Heart of Space

Chapter 250 Assassination Next Update

[This chapter is made up the day before yesterday, and it is said to be the third update. The result was not updated. Make it up today.]

Lu Ming was still dead. The dagger pierced into the heart, completely destroying the heartbeat, and died in an instant, hopeless.

Wang Fan was angry. Since he came to the college, he has never been so angry. Tonight, he was inexplicably poisoned, and the two assassins who came at the right time had been regarded as the same group of people by Wang Fan. Lu Ming is an innocent and vain deceased. Although he poisoned himself, he was obviously under control. Wang Fan didn't blame him.

"Damn it!" Wang Fan took a look at Lu Ming's body. He turned his head and looked at the night sky and said. He shook his sleeve and disappeared into the castle in an instant.

When he hid in the heart of space, Wang Fan had already left a mark on the two assassins.

After Wang Fan disappeared, Master Ye Xiao, who manipulated Lu Ming, was relieved. It was really dangerous just now. His manipulation is not so perfect. A real master can find himself along the soul. If Lu Ming or, he will always be found out. If Lu Ming is dead, there is no proof of death.

"Master, we failed. That person won't know that we did it, will we?" Philip asked with some worry.

Ye Xiao wiped his sweat, and his voice came from under the black robe: "Don't worry, if Lu Ming dies, the soul will automatically disappear. He won't find out that we did it."

"That's good, that's good. It's just a bargain for this guy. I couldn't kill him this time.

"Bang!" Philip patted his forehead and said, "Bright, aren't we going to the Forest of Terror to try it in two days? This boy seems to be going too. Where is the Forest of Terror? Isn't it normal for a person to die? We are not as good as..."

Several people were all in front of their eyes, and they came together to discuss for a long time.

"Okay, that's it. I don't believe it. I won't kill you this time. Xiaoya!"

And when Shenkun and others were plotting against Wang Fan, Wang Fan was angrily tracking the two assassins. With the mark, Wang Fan quickly caught up with the two people. However, seeing the two people's hurried figures, Wang Fan changed his mind to bombard them immediately. Instead, he stayed behind and quietly followed them.

After the matter was not done, the No. 3 and No. 6 immediately withdrew from the Hanhai Hospital. All the way, he disappeared into the intricate road of the college. After flying dozens of kilometers away, he took a breath and flew to their nest.

And they didn't know that behind them, there was a pair of eyes watching them leave.

"Well, I'd like to see who sent you!" Wang Fan, who was hiding in the air, looked at the two people coldly. The murderous spirit is overflowing.

No. 3 and No. 6 did not know that he had been targeted. He flew all the way through the complicated road of the college, all the way to the forest at the foot of the Holy Mountain, and then quietly landed and began to hide and sneak. They did it very carefully and always pay attention to the surroundings while sneaking. Their appearance made Wang Fan more sure that they were going back to their nest.

After sneaking in the jungle for a while, Wang Fan was surprised to find that this road was the way to Fengwu Pavilion.

After a while, the two killers came to Fengwu Pavilion. As soon as the two of them dodged, they entered the Fengwu Pavilion. Wang Fan hid in the air, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. He remembered the voice that warned him the last time he came, the sixth-order magician. He snorted coldly and didn't search with mental strength. He dived in.

Fengwu Pavilion, even late at night, business is very busy, and many water houses on the lake are eating. Between the brightly lit water houses, No. 3 and No. 6 went deep, and stopped in front of a huge five-story house.

"Bang bang bang!!!"

"Who?" There was a cold shout inside.

"God makes the sun!" No. 3 whispered.

"The believers worship the moon!" The person inside said, "Squeak" and opened the door. He looked left and right, and his spirit emanated. After feeling that there was no one, he let the two of them into the room. The gate was closed again.

Wang Fan came to the roof lightly, closed his eyes and condensed. His ears were infinitely sharp, and even the sound of a leaf falling could not be hidden from his ears.

How's it going? Is the target dead?" This is a slightly old voice.

"We have failed, and our goal is powerful. We can't kill him."

"What?! Can't even you two fifth-level peak night killers?

"Our rules of the dark night, if the target assassination fails, we will not accept a reward. This is the deposit you gave me. Take it back."

"Sir, you're welcome. Just take this money as our thank you gift."

"No, rules are rules. We won't even be greedy for this little money in the dark night. You'd better take it back. This time, on the one, we don't have enough estimates. With the strength of the two of us, we can't assassinate that person. On the other, the news of your commercial alliance is not accurate. If you still want to assassinate. Next time, you must be a seventh-level master. If your business alliance really wants to kill that man, you must pay the starting price. This is my advice to you."

"The seventh level? Is that man really that powerful? The old voice was shocked.

"Yes, we didn't believe it. Originally, there was a reward for this person in our dark night, but it was not that high. We didn't care before. Unexpectedly, the man hid his strength, which was not something we could deal with. We are also lucky that we can escape. This matter must be clearly stated. To make a decision."

"Hm? Did you even offer a reward for this person in the dark night? What's the reason?"

"Ha ha, it's okay to tell you. This man killed the leader of our base in the dark night a few months ago and looted the treasure of the base. That's why we offered him a reward in the dark night. However, the strength of the reward is only four stars. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't have done it. However, he was still miscalculated!"

"It's not easy to do. Although our commercial alliance also offers him a reward, the reward can only be a five-star killer. If that person is really so powerful, alas--"

"Oh, by the way, there is one more thing. When we assassinated the man, the man seemed to be poisoned. If he hadn't been poisoned, we might not have come back today. I wonder if another group of people will also do it today. If you still want to kill him, contact his enemy. Maybe we can cooperate."

"Is there such a thing? That's something to pay attention to. Tomorrow, I'll ask Dadaer from Fengwu Pavilion to check it for me.

"I've already told you what to do. It's your business. We will leave the Holy Magic Academy tomorrow and return to the headquarters.

They are talking. Just then, a cold and piercing sound sounded. Shocked, they suddenly stood up.

"Do you think you can go back alive?"