Arrogant Snake King Arrogant Concubine

Chapter 77 The Evil Man

"What...what? You said... you want to name me?" Ye Mingzhu opened her mouth slightly and looked at the prince in a staringly. Although she has been expecting Xiaohuan's predestined person to appear, she never thought that the person who had just disturbed her practice this morning would give her a name...

"If you don't have a name, what to call it? Since you don't, let me think of one that suits you." The prince said this to force Ye Mingzhu to say her own name, but when he saw her staring at her in a daze, he felt particularly interesting, so he deliberately said, "How about your name is Biluo?"

"Bi... Luo..." Ye Mingzhu lowered her head and read these two words over and over again. After a while, she raised her head and said, "Do you really want to name me? Is this name really for me?"

"Of course. Taoists call the first layer of the sky in the east, full of blue clouds, as 'blue fall'. It's just right for you." The prince smiled, but did not say that he saw the delicate appearance of Ye Ming when he left the pond in the morning, just like a fairy from the sky.

When Ye Mingzhu heard the prince's words and looked at the prince's smile, she suddenly felt that her heartbeat was very chaotic. In panic, she suddenly changed back to the prototype, landed on the wooden table, making a crisp knock, and then rolled almost fell to the ground and was subconsciously caught by the prince.

The prince looked at the beads with a pink halo in his hand, so he didn't know how the little demon became like this. Just as he wanted to carefully study the beads in his hand, the emperor sent his personal cronies to let him enter the palace quickly.

Although the prince didn't know what the emperor was looking for him, he hurriedly got up and put the beads into his skirt, and followed the people into the palace with a slight frown.

As soon as the prince entered the palace, he did not come out for three days. When he dragged his fatigue back to the other courtyard to bathe and change clothes, he remembered the night pearl, so he changed his clothes and rushed to the Taoist temple without stopping.

Wanyi looked at the prince who bowed his head and meditated and drank hot tea. The prince raised his head and asked, "What should I do to let her come out?"

"If she is willing to come out, she will naturally come out." Wan Yi looked at the prince slightly and said, "Has the prince named her?"

"Yes. She refused to say her name, so I gave her one. The prince looked at Wanyi puzzledly and didn't know how Wanyi learned about it, but when he saw Wanyi showing a meaningful smile again, he suddenly felt that he might have done something he shouldn't have done...

"Night Pearl has no name." Wan Yi smiled and said, "It must be a predestined person to name her. Since you are predestined, let's keep her."

"No name or surname? But she was originally brought back by Xiaohuan. Didn't Xiaohuan name her? The prince looked at Wan Yi and felt that it was unlikely.

"No." Wan Yi paused and said, "With Xiaohuan's style of behavior, he will certainly not let the logistics he gave his name fall to others. What's more, the cultivation of this night pearl is not deep. If Xiaohuan intends to keep her, it won't let you go.

The prince carefully recalled the matter of picking up Ye Mingzhu to his other hospital that day, and suddenly thought that maybe Ye Mingzhu did not do something bad to get close to Lin Qian, but to let Lin Qian sympathize with her and let her see Xiaohuan... After all, he clearly heard her call Xiaohuan as her benefactor that day...

In this way, I was wronged by Ye Mingzhu at that time...

"Night Pearl is different from other demons." When Wanyi saw that the prince didn't say anything, he put down the tea cup and continued: "They gather the aura of heaven and earth and absorb the essence of the sun and the moon, but it takes thousands of years to sleep. If you are touched by human beings during cultivation, you can no longer practice as an adult, so although there are many night pearls in the palace, they are all dead objects without spirituality.

"Why are their practices so strange?" The prince couldn't help frowning when he heard Wan Yi's words. Thinking that other monsters can be touched at will without being affected even before they have spiritual knowledge, I didn't expect that there would be so many rules in this night pearl cultivation.

"Night Pearl can't tell what it absorbs before it opens its consciousness." Wan Yi patiently said, "They will not hunt by themselves, but can only absorb what can be perceived between heaven and earth. Therefore, once a human touches it, it will subconsciously absorb human aura, but demons will be punished by God. Therefore, as long as someone touches them, they can no longer continue to practice.

The prince nodded incomprehensiblely and looked at the night pearl in his hand. Suddenly, he felt that the beads lying in his palm were very heavy at this moment. He couldn't help sighing how such a small bead escaped thousands of years of changes. He really wants Ye Mingzhu to tell himself the story about her over the years.

"Night Pearl is precious, and it is even more valuable in the eyes of human beings. Because of human business, those who can cultivate adults now have received a lot of favor from God." Wan Yi looked at the prince and said seriously, "Just put it away. She will be of great help to you."

The prince frowned when he heard Wan Yi's words, then put the beads in his skirt, turned to Wan Yi, and asked seriously, "Can the national teacher know the strange things in recent days?"

"Is there anything strange going on?" Wanyi has been cultivating in the Taoist temple in recent days and has never entered the palace, and the night view of the sky has not found anything abnormal. Naturally, I don't know what the prince is talking about.

"Around the capital, many hunters and drug farmers living in the mountains have died in accidents." The prince frowned slightly and said, "My father said that the reason for this matter was not very clear, so he sent soldiers to investigate, but for three days, the soldiers said that they had not found anything special. My father thought that these things may be an accident, but I think maybe it's not just an accident."

"What does the prince mean by this?" Although Wan Yi heard something strange from the prince's words, he still wanted to hear the prince himself say it. He is a national teacher. If he says a lot of things, it will make people unconsciously convinced. Instead of this, it is better to let the other party say it first. After all, he has no clue now.

"I think most of them are haunted by demons." The prince looked at Wanyi's face and continued to say as he thought: "If it is an accident, it will not happen one after another in just a few days; if it is a disease, the old man and the child will definitely have an accident first, so..."

Wan Yi carefully analyzed what the prince said but did not speak, but motioned the prince to continue.

The prince squeezed his lips and said, "The dead are all young men, a family of labor force. Although it looks like a sudden death, how can so many young people die! Before leaving the palace, I suggested that my father send him to do an autopsy, but... I don't know if my father will agree..."

"What are you worried about?" Wan Yi looked at the prince with deep eyes.

When the prince saw the national master's question, he paused and said half-sound, "Actually, I also understand what my father is worried about. He must be worried about Xiaohuan who is doing evil around the city, so he doesn't want to investigate in detail. Otherwise, how can he not come to you to the palace to discuss such a thing."

"Do you think the evildoer will be Xiaohuan?" Wanyi did not come to a conclusion, but asked such a rhetorical question.

"I still can't say well." The prince paused and said, "It looks like it but it doesn't look like..."

"Since you have an idea in your heart, it's better to say it and let Lao Dao help you make a little analysis." Wanyi had an inexplicable sense of crisis when the prince first said this, because it is impossible for Xiaohuan to do evil, but who can avoid his stargazing and dare to do evil around the capital... Will it be the mysterious person mentioned by Xiaohuan when he questioned...

Wan Yi was originally worried about this matter, but when he heard the meaning of the prince's words, he decided to enlighten the prince first. Don't annoy Xiaohuan because of his suspicion.

"Then I'll say it directly." The prince paused and said, "It's not like what Xiaohuan did, because Xiaohuan never avoided killing people in the past, and he would not do it so secretly. It's like... but as far as I know, it's convenient to kill people in Beijing, and I'm afraid he's the only one who has the ability to kill people.

"It's not Xiaohuan." Wan Yi said slowly, "Actually, you also know in your heart that if Xiaohuan really has the intention to do evil, then he will not be so silent. What's more, he has no hatred with those people.

"He has also killed many people without hatred in the past!" The prince was resistant to Xiaohuan, so although he did not believe that Xiaohuan did it, he was still angry when he heard someone defending Xiaohuan.

"It is true that many of them have no grudges, but most of the people who died in his hands were Taoist priests." Wanyi shook his head and sighed. He looked at the prince and said, "The demon and Tao have always been at peace. He has a reason to do so, but this time the deaths are all ordinary people. The situation is different. You should know it."

The prince also knew that he had a deep understanding of Xiaohuan, so he sighed and calmed down and said, "Does the national master have time to follow me to see those corpses?"

"Let's go. You came here just to want Lao Dao to help you. Wan Yi nodded and followed the prince out of the Taoist temple. Even if he came to him when the prince had something to do, he didn't expect it to be such a complicated thing. He had suspected that Xiaohuan was wrong, but now... maybe things are much more difficult than he thought.

In the Siyun Pavilion, Xiaohuan stood up, looked at the depression outside the window, and frowned. What he was going to experience was love disaster, but messy things appeared again and again, which made Xiaohuan, who had always been comfortable and lazy, very annoyed. He didn't want to think about it anymore, so he got up and went out of the door.

No matter what the mysterious man is, if he dares to make himself unhappy, he will skin and pinch his tendons, drink his blood, and crush his inner elixir, so that he can't survive forever!

Xiaohuan thought so, and his eyes glowed with bloodthirsty red light.

He strode to Mo Ge's bedroom and pushed the door in. Mo Ge had already, and then got up and said respectfully, "Master, the apprentice has finished painting. I'm waiting for Mo to dry and send it to you."

Xiaohuan walked to the table, looked at the completely strange figure on the rice paper, and frowned again. He was sure that he didn't know him, and he didn't even have a relationship.

Lin Qian went upstairs with a simple meal. Seeing that there was no one in the room, he went to the Moge room and said as if he didn't see the dull atmosphere: "Come and eat something. It's not at this moment."

After Lin Qian entered the room, Xiaohuan subconsciously looked at Mo Ge, but saw that Mo Ge's eyes looking at Lin Qian were very complicated and full of inquiry.