Wolf Empire

0004 lame

The Grand Duke of Nararo scolded and climbed back to the armored car and ordered the driver to turn around and withdraw from the battlefield. More than a thousand * hands ran with the armored chariot. For a moment, the machine roared and the dust flew.

steeply, a tall red shadow appeared in the sand dunes, full of fiery red but blue hair, ice-blue pupils, fierce light, two fangs dripping bright red **. * The hands exclaimed: "There are werewolves! Be careful, everyone!!!" Protect the Grand Duke first! Hurry up!" *Team, shoot——"

An Jin, a werewolf teenager, roared and instantly poked out two sharp claws. He grabbed the two Shura soldiers in front of him who were shooting with guns. Two or two hit, his brain burst, and the red and white things splashed all over his face.

The Grand Duke of Nararo shouted in shrill: "Come on, hurry up, escort!" A * captain closest to the armored fighting vehicle had just aimed a steel gun at An Jinliang when he suddenly left the saddle and was caught in mid-air. Immortal?! The omnipotent Asura god--"It's a feather man! Come down and save the captain!" The soldiers watched the white-clad people flying in mid-air raise their guns and shoot randomly.

An Yaoyi in the air let out a sad long cry and loosened his hands. The captain, who unfortunately won the prize, fell to the ground softly and was hit by dozens of blood holes by his subordinate *.

The pale Duke of Naro hugged the maid and hid under the chair and trembled. The driver drove at full speed and couldn't drive far. Suddenly, he felt that the armored vehicle he was driving stopped uncontrollably. Stupid, is there something wrong?" As soon as the Duke's curse fell, there was a tall young man wearing a bronze ghost mask in front of the windshield of the chariot. His arms were stretched out flat and he actually blocked the armored command vehicle alive and was difficult to walk.

The driver and the maid had long been scared and fainted by the natural magic power of Anxi's tears. The Duke Luo couldn't care about their life and death at all. He abandoned the car and wanted to escape. In a hurry, he staggered and almost bumped into a lame officer on the opposite side. The dazzled Grand Duke mistakenly thought it was his subordinate and was angry. He scolded, "Damn lame, get out of the way-" After saying a few words, he saw the rank mark of the shaman saint on the other party's shoulder and arm, and the emotionless eyes on the cold face. The grand duke somehow trembled all over and opened his mouth: "You--"

The lame officer bent down, clung to the ear of the Grand Duke of Luo like a lover, and said gently, "Remember my name, my name is Antonye."


At the sound of the gunshot, Grand Duke Luo looked at the blood flowers on his chest in disbelief, looked at the * in Antonye's hand, and muttered, "You dare to kill me-" The fat body finally couldn't help falling down.

"The Grand Duke was stabbed to death?" Kill that lame!" The angry * hands woke up from the panic and rushed to the father and son of Andongye like a tide.

An Xilei grabbed a Shura soldier with both hands as a weapon and stood in front of him like a dancing windmill. An Jin was fierce, and his minions carried a disgusting wind, tearing the rushing enemies into pieces. The An Yaoyi in the air swirled and kept changing their orientation. With each hurricane with the huge silver and white wings, dozens of * team members were blown down and killed, bleeding to death.

Andongye waved his cane with his left hand and danced the bladed sword in his right hand. He shouted to An Zixuan, who leaned on his back and fought hard, "Zixuan, do you still want to hide your strength at this time?"

An Zixuan looked very hearty and looked up to the sky and let out a dragon roar, straight into the sky. The two armies fighting desperately on the battlefield couldn't help but stop. When their eyes fell, An Zixuan turned into an alien in the light and fog. The antlers, the camel head, the lion's mane and the beard, the snake body and eagle's claws, the tiger's eyes and golden scales were like the sky, deterrent all over the world!

"Dragon!!! No way???? Oh, my God - how could this happen? Didn't the dragon clan disappear tens of thousands of years ago?" The great Xilin Sefu shaman appeared and sent dragon knights to punish the evil Asura devils. "People are in chaos, and the Shura soldiers look at their commanders in horror, and many shaman believers kneel down and worship.

Dorozha looked up at the huge thing hovering in the clouds and muttered in a low voice, "What the hell!" Raise your hand and signal the troops to retreat. In the afterglow of the sunset, the well-trained soldiers of the Shura Empire began to retreat in an orderly manner and gradually began to leave the battlefield.

Looking at the enemy on the opposite side, the evacuated front team was not impatient, and the covering back team was not afraid. Antonye couldn't help sighing, "It's worthy of being a Shura iron horse across the mainland of Abudu Kane. I don't know when I had such an elite team in my hand-

In February of 600, the first jihad between the Shaman Holy See and the Shura Empire ended. Both sides have invested nearly 600,000 troops for the glory of their gods and the interests of their monarchs, both of which have paid a rather painful price.

The Shura Empire participated in 250,000 troops, and the brother of King Shura, who supervised the war, slept under the yellow sand on the outskirts of the Wolf City forever. Of the 300,000 believers and believers who participated in the jihad, only 90,000 survived, of which the strongest and the most brave. The first division, which was composed of religion and known as the "Royal Guard", was still seriously injured. Only 12,000 people withdrew from the battlefield, and almost all of them were injured. The commanders of the six division commanders who came to the front line were even more than two dead and one seriously injured, which greatly damaged the Holy See's vitality.


The sun shone through the glass of the skylight and obliquely shone into the empty and dark hall. At the boundary between light and darkness, the shaman Pope Baiye looked down at the three chattering archbishops under the steps, with a sinking face like water without saying a word.

"Your Majesty, you should know that we are facing the Dorozha army, one of the five most elite armies of the Shura Kingdom. In addition, according to reliable information, the other two armies of the Shura Kingdom are also approaching the Dorozha army, which does not rule out the possibility of their revenge and counterattack; as a military The chief officer and his servants believe that under the current situation of the loss of soldiers and generals of the Holy See, it is unwise for Your Majesty to declare war on the 'Wisha Emirates' that invades the northern border and build a strong enemy. Please think twice before doing so. Although Marshal Tang Shu, the speaker's powerful military minister, used respectful words, there was no respect in his tone.

"Your Excellency Bishop Tangshu, please pay attention to the tone of your speech. You are in front of the great pope who represents the will of the great shaman of Xilin." His colleagues were reminded by the foreign minister, Archbishop Huo Shan, who returned from the battlefield with honor.

"Lord Huo Shan, although Bishop Tang Shu's words were a little angry, my Holy See was newly defeated. Six front-line division-level commanders were injured without death, and the soldiers were seriously insufficient. The mercenaries alone to compensate the fallen mercenaries have made the Holy See's treasury empty. Why did my Holy See cooperate with the 'Wusa Emirate'? Five-way army to compete? The servants and Lord Nalan Ruochu and Lord Tang Shu agreed that your majesty should have a truce, send an envoy to make peace with the 'Wusa Emirates', and temporarily avoid the edge in order to move forward. Yuanbei, the thin and refined Minister of Internal Affairs, was aggressive and unyielding.

"Mr. Yuanbei Gu, are you accusing us of His Majesty the Pope?" Archbishop Huo Shan issued a slight reprimand at his impetuous colleagues.

"Enough!" The old man in the boundary between light and darkness shouted majesticly and stopped the arguments of the bishops, "The supreme Xilin Sefu Shaman is already angry! The invasion of God's glory will be punished by the devil. Do you want me to withdraw God's will from God's people and compromise with those rats in the desert?

Nalan Ruochu, the thin-faced and white government minister, saluted respectfully: "Since your majesty's holy will has been decided, the servants and ministers will leave. May the glory and divine power of Xilin Sefu be with us. Then he secretly wined at the two companions and retreated together.

"Lord Tang Shu, Lord Yuanbei Gu, it seems that Baiye Changqing is no longer at our mercy. It's time for this old guy to go down to wait for Xilin Sefu-"