Wolf Empire

0011 Hello, teacher

Under the shock of the steel armor and * of the wolf teenagers, An Dongye rushed away the crowd and pulled the reings of the horse. ** The horse suddenly raised their front hoofs and stood up. The 24 wolf teenagers behind them divided into two rows and surrounded the two teams of fighting, and the steel armor and iron guns shone under the lights. Human light.

The two sides who were fighting changed color together and retreated at the same time.

An Dongyezhong and the general immediately stared at the three groups of people confronting on the field. Among these people, one is five armored Western adventurers, four men and one woman. Their weapons and armor are very sophisticated. They do not wear any sign of the Mercenary Association on their chest. Four young men wear white light steel armor and hold a broad sword. In the middle, a beautiful female swordsman wears a white cloak, just like him. Our leader.

General, these young men and women's white robes are embroidered with the logo of the sun, moon and stars, and they are from the Church of Light." Zhu Luo whispered to remind himself that his companion who likes to make trouble should be calm, but he soon found that his words were counterproductive.

"Hum! It seems that it is another good thing caused by the belief of the so-called bullshit god-" Antonye made sarcastic remarks and began to pay serious attention to the other side.

The evil-looking and scarred witch in black robe carries a ten-year-sized girl on her back, her eyebrows are picturesque, wearing a white skirt, has long silky black hair, and her skin is crystal white, and she is as cute as an angel.

Between the two sides, the large party is obviously the urban defense army guard in the border city, dressed in the same style of coarse leather armor, and Mayor Bach, who led the way, has run to ask.

"Are you the lackeys of the Church of Light?" The bad tone of Antono doesn't seem to have much affection for these Western clergy.

"They are the light warriors of the Light Church. These damn guys believe that my little master is an evil spirit and chase us for thousands of miles - they have killed the count's family, and now they won't even let go of a nine-year-old girl -" The black-robed witch knelt on one knee and put a long sword in his hand to support his body. As soon as he finished speaking in a hoarse voice, he touched the injury and made a series of violent coughs.

"Get out of my sight immediately and don't challenge the general's patience!" Andong Ye stared at the five people in white.

The faces of five Western adventurers changed, and one of them suddenly burst out. The huge sword in his hand cut into Antonye's neck, and the other two rushed to the black-robed witch and the little girl.

Andong Yezhong gently raised his cane, protected the side of his neck, and let the other party's long sword split on his cane. There was a sound of gold and iron. Andong Yezhong and the generals did not move, but the sneaker was shaken back two steps. The huge sword in his hand hung down feebly, his hands trembled gently, and the tiger's mouth overflowed with blood. Obviously, it was cracked.

Brigadier General Youdong, the closest to the black-robed witch and the little girl, jumped down from the horse and protected them like a steel giant. Two thick, wide and iron-cast giant palms slapped the two adventurers who rushed up, who were immediately slapped back like flies.

Another adventurer who followed saw this and his face turned white. The huge sword raised could not be handed out. Finally, he stopped in horror and looked back at the female leader.

The white-armed female swordsman recited a message, with one arm, and her wonderful body floated in mid-air without any dependence, just like an ancient fairy falling into the world.

"Ah! Ah! Demon Law!!!"

The onlookers exclaimed, and Antonye said indifferently, "Are you demonstrating to me? Higashino is really not confident enough to stop the girl's earth-level temple warrior, but your four trainee warrior companions who have no fighting power, I promise to turn them into a sieve with an order!"

Brigadier General Youdong raised his hand, and 24 wolf teenagers raised their guns together. There was a rattling of the bolt, and the black hole was aimed at the four panicked people on the ground.

"Despicable, are you also a soldier?" The female swordsman was forced to fall to the ground and spoke disdainfully.

"Excuse me, beautiful Western clergy, are you praising me?"

"Enough! General Antonno, put away your poisonous tongue!" A pleasant word interrupted Antonye's vicious words and loosened Brigadier General Youdong's hand on the handle of the knife.

Miss Yaya of the Xia family, who appeared in front of everyone, showed a pair of clear and bright eyes with a dissatisfied look.

"It's too dangerous here. Please leave quickly. If you make any mistakes--Your father--my head--" Andong Yezhong pulled the palm of the old boss who was about to walk to the opposite.

Yaya broke free from her grasped arm and bit her lower lip. A pair of sapphire-like eyes stared at the "big bad guy" with hatred and said, "Worried about your dog's head, just follow me!"

In the wild, the general was bitter, and listened to the tone and pattern of the other party's words. The stinky girl was clearly still remembering the old gap in the desert. At present, after signaling Youdong to stay alert, she followed Miss Yaya and the little girl Xia Qixi.

"Pricking through the dark light, the glory belongs to the goddess of light in Enchebuku." Miss Yaya folded her hands and bowed slightly to the holy swordsman in front of her. Hearing this, the other four adventurers put away their broad swords, bowed back and gave way.

"Pricking through the dark light, the glory belongs to the goddess of light in Enchebuku." The female swordsman came forward and replied to Miss Yaya with the same words.

"Hello, teacher, Holy Sister Andan, welcome to the border city. I'm Xia Yaya. I have studied under your seat." Miss Yaya is unruly and pious.

"Thank you for the guidance of the goddess of light, Miss, I still remember guiding you as a smart student." Female swordsman An Dandao.

"Thank you for your praise, but the students have not really understood the teachings of light."

"Miss Yaya, as long as you understand with your heart, light is ubiquitous."

"Cough-" Anton Yezhong coughed twice untimely, interrupted the meaningless conversation between the two women, and reminded the young lady that business was important.

"It is a double stupidity to interrupt other people's conversations, Mr. General." Miss Yaya frowned slightly and said in an extremely bored tone.

"I completely agree with your opinion, Miss Xia Yaya, but you should know that your childish ghost is still waiting for us at Gong Ziyu's wine party."

Miss Yaya stared at Andong Yezhong angrily, pointed to the two people on the other side of the incident, and said to An Yidan, "Thank you for your teaching. If possible, the students implore to leave the child with Yaya and let me to reform them and return to Enchebukuguang. The embrace of the goddess of Ming.

An Yudan looked at the murderous wolf teenagers around him, whispered a few words with his companions, and sang a salute and left.

The witch's injury in black robe was very serious, with countless large and small scars all over her body. The most serious was the sword wound in her abdomen, which almost broke her belly. A large amount of blood loss made her pale and her breathing weak. She could still support it with perseverance just now. At this moment, the danger was relieved. She seemed to be relieved and sat on the ground on her back. The little girl jumped down quickly and held the witch's back hard.

"Good general, my name is Anjinlian. Please help Aunt Yu" The little girl stared at her big black and shiny eyes and said timidly.

An Dongye looked at Xiaojin's lovely timid expression, held the little girl in his arms, turned his head and ordered, "Lord Zhu Luo, please go to see the Feather girl's injury and take them with you."