Heart of Space

Chapter 219 Space Shift Array

[This chapter makes up for yesterday. From today on, Wang Fan officially started his wonderful life in the college. I'm sure it's very loving.

When the morning sun sprinkled the first ray of sunshine on the plaque of the royal palace, a large group of people had gathered in front of the royal palace.

"Lord Alto, please take care of Yan Chou in the future. My mansion will be taken care of by him. Black ice and white snow will assist him. If you encounter any trouble, please ask the owner of the Alto family for help. Colin is here to thank you.

Wang Fan arched his hand to Oliver's father.

Oliver's father smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will take good care of him. However, Colin Xiaoyou, you also have to take care of my son in college.

"It must be!"

After saying that, Wang Fan turned around and said to Yan Chou and Hei Bing Bai Xue behind him, "In the future, this yard will be under the jurisdiction of the three of you. I don't want to see a dilapidated yard after I come back. Can you do it?"

"I can do it! My lord!" Yan Chou said loudly, with tears in his eyes. He remembered what Wang Fan said to him last night: "I can give you a chance, but this is only once. I have opened the meridians for you and washed the impurities in your body. In this book, you have to practice well before I come back and become a first-order fighter. If you can't do it, then leave me!"

Black ice and white snow just silently bent down and knelt down and threw himself to Wang Fan. "Master, don't worry! Your glory is not allowed to be trampled on by anyone.

Wang Fan nodded to them silently and turned back to the patriarch Alto and said, "Let's go!"

Amelia Monroe followed, and the sun had just risen, pulling the shadow of everyone.

Behind him, Yan Chou's crying came from afar: "Your Excellency, I will definitely succeed." Wang Fan's figure never looked back.

When everyone arrived at the square, Rivalen was already waiting there. Along with him, there is also Oliver. When this guy heard that Wang Fan was going to enter the college in advance, he couldn't stay and insisted on going with Wang Fan.

Standing beside Rivalen, Oliver, who stood honestly, as soon as he saw Amy, his eyes were shining and he couldn't help running over. A powerful hug was given to Wang Fan.

"Brother, you're here. I miss you so much."

Wang Fan finally broke free from his bear hug and laughed and scolded, "I'm afraid you don't miss me, are you?"

Oliver was stunned. Seeing the smile in Wang Fan's eyes, he suddenly blushed and glanced at Amy. When he saw that Amy had no response, he coughed twice and said, "Well, Mr. Rivalen has been waiting for a long time. Let's go there quickly."

Several people walked over together and greeted Rivalen for a while. Wang Fan was about to speak when he was suddenly interrupted by a shout.

"Hey, wait for me!"

Everyone turned their heads and looked. They saw Philine running this way in a hurry. As they ran, they scolded, "Oliver, you bastard, didn't you say you wanted to call me? Why didn't you send someone to tell me? You bastard. I'm so pissed off."

Philine ran up breathlessly, raised her hand and sent a wave of fireballs. Go to Oliver.

Oliver was shocked and quickly put a layer of defense in front of him. He banged a few times, and the fireball hit his magic shield. But there were only a few sparks, and then disappeared.

"Well, this woman is also a magician?" The other people present were a little surprised.

At this time, Philine also walked to Lord Rivalen and said respectfully, "Your Excellency, I also have one of the recommended places this time. Please take me with you."

"I know, but your father knows that you are going to enter the college?" His Excellency Reverend asked.

"I know, I know!" Philine nodded quickly. A cunning light flashed in his eyes.

Rivalen nodded, pretended not to see Fei Lin's complacency, and said, "Okay! Then come with us. It's getting late. Let's go now!"

Everyone should promise.

I saw that Lord Rivalen took out an elite jade the size of a purple palm from his arms. The jade was depicted with a mysterious magic array. If a dragon is like a tiger, it outlines a strange animal shape between the fine marks. The upper layer of fluorescence flashes, which is eye-catching.


Rivalen entered the fighting spirit in the beautiful jade, and the purple jade shined brightly, like the scorching sun, the strong light, shining in all directions. The whole central square is shrouded in this purple light. The purple light suddenly came to an end, and a purple mask was laid around the crowd, and everyone was in it, as if in the bubble.

Looking out, I only saw a purple chaos, and the scene outside had disappeared.

Rivalen read a word in his mouth and suddenly shouted, "Space move, open!"

Ziyu suddenly sounded a crisp buzz, and then the purple light mask trembled and roared. The purple light mask broke through the space like a meteor and swam to the black void. It disappeared into the square in the blink of an eye.


At this time, people were talking about it in the square. The purple light is dazzling again.

"Look, what is that?"

"You don't know this. It must be that the adults in the college have gone back. In the center of the square is the space gate of the college.

"Oh, so that's it. Ah, look, the big purple ball is missing."

"Cut, make a fuss. They're gone. All right, don't be curious. Let's go. Let's have a drink."


In the purple mask, Wang Fan's spiritual power gushed out like a tide at the moment when the mask penetrated the space, but it was blocked by the purple mask. When he used the power of space to penetrate, he discovered the scene outside.

When the purple light entered the black hole, it had already entered the void. Like a fish roaning in the sea, the purple mask is moving rapidly in a certain direction, and outside the mask, endless space storms are raging. The strong force is about to tear the purple mask. But the purple mask looks fragile, but it is very tough. No matter how the space storm hits, it can't move at all.

"Bow!" It's like squeezing a bubble.

When the eyes lit up, everyone came to a place and stepped on the ground.

"Okay, we're here! Welcome to the Holy Magic Academy!" Rivalen's voice sounded.

And Wang Fan and his party were shocked by the scene they saw.

The place where everyone is located is on an island in the middle of the lake. The whole island is flat and smooth, and the ground is paved with a kind of mirror stone of the Hesai family, which is engraved with some charms. There are dozens of transmission arrays distributed on the island. The place where they live is the tallest of them. The island is only three or four miles long and wide, and the edge is the rippled lake.

It is not these that are amazing, but on the edge of the lake. At a glance, there are countless large and small strange stars, and there are countless rare grasses, rare birds and animals, and rare races walking leisurely. A scene of peace and leisure.

Looking into the distance, I saw the end of a lush forest. It is a mountain that towers into the clouds. The upper half of the mountain has been inserted into the clouds, so people can't see how high it is. They can only see that on the hillside, many exquisite and magnificent palaces stand tall, and the pavilions are carved with beams and painted buildings, like fairy palaces. Coupled with the mist and fog, the buildings on the mountain are more like a fairy mansion.

Rivalen pointed to the peak and said, "That's where the college is located."