppressing his faith in the dark. The bloody light seemed to know that Wang Fan was going to change the faith of the knight of the temple, becoming ferocious and terrible, desperately resisting Wang Fan's magic. The two began to compete in the brain of the knight of the temple. Poorly, the temple knight suffered from the beam. For a while, his head was occupied by white light, and for a while, he was occupied by blood-colored light. His body is sifted, and his skin is red and white. Like a light bulb.

Wang Fan's strong spiritual power carefully thought about the transmission of the bloody power, and he was overjoyed. What he wanted was this result.

When he saw that the temple knight could quote the gift of divine power, he deliberately wanted to study how other gods gave and sensed divine power.

"Okay, that's great. So that's it. I can't feel the power of faith. It's not that my strength is too low, but that I don't have a suitable medium. After becoming legends, those gods have mastered the mystery of space and can accept faith. Although, only by lighting the divine fire and having a divine nature can you give magic and become a real god. What I'm bad about is the lack of a medium.

At this time, on the body of the temple knight, white light and blood fought fiercely together. You have me, and I have you, turning the body of the temple knight into a red and white battlefield. However, the two forces wanted to rush, and soon, the body of the temple knight could not hold on. Traces of blood penetrated from the skin. The fine-grained cracks began to crack.

Wang Fan came to his senses and said in shock, "No, he's going to explode!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the temple knight burst with a "bang", and the broken flesh and blood splashed everywhere, dyeing the whole room blood red.

As soon as Wang Fan raised his hand, a light mask appeared in front of him, blocking the flesh and blood out.

At this time, the change occurred. In the flesh and blood, a blood fog suddenly stagnated. The blood fog steamed up and began to change into various shapes. Finally, it turned into a virtual shadow of a bloody sword. An unparalleled fighting spirit emanated from the bloody sword, strong pressure.

Wang Fan's face changed and immediately hid in the heart of space.

And just as he disappeared in this space, the bloody sword immediately sent out a huge idea: "Who is it to forcibly change the faith of my believers? Are you going to break the agreement of the gods?

This idea enveloped thousands of miles in an instant, but nothing was found. After a breath, the idea disappeared. The bloody sword collapsed again and turned into a pile of flesh and blood.

"Wow!" Wang Fan breathed a sigh of relief and shouted with lingering lingering heart, "It's so close!"

The idea just now was actually better than killing myself. The thoughts of the gods encountered by elves are still huge. It should be that this god is more powerful.

"Gods, gods, one day I will eventually be above you. I want you to look down on all sentient beings and taste the taste of being trampled under your feet. Wang Fan clenched his fist and swore.

"Bang bang bang!!!" There was a rapid knock on the door outside: "Your Excellency, what's going on inside? Are you all right, my lord?

Wang Fan waved his hand, and the door opened automatically. There were black ice, white snow and Baron Bomont standing outside. When they saw the flesh and blood in the room, their faces changed.

"I'm fine. This person committed suicide. Baron Beaumont, change my room,"

Baron Bomon looked at the blood all over the room, his cheeks twitched, and a chill ran straight from the soles of his feet to the top of his head. He shouted in his heart, "This is the power produced by self-detonation. Why does he self-detonation? This man has obviously been restrained by him, and it is impossible to self-detonation. Unless..." He didn't dare to think about it.

Because he knows that blasphemers will not have a good end.