Wolf Empire

0013 Vampire

The wine party ended in an unpleasant atmosphere. After returning to the "Qimeng Restaurant" specially arranged by Mayor Bach to stay, Anton Yezhong held his dog "Lone Wolf" in the sofa and began to ask the origin of the little girl Anjin's love with great interest.

An Jinlian's father, Sato, came from an aristocrat. He is a vampire count in the Canglang Empire and has his own manor and servants. Her mother is said to be a member of the Sha nationality, but Xiaojinlian, who grew up with his father, has never seen his mother.

In the vicissitudes empire that believes in the goddess of light, the vampire family is regarded as a heresy like all dark forces and will be burned alive by the Church of Light on the stake.

Count Sato carefully hid his identity for decades, and was finally detected by the Holy Church of Light. In the Canglang Empire, the Light Holy Church has a huge number of believers, and the prestige of theocracy is almost above the king's power. The little count was judged by the church and was powerless to compete.

Before the death of Count Sato, he entrusted the witch in the count's mansion to escape to the desert with his daughter, jinlian, to find her biological mother and seek shelter. The Wusha Emirate believes in the Five Animals, which is much more tolerant than the Holy Religion of Light. Naturally, it will not embarrass Xiaojin fall in love with this descendant of this blood clan.

The wizard, with his family's ruined Xiaojinlian, went through thousands of hardships and avoided countless interceptions of the Guangming Church. Finally, he crossed the sea, climbed over the snowy mountains, and entered the territory of the Wusha Emirate. However, he did not expect that the Guangming Holy Religion would not forgive him and sent fanatical believers into the border cities in the neighboring country to chase them. Finally, I met Andongye and others.

Although Anjinlian is young, she has a clear speech and quick thinking. She quickly explained the context of the matter thoroughly.

After hearing all this, Bishop Zhuluo looked worried. As a senior cardinal of the Shaman's Holy See, he deeply knew that the real strength of the Holy Church of Light was big enough to compete with any country on the mainland.

In the whole continent of Abdukan, the Holy Church of Light is the largest religion. They have hundreds of millions of loyal followers, and their power is far stronger than the Canglang Empire and the Shamanic Holy See.

Among the hundreds of millions of loyal believers, there are hundreds of thousands of light warriors who are the most pious and fanatical loyalists selected from the believers, each of whom is willing to give everything to their faith.

Above the light warrior, there are thousands of light mages. The Light Mage is also a believer with the most fanatical faith but also magical ability. These people can form a powerful mage force under the call of the Light Holy Religion anytime and anywhere to spread the glory of the Light Holy Spirit and defend the majesty of the Light Holy God by force.

And the believers of light, the warriors of light and the mage of light are just the peripheral forces of the holy religion of light, and the holy mountain cathedral of light itself also has a staggering force.

Three knights of actual combat: the Knights of Light, with 90,000 people and are well-trained and well-equipped, are one of the most elite knights in the mainland countries; the Order of the Order is only 2,000, but they are all paladins trained by the church since childhood. Each of them has the strength of an intermediate swordsman or above, and at the same time He can use light magic, and his strength is unquestionable; there is also a knight of gods, whose number is unknown and strength is unknown. It is under the command of the heretical court, which is extremely mysterious.

In addition to these three actual combat knights, the church also has a fighting priest force of up to 5,000 people and a guardian light guard of 3,000 people. At the peak of power, there is a pope, three episcopal archbishops and 13 Cardinals, all of whom are unfathomable palace-level figures.

The number of 13 major parishes distributed on the mainland, with 100,000 priests and millions of church practitioners, such a huge chain force is comparable to a big country, not to mention the supreme appeal of the Pope. As long as a divine metaphor is promulgated, there will be hundreds of millions immediately. The believers' response to the Holy Church of Light is undoubtedly self-destruction.

Andong Yezhong combed his chaotic mood, shaved Xiaojinlian's smooth face, turned his head to Bishop Zhuluo and Brigadier General Youdong, "Please work hard to protect Jinlian and go to the Golden Snake Department to find her mother, okay?"

The officer's words stunned the latter and looked at each other at the same time. Obviously, they did not understand the intention of the former.

"General, why are you in such a hurry to send us away?" The wizard stretched out, and the stretched clothes clung to her body, outlining her plump and touching curves. Bishop Zhuluo and Brigadier General Youdong hurriedly turned their eyes elsewhere.

Andong Yezhong pinched Xiaojinlian's cute little face full of anxiety, and then said, "Don't you feel that Shacheng is strange and unusual everywhere? Mr. Yu of the Chu family, the master of the whole party, didn't show up? Our residence and the barracks outside the city are secretly monitored by the city defense army - for the sake of safety, can you follow Lord Zhuluo and Brother Youdong to find your mother?

Gin Lian wrinkled her small nose and nodded hard: "Hmm."

An Dongyezhong couldn't help but bend down and kiss Xiaojinlian hard. Qinlian's little hand wiped the place where Andongye kissed, then turned around and ran back to the feather wizard's arms, covered his nose and said mischievously, "Little father, your mouth stinks!"

Everyone couldn't help but be amused by the little girl's lovely expression and appearance. It should not be too late. Antonye sent them out of the city and instructed Bishop Zhu Luo and Brigadier General Youdong for a long time before reluctantly kissed and Xiaojinlian to say goodbye.

As soon as I returned to the hotel, before I could sit down, Bishop An Zitong shouted coldly outside the door: "Get out of here! I have something important to see the general. The military situation is urgent!" As the words landed, Bishop An Zitong rushed in like a whirlwind, followed by the sweaty and breathless Bishop Reguay.

"General - the big deal is not good, I'm a step late, Camel City - has fallen into the hands of Firefox -" Bishop An Zitong said first.

"What are you talking about?" Antonye couldn't help feeling dizzy.

"According to the report of the soldiers of the retreating 2nd Brigade, the commander of the Anjinliang Brigade was drunk for days, and 10,000 elite soldiers of the Sha people's firefox department fell from the sky. Bishop Reguay fled without fighting the city. Now the owner of the Firefox department, the sand fox has occupied the camel city waterway, forming a front and forth attack with the army of the camel army against the 'line sky'. An Zixuan and Rest in tears were attacked by the enemy and were in danger. In addition, Major General An Jinliang lost contact with his subordinates, and his life and death were unknown. An Zitong completely ignored the resentful eyes of his companions and reported it according to the facts.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps outside, and the fish bishop and Major General An Yaoyi walked in quickly with heavy faces. The former said urgently: "The 20,000 cavalry of the Golden Snake Department and the Water Scorpion Department suddenly launched a night attack. The enemy's situation is unknown. Yao Yi and I have withdrawn the troops stationed outside the city to defend it."

Angye, Bishop Reguai, who didn't look at the disgraced bishop Reguai, glanced at the other three people and said in a heavy tone, "It's time for us to make a decision!" Would you like to make a gamble?