Heart of Space

Chapter 246 Clouds Second Update

Since Daslin promised to be Wang Fan's teacher, Wang Fan has lived a fairy-like life.

Every day, it is either to discuss the mystery of the body between men and women with Yadanjing or flirting with Darlene. Although it seems that he has to be baptized by thunder and lightning magic every time he flirts with him, Wang Fan still enjoy it.


, Amy, Ya Menger and Philine became the flowers of their department and were sought after by countless wolf friends. I live a painful and happy life every day, but for Oliver and Grapes, it is painful. And our young man thundered and practiced in silence as usual. Unexpectedly, this guy was quickly praised by the teachers. Gain is too talented. The strength is rising. It's about to break through the second level in less than a month.

Wang Fan knew that this was because he was stimulated by Oliver's pursuit of Ya Menger. He knew that he wanted to have no family background and no strength. That's why I practiced in a muffled voice, and I guess there was a fire in my heart.

Although Wang Fan seems to be doing very well on the surface, secretly, Wang Fan is preparing for the trip.

This time, he wants to go out alone, first go to the magic cave to find the cold light stone, and then go to the forest of terror. The Forest of Terror is located on the edge of the ocean in the south, passing through several cities. Wang Fan believes that he will be able to gather the space crystals.

However, on the eve of his decision to go out, Darlene told him a good news: in the next few days, the college will organize a trial for seniors to go to the Forest of Terror. At that time, Darthlin will lead the team herself, and several department leaders will set out together.

"I can see that you are going to leave the college tomorrow to look for Night Magic Stone and Cold Light Stone. But it's too dangerous there. You'd better wait a few days and come with me. Darlene said with concern.

In the past few days, Wang Fan's relationship with her has become more and more harmonious.

Wang Fan smiled evilly, and his eyes patrolled Daslin's chest and buttocks unscrupulously, with a demonic smile on the corners of his mouth: "Sister Daslin, do you like me and don't want me to leave?"

Darlene raised her hand with a flash of lightning, but Wang Fan had been exercising under her magic baptism for a few days, and he bowed his waist and dodged. However, he did not dare to stop, because the second flash of lightning came.

"Haha, I'm right. I'm so angry, isn't it?" Wang Fan laughed and quickly flashed in the hall. A puff of smoke ran to the top.

Darthlin stamped her feet angrily and scolded with a red face, "This damn kid is really open-mouthed."

The night is calm, but in some places, the night is not so calm.


"Bang!" The sound of knees and heads colliding.

"Cock!" The sound of a broken arm.

"Ah--" Needless to say, it must be a scream. However, the voice looks childish and sounds like a teenage girl.

In fact, it was indeed a little girl who was only thirteen or 14 years old who screamed. She lay on the ground with a bloody face, spitting blood foam in her mouth, and her delicate arms were twisted and bent, which was obviously broken. Beside her, a cold-looking girl stood alone, not looking at the howling girl around her.

This is a martial arts arena. More than a dozen girls are practicing against each other in short samurai uniforms. These girls, fiercely and decisively, attacked people's lives, and their men showed no mercy and looked like they were killing people. There were screams from time to time. However, when the other girls were still fighting, the battle was over, which seemed special.

"Papa!!!" The coach came over with a clapping of the palm and praised, "Okay, Alice, you did a good job. Three moves solved the opponent. This time, I will reward you with an hour of free time, which you can allocate by yourself.

The girl, that is, Alice, nodded faintly, bowed and saluted, "Thank you, my lord."

After saying that, he said nothing more and walked straight to the outside passage. Although Alice is not afraid of living underground all year round, it is also a good thing to go to the surface to breathe fresh air and take a look at the green plants.

Alice walked lightly in the stone corridor, and there was no one in the long corridor. Alice heard her heartbeat and breathing.

She knows that the heartbeat and breathing sound are the fatal shortcomings of killers, so she usually learns to make their voices disappear or become nothing at all. However, she just wants to hear her heartbeat and breathing, because if she can't even have this freedom, it's really boring to live.

Thinking of the hellish training in the past few months, I watched my former companions die tragically in all kinds of murderous training. Her heart has long been as hard as iron.

Only in the dead of night will a softness in her heart slowly emerge. It moistened Alice's cold heart.

She didn't dare to forget that name, that holy and great figure.

At this time, she suddenly heard a rush of footsteps, and Alice chose to hide. For a moment, the owner of the footsteps came here. It's only a wall away from Alice. Alice used a secret method to make the breathing sound inaudible, and the heartbeat slowed down. Until people can't hear it.

"How about Orwell? Have you heard from that person?" At this time, a hoarse and old voice can only be heard from the voice. The man is very haggard now.

Another younger voice said, "Tell, to be honest, I really admire you. It's been so long since your boss died at the hands of that Colin, you can stick to giving me gifts and let me check his news. I really admire you. I said, how much wealth has your boss left for you? Can you reveal it?

"Well, Orwell, you shouldn't ask that. Don't worry about it. Is there any news about the little beast this time? The one named Tel said.

This person was a subordinate of the elf, the leader of the night base that Wang Fan killed when he went to rescue Amy. That time, he fled to the headquarters with the badge of the dark elf. Ask the headquarters to take people to the rescue. But when it arrived at the base, the elves were dead, and the base was missing two of the strongest people. The people at the headquarters were furious. An assassination order was issued, but after a long time, there was no news, so most people gave up. Only Tel did not give up and has been searching for the trace of Wang Fan.

He always avenged the boss. In his consciousness, the boss sacrificed to save him. He must avenge his boss.

At this time, Orwell's voice sounded: "Hey, it's your luck. This is the news from the Central City of the Holy Devil College. It is said that the person you are looking for was in the Central City some time ago. I guess he has gone to the Holy Devil College now. Here, this is the information. It's all on it.

Alice, hidden behind the wall, hooked her head and saw a young man handing an open scroll to a gray-haired middle-aged man. Inadvertently, Alice saw the avatar above.

Her pupils suddenly shrank and her face changed greatly. My heart suddenly pounded.

"It's him, it's really him. It looks exactly the same. My God, my master. Thank God for letting me get his news again. Alice was thinking excitedly. The breathing is short and heavy, and the heart is pounding.

"Who's there?" Ter suddenly roared.

The young man named Orwell was also shocked, and then alertly swept towards Alice's hiding place with Tell. However, they went a step late, and Alice had already left.

Alice didn't go to the surface, but went straight back to her room and lay down on ** to rest.

"It's Lord Dia. I'm not mistaken. It's really him, but why is that person called Lord Dia as Colin? Does Lord Dia have two names? Oh, I don't care. Anyway, I got the news from the adult. I must go to him. At the thought of looking for the handsome, glorious and holy Lord Dia, Alice's heart thumped, like a deer. His face is also red and feverish.

Then, she thought of the conversation between the two people. The more I think about it, the more I feel something is wrong.

"The man seems to say that the adult killed one of their leaders, and the man wanted to take revenge on Lord Dia. Look at them, they must be going to kill adults. No, I can't leave it alone. I must inform the adult as soon as possible. The man said that the adult was in the Holy Magic College. However, if you want to leave here, you must be second-order or above. I'm only in the first-level intermediate level now. It will take at least half a year to get a normal promotion. No, there is not enough time. For the safety of adults, I must enter the blood slaughter.

Alice's face is full of perseverance. Although, Blood Futu has always been the hell of the night base.

With firm determination, Alice slowly walked out of the door and looked back at her room. I sighed.

In the training ground, Alice said her decision. The coach shouted on the spot, "What, have you decided to enter the blood slaughter? Are you crazy? When I entered that place, I was dead. Your talent is so good that even if you don't go there, you can be promoted quickly. Have you made up your mind?"

The coach's words also made other girls stop practicing. They looked at it in shock one by one.

Who doesn't know the blood and high mortality rate of blood Futu in the night base. In recent years, the people who enter have come out of it alive. Most people, either die in it or are crazy.

So everyone who wants to enter the blood slaughter will write a will before entering. It can be said that after making this decision, Alice is more than half dead in the eyes of everyone.

There are poor people, there are people who gloat, there are people who admire, and there are people who secretly scold neurosis.

General speaking, they are not optimistic about Alice. Although Alice is the most powerful of their generals. The only genius who has reached the intermediate level.

When Alice nodded resolutely, the coach frowned and stared at Alice for ten minutes before sighing.

"Well, now that you have thought about it. I won't persuade you anymore. Are you ready?"

"I'm ready, teacher. If I go in this time, I won't come out if I don't break through to the second level." Alice said calmly, with a hot flame deep in her eyes.

When Alice's figure disappeared from a blood-red beast-headed giant door deep in the dark night base, the coach sighed regretful: "What a pity! What a pity!"