Wolf Empire

0031 old man with more wool?

"What?! Clean up the sand thieves?? First-level, General, did I hear you correctly?"

In the combat conference room, Chang'an Zichen, a bookish staff officer, couldn't believe his ears and stood up and strongly objected, "When is it now? The army is under pressure and is in danger. How can we have the leisure to care about those sand thieves who rob their homes-"

"Dongdong, I also feel that your move is not appropriate. At present, the Sha talent is a big problem, and there is no need to worry about the disease of slight ringworm scabies from sand thieves-" The fish girl who thought about it over and over again advised.

"Yes, father." Chang'an Demon Yizhong and the general of the 403 Division looked at the faces of the first-level and generals and said tentatively, "What's more, Jinlian's sister and Yuyu girl are still deep in the tiger's den. Lord Zhuluo's life and death are unknown. We seem to-"

"Don't say much, I've already decided!" Andongye's unparalleled murderous spirit covered the participants like a fishing net. "The order is as follows. I personally led the 402rd Division and the Guard Division directly under the Legion, the Armed Police Brigade, the Gendarmerie Brigade and the Warcraft Division to participate in this bandit suppression operation, and the Red Fox Mercenary Regiment was responsible for the guide."

The generals here couldn't help but be shocked. In dealing with several gangs of desert bandits, the first-level generals actually used more than half of the elite troops of the Mobei army. Even the Warcraft Legion, which had been hiding and refused to show the enemy, also went out. Isn't it too high to praise those sand thieves? It was simply carrying Guan Gong's knife to kill chickens. It's a big deal. Although the generals muttered in their hearts, they did not hesitate at all and stood up to salute.

In several fierce offensive and defensive battles with the Sha people, the general command of Andongye was determined. From beginning to end, he stood in front of the front of the whole army and led the enemy's arrows arrows and arrows, which was seen by hundreds of thousands of generals. After the battle, the young general was more than a thousand enemy without mercy. Enemy officers with more than ten cavalrymen were executed on the spot. Their cruel and powerful means not only scared the sand people, but also made the officers and soldiers under the wolf group understand that this young officer was by no means a kind and light figure.

"General An Zixuan, General, I am now appointing you as the acting commander of the legion to command the corps, 404 divisions, the Nalan Private Brigade and the city defense army. After the departure of the main force of the legion, immediately take over all the stations. During the absence of your father, you can make any decision you think is feasible according to the changes in the war situation, all the consequences. It's up to me."

The commander of the 404th Division, who was named, stood up in response: "Yes, father."

Taking a look at the chief of staff who should have been the best candidate for a left-behind commander according to the military rank, and the general An Dongye said, " Chief of Staff, please act with me. I need your help." According to An Zichen's status second only to his status in the Fourth Army, he should replace the position of commander of the army, but Antonye has no intention to leave the seeds of reassurance to his beloved son An Zixuan to avoid causing unstable factors.

"General, the subordinates think that using half of the whole army's combat strength to leave their posts for the so-called suppression of bandits is really a big problem. If the Shah army attacks, General Zixuan is bound to support it alone. In case of loss, the consequences are unimaginable. If the Pope and the Marshal are blamed-" Chief of Staff An Zichen again Forward.

"General An Zichen, I want to remind you that obeying orders is the duty of soldiers. I am the supreme commander of the whole army. I think it is necessary and imperative to suppress sand thieves and consolidate my rear. Does the general disobey military orders?" Looking at the marshal's confidants, the murderous intention in his eyes became stronger and stronger.

An Zichen held his eyes out. He had seen An Xiaoyu, An Ziran and other wolf teenagers standing behind the superiors press their hands on the armed belt. Just waiting for an order, they were about to shoot those who disobey the military order on the spot. Thinking of the end of Archbishop Reguai, who died in the border city not long ago, the chief of staff was relieved. He lowered his head and said, "The officer obeys the order of the general."

"Very good." Ignoring everyone's puzzled eyes, Antonye ordered, "Get ready. After two hours, let's go secretly!"

"Yes, General."

In December of the mainland, Chang'an Dongye, the first-class general of the shaman's Mobei Front Army, led the 401 Division, the 402 Division, the Guard Division directly under the Guard Division, the Armed Police Brigade, the Warcraft Division and a gendarmerie brigade, led by the Anxiao Red Fox Mercenary Regiment. With the cover of the night, he left the garrison silently and began the anti-bandit operation code-named "heart";

In the first battle, it was hit hard, but the Wusha allied forces were still huge. In the front, there were still nearly 60,000 troops of the ordered deputy legion, Chang'an Zixuan, and the generals of the 403 Division, and other left-behind civil and military generals quickly took over the brothers' troops. All the stations left are ready to meet the greater bloody storm that will be brought by enemies ten times stronger than themselves-


"Dad, look here, Eagle Valley, this is the nest of the largest sand thief group bobcat, which gathers more than 20,000 outlaws of all ethnic groups, and the merchants are hateful and afraid of them - here and here are all their activity areas -" An Xiaoxiao, dressed in a uniform, pointed to the map to the elders and colleagues around him. Look at it.

"The bait we released seems to work." At the first level, An Dongye looked excitedly at the rolling yellow sand rising in the military telescope, and a sneer appeared at the corners of his mouth.

The mercenaries dressed in the Red Fox Mercenary Regiment protected a group of merchant trucks and fled desperately. Far from them, countless sand thieves and dust chased after them. The huge sand thief leader Bobcat couldn't help shouting: "Chase me!"

Seeing that the sand thieves were introduced into the ambush circle, the mercenaries and caravans who were still running for their lives suddenly stopped running. Instead, they coldly pulled out their weapons and turned around, staring at the approaching people like a group of dead people.

"Stop--" The bobcat raised its hand in astonishment and ordered the team to stop chasing, looking around with his brothers in horror.

"Bah--" A red signal flare flew in the air, and the bobcat and his accomplices were pale, and their hearts sank at the same time: "No! We are trapped!"

The sand thieves thought about this. On the high sand dunes hundreds of meters away, countless desert wolves rode under a wolf flag and jumped over the sand dunes. The surging and murderous momentum made the hearts of the sand pirates in the encirclement suddenly cool to the bottom.

The two armies looked at each other at a distance of more than 1,000 meters. In front of the sand thieves, the desert wolf who killed seriously rode under the command of the general at the first level of Andongye, deliberately kept silent without saying a word or taking any action.

The Bobcat and several sand thief leaders squatted in the sand pit and urgently discussed countermeasures.

" boss, I'm afraid they have more than 100,000 people - let's surrender -" a bandit head with a beard said tremblingly.

"FUCK!" The Bobcat kicked the bearded bandit's head angrily and scolded, "Second, you son of a bitch dare to shake the army's heart. I'll kill you!" As he spoke, he lit up the steel knife and put it on his companion's neck.

"The old man is angry, and the second brother is also looking for a way to live for everyone. The opposite is too powerful, and the unnecessary resistance can only be to find his own death-" said another knife-faced man who acted as a peacemaker.

The bobcat subconsciously took a step back and said with burning eyes, "What? Are you going to rebel?

"What about rebellion? You can't protect your own status and wealth, regardless of the life and death of our brothers, can you? The talking guy is an evil young man in blue, and his tone is a little contemptuous indifferent.

He is only 16 or 17 years old, but his eyes seem to have experienced all the vicissitudes of life and see through the world. This contradictory contrast makes him exude a strange smell; his face is narrow and his skin is white and tender like a woman. He is not handsome, but it always makes people feel that he has an extraordinary charm.

"An Aoyan, little bastard, how can you talk here?" The bobcat was furious and cursed.

An Aoyan, an evil young man, played with the wrench on his beautiful jade hand and smiled without saying a word.

"All the brothers have it, ready to break out in the direction of Eagle Valley-" As soon as the bobcat shouted, the evil young man proudly wink at the knife-faced man, and the latter took a step forward and whispered: "Big Boss-"

Before he finished speaking, the beard suddenly hugged the bobcat tightly like an iron hoop behind his back. The latter couldn't scream and was about to struggle to shout. The prick-faced man's spurs had all pierced into their big bobcat's fat belly bag, and then a spike came out of his spine.

The bobcat howled and roared sadly, "You-kill me?!"

The evil young man An arrogantly repaired his nails as if nothing had happened and said lightly, "Didn't we have killed them?"

The bobcat roared: "I'm your boss-"

The evil young man said proudly and expressionlessly, "How many wool does the boss have?" He flew up, patted the bobcat's brain, and said to the two accomplices, "Har a white flag, please surrender."