Wolf Empire

0008 Wolf Road


With a crisp gunshot, the head of a local camel warrior exposed outside the bunker under the passing was smashed, and the white brain was mixed with bright red blood, blooming a strange and gorgeous flower of death in the scorching sun.

"Little rabbits, have you seen it clearly? This is precision shooting! You'd better remember that bullets don't have eyes on the battlefield. Now you sweat more, and you will shed less blood in the future. Now, you bastards, just follow my request to find the live targets of the gerbils to practice. Is there a problem?

Brigadier General Youdong faced the hysterical roar of thousands of recruits on the training ground, and the barrel of the steel gun in his hand was still emitting a wisp of smoke after shooting.

"No problem, instructor."

In the messy noise, a loud voice suddenly sounded: "Your Excellency, Private No. 4499 has a problem with An Shaoqing."

"Speak--" Brigadier General Youdong suppressed his anger and roared.

"Your Excellency, I don't think it's too open for you to sneak up on others like this. It is a disgrace to defeat the enemy with sneak attacks--

"Bah--" Brigadier General Youdong didn't say anything, raised his hand and slapped Private An Shaoqing loudly in the face, "Stupid! Shut your mouth! I'm despicable, but I'm still alive! Listen to me, you bastards. This is a war. If you don't let the enemy fall, the enemy will put you down! There is no word 'despicable' on the battlefield, only life and death! Those who survive are the winners, and the aboveboard is for the dead! Did you hear it clearly?"

Private An Shaoqing straightened his chest and answered loudly with his friends, "Listen clearly!"

"Don't you eat? Speak louder! I can't hear--" Brigadier General Youdong roared.

"I heard it clearly!" The recruits answered loudly with all their strength.

"General Youdong is simply a tyrant!" In the fortress not far away, Bishop Yuyu stretched out his white wrist and held the sun-blocking hood on his head.

Andongye shrugged his shoulders, took his dog "lone wolf", and came to the training ground with a cripple. "Rit upright, salute--" Brigadier Youdong immediately shouted and reminded his new recruits to stand to greet the officer.

A brief salute, the supreme commander of the Mobei Front Army of the Shamanite Holy See, the young lieutenant general of the Holy See, General Antonye, said slowly in front of more than 10,000 young new army:

"In this continent of weak meat, there are only two creatures, one is a running sheep, and the other is a chasing wolf. If you want not to be eaten by others, you have to practice the ability to kill the enemy and become stronger than the other party!

You should always remember that we are wolves, wolves!

A wolf can capture a sheep, but a hundred wolves can slaughter 10,000 sheep. A wolf pack is a well-trained and disciplined force with unified action, absolute obedience and coordinated combat. This is the discipline of wolves.

In our next life, we will continue to kill prey!

There is no prey that can't be hunted, it depends on whether you have the patience to catch it! There is nothing that can't be done, it depends on whether you have the ambition to do it or not!

There is no wolf in the world who always makes excuses. The nightingale has a good voice and can't get food. Instead of having time to howling, it's better to grind its claws. If you can get food, then the donkey must be more powerful than the wolf!

For the prey that we don't get, the first thing we need to consider is how to catch it. As for the taste and whether we can eat it, that's the future.

The food that comes to your mouth effortlessly is either poison or bait. Just looking at the prey from afar will never fill your stomach. There is no free lunch in the world. If you want to get food, you must keep looking for it. Even if you can't find a fat sheep, you can find at least one rabbit.

In the face of the sheep, we choose to jump up and swallow them without hesitation. There is no need for any pity here. If we face tigers and lions, we should properly transfer the target and use your brains. We do not lack the courage to die and the belief of success, but we are by no means delusional and only white. A stupid pig who died for nothing!

We are never allowed to spend any extra time and physical strength on meaningless things, because our eyes are always focused on prey.

We will never participate in the battle without interests, and we will never make friends without any benefits. As long as it is beneficial to survival, even enemies can become temporary friends; as long as it is beneficial, we will never let it go; as long as it is useless, we will resolutely give up.

If you want to survive smoothly, you must not only have the courage to be fearless of danger, but also the ability to find danger. If you can't smell the danger of tomorrow, then tomorrow may be your death.

It is never possible to catch two wolves in the same trap. One mistake can be forgiven, but two consecutive mistakes can only be hopeless stupid!

It's not terrible to be caught, and it's not terrible to starve. The most terrible thing is that it has no backbone and becomes a dog wagging its tail and begging for pity!

If we don't lose, we won't get it, so we never hesitate when we need to pay. We are cruel, but we never ask for it; we are greedy, but we never forget tolerance!

Don't despise any of your opponents, even if they are a rabbit, do your best;

In our wolf's eyes, we will never see the discouragement of failure. If we want to do great things, we must be able to bend and stretch, as long as we can achieve the ultimate goal. It doesn't matter how much the process is. No matter how many failures you have experienced, the final success must belong to our wolf pack!

Finally, remember - don't abandon your companions at any time!!!"

"Wolf herd! Wolves!! Wolves!!!"

The young recruits of the Guards Brigade roared excitedly and burst into the nines of the earth!!!

Brigadier General Youdong kept shouting and urging:

"Good! Now let's start shooting practice!"

"Every 120 people are a battle team, and now they are conducting 'sheep hunting sniper practice'. Before dark, no team is allowed to eat!"

"Do it faster! Are you pooping? Hurry up!"

"Bastard! Are you a pig? Get up! If you don't want to starve, use your milking energy!"

"Hey - little Dongdong." Hearing such a unique and intimate name, Lieutenant General Antonye already knew that a fish was coming behind him without looking back. "Sister, I was puzzled. The recruit soldiers of other divisions are mainly young and strong. With a little training, you can go on the stage to kill the enemy. You can recruit some teenage baby soldiers, and suddenly recruited more than military affairs. More than double the number of people stipulated by the province! What medicine do you sell in the gourd? Dead child, hurry up and tell your sister honestly!"

Lieutenant General Antonye, who was questioned, scratched his head unnaturally and said, "My sister-I'm not young-"

"Report--" The sudden bodyguard Chang'an Xiaoyu suddenly interrupted the malicious laughter of a fish.

"What's the matter? Lao Wu. Lieutenant General Antonno breathed a long sigh of relief as if he had been released.

"Father, there is news from the mayor of Bach in the border city. The royal driver of the crown prince Baiye Mufeng has arrived in the border city a few days ago and is now besieged by two large legions of the Wusha Emirates. It is critical. His Royal Highness urgently calls his father to lead his troops to help relieve the siege."

"What?! What is this childish ghost Baiye Mufeng doing??? Anton looked at the endless sea of sand and fell into meditation-


The sun is scorching, and the yellow sand under your feet is burned by the fire.

The strange wind with sand grains is raging in the air, and an oolong-like army is marching hard on the vast desert sea. First of all, there is a big wolf embroidered with seven ferocious faces, teeth and claws, with different shapes, lifelike, banners, and hunting wind. Next, there is a war wolf flag, winged tiger flag and skeleton flag, representing the symbols of their respective troops.

"Little Dongdong, my sister always feels that something is wrong - but I can't tell what's wrong, I feel strange -" The fish bishop who is behind the mount of Lieutenant General Antonye suddenly said this.

"-I feel the same way-I have this uneasy feeling as soon as I started from the army-and it's getting stronger and stronger-" Lieutenant General Antonno medited-


The sister and brother shouted in one voice.

"No." Antonye soon denied: "The waterway of Camel City is easy to defend and difficult to attack. It is separated from the sand people, which is full of quicks, traps, sandworms and sand thieves, as well as legendary monsters, which can be said that no one can pass through. What's more, I have ordered Major General Jinliang and Bishop Reguai of the 402 Brigade. People are stationed there to ensure the water supply - there should not be a big problem-

"My sister is worried that the child Jinliang is addicted to alcohol and drinks, and often whips soldiers. Then there are two unknown Sha women beside the Bishop Reguay, which is very suspicious." The fish bishop sitting behind the horse mischievly blew hot air on Anton's neck.

"It's not good!" Lieutenant General Antonye suddenly shouted, "Lord An Zitong, please take your elite armed police force and rush to Camel City immediately to protect the waterway at all costs!"