Arrogant Snake King Arrogant Concubine

Chapter 161 True Confession

Lin Qian didn't look at Xiaohuan anymore. She just had the courage to shout to Xiaohuan just because she was worried about something to happen to Baiye. For her, Baiye is like a family. She doesn't want Baiye to be injured, especially she doesn't want to be hurt by Xiaohuan! But at this moment, when she was locked by Xiaohuan's eyes, she couldn't help but be timid.

Bai Ye coughed softly and wanted to help Lin Qian relax. He pretended to hold Lin Qian's hand and said, "I'm fine..."

Lin Qian did not dare to move, so she had to follow the breath for Bai Ye, with a thin water mist in her eyes. She was worried that Bai Ye would die from injury...

When she saw Xiaohuan with Xiaoyao, she decided to say goodbye to her former self. She knew that Xiaohuan would not care too much about her, but when she really saw that Xiaohuan was close to others, she still couldn't accept it. She couldn't get it, but she didn't want to share it with others! So... Since it has been lost, it doesn't want to force it anymore...

She is just Yaozhu now, and Baiye is all her support. She can only live with Baiye, but if something happens to Baiye, she really doesn't know what to do...

"Don't worry." Bai Ye quietly pinched Lin Qian's hand and said, "It will be fine after a few days of rest... Don't worry about me..."

Lin Qian nodded and held Bai Ye's hand trembled a little.

"Let's go and go back to the room..." Bai Ye said to Lin Qian like this, and then helped each other and walked upstairs, no longering to the existence of Xiao Huan.

Lin Qian is the only one in Xiaohuan's eyes at this moment, and his heart is inexplicably familiar, but this person's breath is completely strange. This cheek, which is exactly the same as Lin Qian, makes him not know how to react at all, but Bai Ye's calmness makes him have to doubt...

"Lin Qian!"

Xiaohuan's sudden sound made Lin Qian tremble slightly, but Bai Ye's body suddenly shook, which well covered up Lin Qian's unconscious trembling. He secretly pinched Lin Qian's hand and did not make a sound. Everything looked very normal!

When Lin Qian and the two returned to the room, Xiaohuan still stood in the courtyard stunned. He just deliberately called Lin Qian's name to see Lin Qian's reaction, but he regretted that he did not react at all to the woman who looked the same as Lin Qian, but...

Xiaohuan narrowed his eyes, no matter where the woman came from or who she was. After all, he was similar to Lin Qian, so he could not let it go!

Thinking about this, Xiao Huan's heart suddenly appeared, but today is obviously not the right time!

Bai Ye lay on the couch and looked at Lin Qian, who was sitting in a daze and said, "Actually... you didn't need to show up just now. I know you still..."

"How can I not show up!" Lin Qian frowned, took out a silk handkerchief to wipe off the blood stains from the corners of Bai Ye's lips and said, "How can I watch you get hurt!"

"Xiaohuan will not let this matter pass easily." Bai Ye paused and said, "Maybe it will be a turning point between you two, but..."

But these two words successfully attracted Lin Qian's attention. She didn't know what Bai Ye was going to say, so she looked at Bai Ye seriously, but didn't ask much. She just waited for Bai Ye to say it herself, but Bai Ye didn't speak again for a long time, but blocked her eyes with her arms, looking like she was not ready to say it again.

"What do you want to say?" Lin Qian asked softly and frowned slightly, "Don't say half of it when you have opened your mouth!"

Lin Qian was still worried about Bai Ye's injury at first, but as soon as they entered the room, Bai Ye lay back on the bed by herself. He couldn't see it at all. Even Lin Qian doubted whether it was true that he had just vomited blood. Although he doubted Bai Ye's behavior, Bai Ye was always fine.

"I want to say..." Bai Ye took off his arm and looked at Lin Qian. At the moment when his eyes met, Bai Ye suddenly got up and buckled behind Lin Qian's head. The warm and bloody kiss fell on Lin Qian's cherry lips, sucking lingeringly and affectionately, and the meaning of occupation was very obvious.

Bai Ye's sudden behavior made Lin Qian not know how to react at all. She accepted it passively and even forgot to push Bai Ye away.

When Lin Qian couldn't breathe, Bai Ye let go of him and looked into Lin Qian's eyes and said seriously, "I want to say that I like you. I don't want you to get back together with Xiaohuan!"

"What...what?" Lin Qian opened her mouth slightly and looked at Bai Ye with a trace of disbelief in her eyes, and she couldn't say a complete sentence for a long time.

Her feelings for Bai Ye are like family, so when she is seriously injured and sad, she is willing to leave with Bai Ye, but such a sudden confession of Bai Ye will only make her feel difficult to respond. She likes to be with Bai Ye. After all, she used to live in the same environment. He knows her better than anyone else, but...

She doesn't have any heart for him. She won't be nervous or shy in front of him. This is an unchangeable feeling... She likes him, but she doesn't love him...

But... Bai Ye's eyes looking at her at this moment were full of sincerity, which made her a little at a loss. She didn't know what to say and what to do to make Bai Ye die and not sad!

Except for Xiaohuan, Lin Qianjue will not fall in love with anyone again, but Bai Ye... She doesn't want to lose...

When Bai Ye saw that Lin Qian was in a daze, she reached out and gently touched Lin Qian's long hair and smiled, "Okay, I admit that this is a problem, but I'm not in a hurry to know the answer. You have experienced enough today, and it's not the right time for me to ask.

Bai Ye's active concession made Lin Qian feel a little guilty, but at the same time, she was closer to Bai Ye. Bai Ye did not force her under such circumstances. She should know how to be grateful! She herself can't tell that this is the first time Bai Ye has stood in her position and thought of her...

Lin Qian kept silent, so Bai Ye had to sigh heavily and deliberately ease the atmosphere and said, "At this time, I'm not talking to you. I hope you can seriously consider it. After all, we know each other better! I'm already pretending to be pitiful and sympathetic. Can you see it? And..."

"And?" Lin Qian heard that Bai Ye was deliberately easing the atmosphere, so he answered when Bai Ye deliberately paused.

"And I've always been plotting against you!" Bai Ye shrugged his shoulders and lay back on the bed, saying in a very calm and regretful tone, "If only I hadn't been a modest gentleman, I'm afraid you would have been my woman long ago!"

Lin Qian couldn't help laughing when she heard this. Bai Ye's words made her feel guilty. Bai Ye was willing to joke with her and make her happy, which proved that he would not change at all because of his answer. In this way, she didn't have to worry.

"Miss Yaozhu, I'm so sad that you can still laugh! What the most poisonous woman's heart!" Bai Ye tilted his head and looked at Lin Qian's beautiful smile and said deliberately.

He knew that instead of letting Lin Qian make a decision directly at this time, it would be better to accompany her through the current difficulties. Bai Ye knew that Xiaohuan was not so easy to be replaced by himself. After all, he saw that Lin Qian really loved Xiaohuan, so he was ready to accompany him for a long time!

After all... Although Lin Qian is a thoughtful woman, she is just a weak woman after all! As long as you accompany him wholeheartedly, sooner or later Lin Qian will be moved! I just hope that my life can grow enough to wait for that day!

"Are you seriously injured?" Lin Qian changed the topic and asked with a little worry, "Would you like to find a Langzhong to have a look?"

"No." Bai Ye said indifferently, "I was just a little negligent to get hurt, but after all, I was ready before the fight. Although I vomited blood, I didn't hurt my lungs. I just rested for a few days."

"Xiaohuan..." Lin Qian originally wanted to say that Xiaohuan might not have intended it, but she didn't know how to say this. Xiaohuan is now with other women and is someone else's husband. No matter how he enlightened him, it is not his turn to say... Thinking about it, Lin Qian lowered his head a little gloomyly.

"Xiaohuan didn't mean to hurt me." Bai Ye knew what Lin Qian was thinking, so she followed Lin Qian's meaning and said, "I didn't like him, so I lured him to take action. It's also that I'm not as good as others. Although I was hurt by him, I know that he has no intention of killing me."

"Anyway, he hurt you..." Lin Qian heard that Bai Ye was comforting her, and he couldn't help but be moved again and took the initiative to say, "Let me take care of you these days. Let me do all the things in the store!"

"I'm afraid you can't do it yourself." Bai Ye knew that Lin Qian was moved, but what he wanted was not moved! So he deliberately smiled evilly, narrowed his eyes and looked at Lin Qian. After a while, he continued to say, "How can a boss do this business!"

"Selling art?" Lin Qian was slightly stunned, then laughed, patted Bai Ye and said, "That's right, I don't know Guqin. You'd better get well and sell art!"

"Ye" Bai Ye turned over and said lazily, "The little one will definitely get better as soon as possible. At the latest the day after tomorrow, the little one will go to the stage to perform!"

Lin Qian smiled, helped Bai Ye tuck the corner of the quilt, got up and said, "I'll go out and have a look. I'll be right back."

"Miss Yaozhu, there are a lot of people staring at you. You must be careful when talking and doing things." Bai Ye knew that Xiaohuan had left, so since Lin Qian wanted to go out, it's okay to let her go, but there are many people in this city. After all, Lin Qian has lived here, and it is inevitable that he will meet people who know her...

However, Bai Ye is not willing to interfere with Lin Qian's freedom. Anyway, she carries the fragments of bamboo on her body, and she can fully feel her position according to this at the first time!

Lin Qian paused slightly and looked at Bai Ye's back and said, "I will pay attention, but I'm just Yaozhu, what can I worry about!"

Bai Ye didn't speak any more. He closed his eyes and refreshed himself, but his attention kept following Lin Qian out of the bedroom. Lin Qian was not around, and he couldn't rest at all.

And... Bai Ye suddenly opened his eyes after closing the door. He suddenly had a hunch, but he didn't know whether it was good or bad!