Heart of Space

Chapter 242 Surface Transfer Array One Update

[Sorry, I was dragged to climb the mountain by my friend yesterday and got drunk at night. I didn't come back until midnight. Make up for it. He beat his chest and asked for forgiveness.]

The soft and delicate body and the fragrant fragrance came to the face.

To be honest, Wang Fan was stunned at the moment he was hugged by Daslin. He never thought that the other party would really do that.

flirting is flirting, but if you want to make him serious, he really has stage fright. The woman in front of him is not a herbivore and harmless animal, but a super strong man standing at the top of human beings. His hands and feet are enough to destroy the eighth-level peak mage of a city.

At the moment when Daslin hugged Wang Fan, Wang Fan felt a current and lightning pouring into his body from the other party, and then the storm raged in Wang Fan's body, and the power of riotism flowed in the meridians, as if to seal Wang Fan's whole body.

Only then did Wang Fan know why the other party hugged him.

Although the power of the eighth level is strong, it is not so easy to imprison yourself like this. Wang Fan's body was shocked, and a force in the heart of space mixed with the power of faith poured into his body, confronting the tyrannical power of thunder and lightning. Although he was still suppressed by the other party, he was not immediately banned. Taking advantage of this time, Wang Fan struggled and shot out of the sofa.

"What?" Darlene was a little surprised, but did not continue to pursue Wang Fan.

Looking at Wang Fan's vigilance, Daslin squeezed her lips and said with a smile, "Little virgin, my sister is just joking with you. Why are you so afraid? Are you afraid that your sister will hurt you?"

Wang Fan turned around and immediately knew that the other party was just testing himself, and immediately smiled.

He threw the space ring in his hand and said, "Go on!"

Darlene grabbed it nervously in her hand, and the next moment, she poured her spirit into the space ring. Wang Fan observed her face beside her. Daslin closed her eyes and felt something. The power of silk space leaked from the ring. For a moment, Daslin's face was full of joy.

The space ten meters long, wide and high is already the size of a building. Usually, people can't even get a cubic meter of space magic weapons, but today she gets a 1,000 cubic meter space ring. How can she not be happy?

Darsilin opened her beautiful eyes and said, "Thank you, handsome boy."

Wang Fan said jokingly, "What, have I upgraded to a handsome man? Isn't it a little virgin?"

Darlene smiled and said, "It seems that you like the name little virgin very much, so I'll call you little virgin in the future."

Wang Fan hummed, "Am I a little virgin? Sister Daslin, can you try it yourself?"

"Little guy, don't be angry. Aren't you looking for a plane transmission array? Do you want me to take you there?" Darlene said gently, with a warm smile on her face. The change of temperament is like suddenly changing from a goblin witch to a big sister next door.

Wang Fan stopped joking, "Let's go now?"

"Don't you want to see it earlier? Let's go!"

Daslin came over gently, stretched out her slender hand, and took Wang Fan's hand in the palm of her hand. In Wang Fan's doubtful eyes, she suddenly shouted softly, "Lei Dun!"

After that, a cyan thunder spread from the palm of Darlene's hand, wrapped around the room and wrapped the two people together. It's buzzing. Wang Fan immediately felt a huge thunder and lightning force surrounding him. Then, his body was weightless. With a bang, he accelerated to an incredible speed in an instant, and the two disappeared into the room.


Located in the north of the Holy Magic College, it is a vast ocean of Daze thousands of miles away. On the Daze, the ice and snow are covered on the water, and the layers extend endlessly far away.

The wind roared and rolled up thousands of piles of snow. The cold wind was like a blade, tearing everything on the ice field. The temperature of tens of degrees below zero was enough to kill all living things. Therefore, thousands of miles of ice is desolate and empty.

And in this thousands of miles of ice field, a huge kilometer-high iceberg stands on it, and the wall stands as smooth as a mirror. It is not so much an iceberg as a huge icicle 1,000 meters high. At the top of the icicle, a white ice palace stands on it. The whole palace is carved from hard ice, and the whole body is harmonious and natural. Under the faint light of the sun, the light is shining, with seven colors of gorgeous glass. Just like the palace in a fairy tale.

However, there is a dead silence here. There is nothing but the wind and snow all over the sky.

The next moment, the peace here was broken.

"Boom!" With a sound, a cyan lightning suddenly appeared at the top of the mirror-like icicle. After the lightning dissipated with a thorn, two figures were revealed. One is sexy, and the other is chic in white. If it hadn't been for the young man in white, he would have been a pair of beautiful people.

"We're here, little virgin!" Darlene said.

Wang Fan looked at the pathogens around him, and his spirit dispersed. In an instant, he "looked" hundreds of miles around him and found that he was standing on a huge icicle, and hundreds of miles around him were all covered with ice and snow. There is no horizon, and there is no one for thousands of miles. The wonder of nature is the greatest embodiment here. And this huge circular icicle with a diameter of hundreds of miles and kilometers high stands abruptly on a pathogen, which is extremely conspicuous.

He was shocked. Looking far away, in the wind and snow, there was a pain on the face of the people with the snow. The air is as cold as a knife. Even with Wang Fan's eyesight, he can't see clearly from a kilometer away.

A stream of cold air rushed into the collar, and Wang Fan shivered, "What a cold place!"

Suddenly, his hand was held by a soft hand, and Daslin's voice came from her ear: "Let's go, little virgin, let's go to the sea ice palace!"

Darlene's hands are soft and slightly wet, and it is very comfortable to hold. Wang Fan was led and walked to the white ice palace in the center of the icicle. Before he approached the palace, Wang Fan sensed a strong space force penetrating from the ice palace.

Wang Fan took a deep breath, a little excited, and his hand tightened slightly.

Daslin** next to her noticed that Wang Fan's hand was a little more powerful. She looked curiously at Wang Fan, whose expression had become extremely serious. As a super master at the peak of the eighth level, she naturally knew that Wang Fan was nervous. He said to himself, "Although his ability is not small, he is still a child after all."

The heart of compassion rose in his heart, and he also shook Wang Fan's hand. As a sign of encouragement.

The Ice Palace has only one floor, but it is more than 20 meters high. Next to the gate is a row of huge pillars carved with many landscape flowers and birds, Warcraft rare birds, and some coherent paintings of stories. However, there is no one here, and the door is tightly closed.

Walking to the huge mirror door more than ten meters high, Darlene stopped, stretched out her slender hand, and gently touched the door with her index finger.


A little light spread from Darlene's fingertips, as if there was magic, and the mirror door creaked and slowly opened.

As soon as the door opened, contrary to Wang Fan's imagination that it was as warm as spring, the temperature in the palace was colder. When the door opened, a cold air several times colder than outside rushed straight in. If it hadn't been for Wang Fan's full body with aura, he might have been frozen into a popsicle.

And Darlene didn't move. The corners of his clothes did not rise, and he calmly took Wang Fan's hand and slowly walked in.

Two people walked in the palace, like a little man entering the giant country, small and humble. The palace is very bright, and each bead is inlaid with white pearls emitting soft light. But the palace is empty, and there is no one. In the huge palace, there are only nine large crystals in the middle.

Each of the nine crystals is the size of an apple, crystal bright. Wang Fan sensed the strong power of space from the nine crystals. In the middle of the nine space crystals, a strong space force penetrated out, distorting the space.

Wang Fan stared at the huge picture in the middle of the nine crystals. The magic array, I know in my heart that the magic array is probably a plane transport array.

Darthlin took Wang Fan to the front of the nine crystals and stopped.

"The college is important, and it is forbidden for idle people to enter. Darlene, why did you bring a child here?" A deep voice seemed to come from the nine hells, echoing in the empty palace.