Wolf Empire

0027 forced palace

On the official road leading to Huadu, wearing uniform white armor, wearing the latest iron guns and steel knives, elite troops of up to 30,000 people marched quickly and neatly.

The difference between the royal guards and the people of Huadu usually see is that many soldiers in this army are almost crisscrossing scars and bullets on their faces and backs of their hands, and their steps are still full of murderous atmosphere and smoke on the battlefield.

A rag flag embroidered with seven wolves is flying majestically in front of it. In the surprised eyes of the people of the imperial capital, a group of wolves riding and supporting the five silver star signs on the shoulders of the uniform clearly indicate the unique and unusual identity of the wearer.

"The wolves are big!" General Antono is still alive!!" It's him! With more than 10,000 remnants and amazing courage, he went deep into the enemy country and washed the 46 towns with blood of gerbils. Later, he disappeared in a big storm when he killed the king of sand eagles. The late old pope issued an order to posthumously post him as the first-class*. In the military rank of the Holy See, under the Grand Marshal Duke of Tang, there is only Mr. Ming, the military commander of the gendarmerie*, and only An is only An. General Higashino alone, look at the epaulettes of the general, isn't he? Hearing that he killed 100,000 gerbils of soldiers and civilians in the desert, he thought he was a tall and powerful giant with fangs and three heads and six arms, but he didn't expect that he was still a thin and weak young man who couldn't stop coughing-" "Huh-*Isn't the listless middle-aged man riding beside the army? " The two little beauties of the Xia family are also in the sedan chair-"

At the moment when the people of Huadu are talking about it, the striker has arrived at the outer defense position in front of the gate of Huadu City. A group of senior intermediate officers of the 101st Brigade, headed by Prince Baiye Liufeng, the commander of the First Division of the Royal Guards, lined up early outside the position.

"All the officers and soldiers of the First Division of the Royal Guard Army are standing upright, and salute to the Andongye * army, and the desert wolf riding -" Under the order of the famous royal general at the front of the team and the head of the Baiye Liufeng Division, all the guards officers present and these arrogant children of heaven are actually neatly and uniformly Xiang'an. Higashino first-class * and a group of wolf riding salutes, full of respect, worship and confidence.

An Dongye's first-class* and Hu followed Major General An Xilei also returned the salute. The former laughed and said, "General Prince is a senior in the army and a royal family. Dongye dares not be saluted!"

"Soldiers who have made great achievements for national honor with flesh and blood on the battlefield are worthy of anyone's respect and admiration." There will be awe in the flowing wind.

"Dongye has always been deeply sorry for the relationship between the border city and the prince general." Andongye's first-class * changed his previous contempt for the nobles and greeted him politely.

"Your arrival has made the flowers upside down-" The blade raised his eyebrows slightly in the wind, looking worried.

Prince Baiye Mufeng, who was hung aside, coughed awkwardly, interrupted Nai's words and interrupted, "Brother, it's getting late. Please take me to the cathedral. I'm going to worship my father's dead."

100,000 troops walked into the inner city, along the slate paved road, and the sound of neat and bright footsteps echoed on the street. The citizens of Huadu crowded on both sides of the street, with great excitement, scrambling to watch the legendary wolf war god of war. I'm afraid that if the military police commander had not prepared for a rainy day and sent a large number of gendarmes to maintain order on the street, the citizens would have already rushed up and seen it first.

Arriving at the Shaman Cathedral, Grand Duke Wang Lei and the three powerful ministers who dominated the fate of the Holy See were already present.

On the square, the 6th Division's armed police force 601 and 602 brigades and five secret police columns, with a total of more than 30,000 combat police forces, under the command of the commander of the 6th Division and police leader Lieutenant General Yuan Zai, confronted the first-class * of the Andongye desert wolves, holding knives and guns together, such as facing a big enemy, A touch of momentum.

The Royal Guards of the General of the Hundred Leaf Wind quickly intervened and stood in the corner of the wolves, aimed at the police force. Almost at the same time, the military police commander Ming * waved his hand, and thousands of armed law enforcement gendarmes rushed into the square and stood opposite the Royal Guards.

Antonye first-class* is the playmate of Prince Mufeng, and Baiye Liufeng will be his cousin; Yuan Zaizhong will be the nephew of the three powerful ministers, the internal affairs minister Yuanbei Gushushu Archbishop, and the other prince Ming* is a student promoted by the Minister of State Affairs Nalan Ruochu. At this critical moment of the crown prince's competition, the two sides have expressed their clear positions without hesitation.

At the scene, the armed forces of the army, the police, the police and the Constitution were divided into two factions. More than 90,000 people were shot out of their sheaths and reloaded, indicating that there would be a scene of blood flowing into rivers in a blink of an eye. The tense air hit everyone's chest, almost stifling.

After looking at the Grand Duke Wang Lei under the support of the three secret archbishops, Prince Baiye Mufeng waved his hand to wait outside with the first-class* and Prince Baiye Liufeng to wait outside, and one person and four people in power walked into the church. The gendarmerie commander Ming* immediately ordered the gendarmes to lock the surroundings of the church, and all the doors and windows were covered with mantle cloth, and no one should approach them!

For the negotiation and transaction between these authorities, An Dongye * was not interested at all. Seeing Miss Xia Yaya looking at the church gate with anxiety waiting for the result, she came to the outer porch boredly and whistled at the thrush in the birdcage, causing Miss Yaya to cast a fierce glimpse of hatred towards him. .

After a long and painful wait of about two columns of incense, the door of the church finally opened with a "squeak" sound, and the three major privy bishops and others knelt down and worshipped together: "Long live my emperor, long live, long live!" The negotiations between the two sides and even many parties finally reached an agreement on the distribution of benefits.

The next day, according to the communication and debate of the superiors, the Minister of Ceremonies, the Countess of Ceremonies, announced: "The crown prince Baiye Mufeng returned home safely, inherited the will of the late old pope, and became the new pope of the Shamanic Holy See, representing the will of the shaman and benefiting the people of the shamans;

In addition, the Grand Duke Wang Lei stood up in the face of the national disaster. He was meritorious as a regent, added the prince, gave him the title of Rui, double salary, hereditary, and also served as the Minister of Finance;

In addition, the three secret bishops were ordered by the emperor to supervise the country, protect the religion and protect the country. They were instructed to organize the cabinet to lead the academic affairs, and specially allowed to go to the court with a sword and visit the unknown.

Cabinet members

Minister of State Naran Ruochu, Privy Archbishop

Marshal Tang Shu, Military Secretary

Internal Affairs Minister Yuanbei Gu Privyarch

Foreign Minister Cardinal Huodu

Finance Minister Prince Wang Lei

Minister of justice*

Baron Gu Xilou, Minister of Civil Affairs

Minister of Ceremonies Yong Butterfly Dancer

In addition, the Shamanic Holy See imitated the military system of the Canglang Empire and changed it to the twenty-first level of six, which is counted as


Level 1*, *, Lieutenant General, Major General, Brigadier General

Colone, Lieutenant Colonel, Major

Captain, Lieutenant, Second Lieutenant, Warranty

Sergeant, sergeant, sergeant, sergeant

Third soldier, second-class soldier, first-class soldier, private

In addition, the military establishment is divided into ten levels

corps, legions, divisions, brigades, regiments, battalions, companies, platoons, squads, teams

In addition, all six divisions originally belonging to the Holy See have been expanded into legion establishment, and the commanders of each legion have been upgraded to one level. The brief table is as follows

Prince Baiye Liufeng, the commander of the First Legion*

Xia Nanxuan, commander of the Second Legion*

Tang Feng, the commander of the Third Legion*

The fourth legion'an Dongye first-class*, because of the merits of the king, specially gave hundreds of fertile fields, 100 famous horses, hundreds of jewelry, and hundreds of female slaves

Fifth Legion Commander Lengbeicheng*

Yuanzai, the commander of the Sixth Legion*

Other former brigade commanders were promoted to lieutenant general division commanders, and the Ministry of Military Affairs set up a separate list.

The first day of December 600 years in the mainland.

Under the leadership of the three powerful ministers, the civil and military officials thanked one after another, and someone mixed in the crowd couldn't help sneering from the bottom of their hearts.

This result was almost expected as early as the first level of Andongye*. Obviously, the Holy See is now facing four enemies. The new king of Baiye Mufeng has ascended to the great treasure for the first time, and his foundation is unstable. He urgently needs the help of the family chaebol forces of the three imperial ministers, so that he can only temporarily tolerate the revenge of killing his father. From the overall situation, it still reuses the three secret archbishops; < /P>

On the other hand, under the heavy pressure of the 30,000 elite wolf riders brought to Beijing by the three powerful ministers in Andongye, they also had to temporarily stop their conspiracy activities, bow their noble heads to the new emperor Baiye Mufeng, retreated and seek secondary, and then seized the power of the chief minister of the cabinet.

In order to appease the puppet Grand Duke Wang Lei and have a superficial explanation to the people, the reward of this prodigal is particularly rich and he is the one who has benefited the most.

Throughout the cabinet members, in addition to the three chief ministers, Huo, the son of the late Archbishop Huo of the eight courtiers and the late Archbishop of Huo Shan, were overstepped. Prince Wang Lei, who represented the royal family, Gu Xilou, who represented the business world, and the prince of non-partisan and civilian origin each occupied a place. The three powerful ministers, Countess Rong Die Dance The ranking is the lowest, but the status is the most important. These five people are obviously the result of the superiors balancing the rights and interests of all aspects.

In terms of the army, command at all levels is the top priority. Known as the "Royal Forest Army", its combat strength is recognized as the strongest Royal Guard of the First Legion of the Holy See, which has been firmly in the hands of the Baiye family since the era of Pope Baiye Changqing. Its leader, Prince Baiye Liufeng * is loyal and brave. In the past, both wolves and the Shura Empire were famous all over the world. Even during the coup of the national disaster, the three powerful ministers did not dare to Easily hit the idea of the first army; Xia Nanxuan* of the second army is a relative of the emperor and the pillar of the country, which is obviously the strong help of Mufeng Xinjun; Tang Feng of the third army is the eldest son of Marshal Tang Shu, the military minister, whose department is no different from the private soldiers of the Tang family; the fifth army Leng Beicheng * is self-contained and is not subject to interference by any political forces; and the sixth army Yuan The armed police force is the direct line of the Privy Archbishop Yuanbei Gu, the Minister of the Interior. For the fourth county Andongye's first-class *, it is particularly superior. It not only maintains the original first-class * military rank second only to the Grand Marshal Tang, but also gives Liangtian Mingju and jewelry beauties, but these are not what Andongye's first-class * himself wants.

With a keen political sense, An Dongye first-level * has realized that in order to get the position of the chief cabinet minister under one person and above ten thousand people, the resourceful Nalan Ruochu had to do something to the other two companions. He made the necessary concessions and gave up the struggle for the leadership of the army. Among the three powerful ministers, Marshal Tang Shu, the military minister and the Privy Archbishop Yuanbei Gu, the Minister of Internal Affairs, controlled the Third and Sixth Armies respectively, but their eldest brother, the Privy Archbishop Nalan Ruochu, the Minister of State, did not directly manipulate the army.

Therefore, after patiently participating in some boring activities such as the coronation of the new king and sacrificing to heaven, the first-class * of Andongye personally visited the Minister of State Affairs Nalan Ruochu to find a bigger historical stage for himself and the wolves.