Wolf Empire

0015 This soldier is a little ruffian

"First team, shooting--"

The sergeant's sharp voice fell to the ground, and more than 200 * breathed fire together, making countless dull gunfires. Before the gunfire was heard far away, the second sergeant commander ordered loudly: "Second echelon, fire--"

The gunfire was loud, and then, "The third echelon, release-" "The fourth echelon, ready to open fire!" The fifth echelon—”

When the fifth echelon's launch retreated, the first team's * hand had been replaced with ammunition and began a new round of shooting. Several of them came back and forth, and the camel cavalrymen who rushed into the front line of the sky passed overturned their horses, with countless deaths and injuries.

"Haha, fourth brother, you still have a lot of ideas. Take the initiative to put these gerbils into the narrow path to eat guns. This time, it's enough for the stupid camel king to drink a pot!" Standing on the high pass, Chang'an of the 401 Brigade, wearing a bronze mask and jade trees facing the wind, looked at the enemy's awkward enemy in the pass with tears, and laughed with his colleagues around him with great interest.

"It's almost done." Chang Zixuan of the gentle and elegant 404 Brigade raised his hand with a smile. At his sign, more than 20 strong soldiers lit the last eleven barrels of gunpowder and threw them down--


Eleven earth-shaking series of loud noises turned the remnants of the earth camel into ashes and smoke, and the battlefield stood still in an instant. On the battlefield, the camel army left the dead bodies of thousands of soldiers and horses, and the smoke slowly rose from the body. The choking smell filled the sky with the flying wind.

Major General An Zixuan leaned tiredly on the city stack, licked his dry lips, and said in a hoarse voice, "I'm afraid that the camel can no longer organize a decent attack, and our ammunition is almost used up. The most important thing is that the waterway is controlled by the cunning woman of the sand fox, and several strong attacks have returned without success. Many soldiers have been suffering from heatstroke-"

"I don't know what's going on with Dad and Lao San?" Major General An Xilei said to himself.

"Two generals, there is movement in the direction of the border city!" The observation post on the watchtower covered his forehead with his hand and shouted down.

Major General An Xilei and Major General An Zixuan rushed to the observation tower one after another. The former grabbed the whistle and the telescope in his hand. In the lens, thick smoke billowed in the direction of the border city, and the fire rose to the sky. They couldn't help looking at the latter in consterling and said, "Use more than 10,000 baby soldiers to kill the 20,000 spirits of the Golden Snake King and the Water Scorpion King. Ruiqijun, is our father crazy?!"


Not only did the two wolf teenagers far away from the front-line pass, but also the Golden Snake King and the Water Scorpion King themselves did not expect that in terms of the internal information they received, in addition to the old, weak and sick 5,000 city guards and 12,000 young new armies that had never been fought, the border city was really The regular army that can be said to have combat effectiveness is less than 3,000 people in the 43 Brigade under the command of Major General An Yaoyi. The military strength of the two sides seems to be roughly equal, but the combat effectiveness is simply a sky and an underground, with a difference of 18,000 miles. What's more, the 10,000 wooden eagles of the wooden eagles that the two kings have always relied on can fly at any time. It can be said that to assist them with relief, there is no doubt that they will win.

In the sand snake king and the white fat scorpion armored sand snake king were in their respective accounts, when a case was chewing and a military prostitute, suddenly, countless fires ignited everywhere in the barracks without any warning. For a moment, the untidy soldiers and Cheng The frightened troops and horses were in a mess. The king of the sand scorpion, known for his bravery, pushed away the woman in his arms, picked up the machete and rushed out of the camp. When he was scolding the panicked soldiers to put out the fire, a thunderous sound of horseshoe came through the night. 2,500 shaman elite cavalry led by a melancholy young man in white with ribbed wings, with a long knife in his hand and a square array. It swept over like a mountain and a sea.

"Block it! Don't run! The reinforcements of King Muying will arrive soon! Stop! Bastard!" The king of the sand scorpion kept drinking, but did not stop the chaotic soldiers of the water scorpion who were panicked and fled around like a group of frightened livestock. Instead, they were taken together and retreated.

The situation of the golden snake department of the neighboring account is not much better. Andong Yezhong will concentrate the most elite An Yaoyi department on the water scorpion department camp, and he personally led the young wolf guard army who went to the battlefield for the first time straight into the golden snake department camp.

Brigadier General Youdong escorted Jinlian to find his mother's absence. Lieutenant Chang'an Xiaoyu, the bodyguard of the wolves' young battalion, became the absolute core of the young army. At a glance, he saw An Ziran, who met at the prince's feather cocktail party, wearing a bigger, extremely ill-fitting armor, like a headless fly, and leaping and shouted eagerly: "Ruffian Six, follow me!" An Ziran hurriedly lifted the helmet that blocked his eyes and was distinguishing from the southeast and northwest. An Shaoqing shouted beside himself with a sword like a sword, "Lao Liu, follow me!" An Ziran jumped twice and didn't fly. He couldn't help cursing, "Your grandmother bullied me and couldn't fly!"

A ruffian Liu suddenly looked up and shouted to kill a drunken golden-crowned snake-shaped enemy. He staggered to his face and touched him. He couldn't help laughing and said, "Grandma, you've caught a big one!" An Ziran quickly took out the slingshot in his arms and buttoned the iron beads. He hit the other party's left eye with a shot. The enemy general screamed and fell to the ground, and his eyes were not safe. The sand snake king is injured!" The soldiers of the Golden Snake Department were so scared that several thousand riders bravely came forward and ran away from the battlefield.


Bishop Fish on the periphery sent a signal bomb, and the red light lit up the night sky. The wolves who fought separately saw the retreat signal and coincidentally gave up their opponents and rushed out of the war. Two thousand armed police, including Bishop An Zitong, who was responsible for blocking the task, raised their guns on the way to break through the siege of their brothers and shot at the pursuers from afar. After the precise and vicious sniper hall, the whole army quickly retreated to the depths of the desert.

In July of 600 years on the mainland, Chang'an Dongye, the Mobei Front Army legion of the Shaman's Holy See, led his troops to successfully break out of the border city. That night, 2,500 cavalry of An Yaoyi's army attacked the water scorpion battalion, and only more than 1,200 survived, and 12,000 young soldiers who attacked the Golden Snake battalion also paid a painful price of more than half of the casualties. The lightest loss was the armed police force commanded by Anzi, which only killed more than 20 people. This shows the strength of the armed police. The painful lesson of this bloody forest made the surviving wolves really grow up.

Andongye immediately looked back at the border city in the morning light on the sand dunes, and said indifferently, "Your Highness, please bless yourself."

After a night of bloody battle, more than 8,000 remnants of the wolves galloped for most of the day and rested briefly in the shadow of several sand dunes.

Several leaders gathered together to discuss something in a low voice. Major General An Yaoyi, a member of the 403 Brigade, with a pale face and an aristocratic momentum, said elegantly: "The mobile cavalry of the Sand people will arrive soon. We have no physical strength and combat power to fight again. Now the army is in urgent need of ammunition, armor and Horses and other military supplies, as well as food supplements.

"Bullshit! There is not even a ghost in this desert. Where can we replenish the military supplies? Bishop An Zitong took a fierce breath.

Andong Yezhong pondered for a moment and said, "Now what I'm most worried about is not the military supplies, but the wooden eagle that has never appeared on the battlefield - where on earth are they waiting for us -"

At this moment, the dust flew in front of it, and suddenly appeared a huge horse team. A huge black flag waved in the middle of the team in the wind, and a colorful leopard was spreading its teeth and claws.

The fish bishop moved and whispered, "It's a sand thief!"