Arrogant Snake King Arrogant Concubine

Chapter 7 Acting with you

Xiaohuan thought that Lin Qian had made a mistake, so he wanted to help her in the face of the same snake clan. He didn't know at all that Lin Qian was thinking about how to make money from him.

Lin Qian thought that a long time had passed. Once she missed the appointment to take the snake into the wine, she was unable to return to heaven. After all, the people who would come to the brothel were all difficult and dandering guys, and many of these people wanted to see her jokes. Once she fails to make a promise, there must be many people who have fallen into the well. Since she can predict these, Lin Qian knows that the most important thing to do at this moment is to accumulate wealth, and the goal must be Xiao Huan! As for how to get the money, it will take some effort.

Lin Qian thought about a way quickly, but pretended to be strong and smiled and said, "No, it's too late... You go first, I should pack up something and leave..."

"Is it too late? So how can it come?" Xiaohuan couldn't see that Lin Qian was pitiful and pretended to be strong, so he asked patiently.

"Originally, it was decided to take you into the wine after my bath... but now... it's too late... It's all my fault... I'm sorry... Fortunately, you're good enough, otherwise I would have really done something wrong..."

"It's not too late." Xiao Huan didn't expect that Lin Qian was acting at this moment, let alone that Lin Qian's words of apology were not true. Lin Qian really thought about how to make Xiaohuan sympathize with her, so that she can get what she wants to the greatest extent, so that she can live a better life in the future.

Lin Qian has already scolded Xiaohuan in her heart. If it hadn't been for this damn ugly snake, how could she have fallen into such a situation now...

"Is it too late? What do you mean? Lin Qian looked at Xiaohuan, and there was a hopeful light in his hidden eyes, which made Xiaohuan a little moved. This little snake is really beautiful!

Xiaohuan smiled leisurely and proudly and said, "Time still stops at the time when you bathed. In this way, is there still time for you?"

" can it be..." Lin Qian didn't believe it, but this is a world where demons and people can live peacefully. What's impossible? Despite this, she still wants to confirm it in person.

Regardless of his still uncomfortable body, Lin Qian wanted to go out to look, but his shoulder was supported by Xiao Huan. Lin Qian looked at Xiao Huan puzzledly and said for a moment, "You lied to me... Don't comfort me... It doesn't matter... I shouldn't have too much hope..."

"I didn't lie to you, but..." Xiaohuan stepped back a few steps to the window, avoided Lin Qian's eyes and looked out of the window, and said in an unnatural tone, "You should have a good rest now..."

This is the first time Xiaohuan cared about others, which made him uncomfortable and a little annoyed, so before Lin Qian opened his mouth, he turned around and frowned coldly and said, "But you can't believe me. If you want to see it, you can go and see it yourself."

"No, I believe you, you won't lie to me." Lin Qian sat there, thinking that his answer was beautiful enough. Xiaohuan obviously didn't care about people. Moreover, since Xiaohuan could say it, it was absolutely impossible to lie. After all, he was a very proud guy, and he would definitely do it.

Since time is still, her plan should change. The next thing he has to do is not to cheat money from Xiaohuan, but how to make Xiaohuan willing to help her as much as possible. This is also a matter of brain...

Xiao Huan was slightly stunned when he heard Lin Qian's words. Although he was the snake king and had always been respected and trusted by the little snakes, it was the first time he was trusted by a woman.

"How long can time stand still?" Lin Qian knew that his plan routine could basically be implemented by looking at Xiao Huan's reaction.

"Any time is fine." Xiaohuan did not say that such ajing zhi time is against common sense and will affect his cultivation, but looking at Lin Qian's still tired appearance, he decided to hold on by himself. It doesn't matter if he slowly cultivate and accumulate this thing.

"Then I can take a break." Lin Qian looked at Xiaohuan sincerely and said seriously, "Thank you."

"Don't you... hate me?" Xiaohuan couldn't understand the reason for Lin Qian's attitude change from waking up to now, so he couldn't help asking.

"I'm the first person to do something wrong. What do I hate you for?" Lin Qian bit his lower lip and smiled and said, "You can think of the time that is still. I should thank you."

Xiaohuan didn't say anything. He didn't say that he was still in order not to be seen in the brothel, but he didn't expect Lin Qian to thank him for this, which made him a little embarrassed and felt a little sorry for Lin Qian, but he didn't regret doing so.

"I need to think about what to do next... If I can't think of it, I have to leave here..."

"Think about it, I'll help you." Lin Qian's words were sincere and pitiful. Although he had ulterior motives, Xiao Huan could not see it at all. In his heart, this wrong-knowing snake has to rely on him at present, and it is impossible to play anything, so Xiaohuan, who has always been arrogant, decided to help Lin Qian.

After hearing Xiaohuan's words, Lin Qian began to figure out what she was going to do...

Although she has been operating in this place for many years, it is difficult to be suppressed now. At present, although Xiaohuan said she would help, she will definitely not be stupid enough to talk to Xiaohuan about making wine with him, but if he doesn't need to make wine, what else can he do...

Lin Qian thought for a long time and didn't expect that Xiaohuan could help, but if she let Xiaohuan leave so easily, wouldn't she be too bad...

Xiaohuan looked at Lin Qian, who lowered his head and frown lightly. He only felt a kind of enjoyment. He has always known the charm of the snake clan, but there are really not many charming snakes like Lin Qian who have brains and know how to advance and retreat. At this moment, Lin Qian is still perfect in Xiaohuan's eyes.

Lin Qian felt Xiaohuan's gaze and looked up at Xiaohuan. After seeing that Xiaohuan's eyes were not annoyed at all, he lowered his head again. It was also a moment of looking at each other, which made Lin Qian have an idea.

Since this store is no longer easy to operate, it is better to sell it to relatives of local officials, change some money and then change places to start over. Over the years, you have had a lot of experience, and changing places may not be as good as here. Since Xiaohuan said he wanted to help, he would help more thoroughly.

If you don't do anything, you can make money and revenge. Why not do it? Thinking of this, Lin Qian took a deep breath, looked at Xiaohuan with a little cramped, bit his lower lip and said tentatively, "Can you become the way I caught you? I have to at least let the guests see me catch snakes..."

Xiaohuan frowned and made him pretend to be caught again. But looking at Lin Qian's pitiful and nervous look, Xiao Huan still nodded and said, "Okay... I'll act with you."