Wolf Empire

0036 Wang Lei's piece of shit

"The three generals, it's good news. His Royal Highness Prince Rui led a reserve legion to reinforce us. At present, Wang Jia has arrived in Liangzhou."

Mayor Bach looked at the military newspaper in his hand and squeezed out a sarcastic smile on his shiny face.

"What?! Wang Lei, the waste snack who only knows how to drink flower wine?? Why did His Holiness send him here? Your Excellency, you can't read it wrong, can you?" What raised doubts is Yang Shu, the head of the division and chief instructor of the wolf group and mercenary of the 5,000 Nalan private soldiers and 5,000 city defense forces into the first division of the wolf group.

"No, General, the * of the Ministry of Military Affairs is indeed the name of Prince Rui, and there are also the signatures of His Majesty the Pope and the three ministers." Mayor Bach submitted his military report to the other two lieutenant generals.

"Daw-" Chang'an Yao Yizhong of the 403rd Division said to himself, and his hands did not feel that he rubbed the military newspaper in his hand into pieces of paper. Obviously, he unconsciously imagined pinching a prince's throat vigorously.

In the face of the extreme attitude of his brothers and colleagues, An Zixuan, the acting commander of the legion and the 404th Division, understood very well, but he must take on the role of controlling the overall situation because his father will be the acting legion leader accordingly. At the critical moment in the face of the strong enemy, he has to deeply suppress his unhappiness in his heart. At present The most important thing to do is to go to Liangzhou to welcome these incompetent friends. For those powerful and high-ranking nobles, the indignation that is not valued is probably more serious than the fall of the sky.

His Royal Highness Wang Lei, Minister of the Ministry of Finance of the Shaman Holy See, the Reserve Legion, General, the Privy Archbishop, the General of the Patriarch, and the Hereditary Iron Hat Prince Rui, this guy with a series of long and noble titles is the noble head of the Baiye Dynasty with the most prominent family and bloodline, even if he manipulates the Holy See to kill power. The three powerful ministers did not dare to neglect the great aristocratic family who enjoyed fame and influence among the nobles. Just looking at their titles and status as cabinet members in the Holy See, they knew that the three powerful ministers attached absolute importance to him and the forces he represented.

The vast reserve legion is as high morale. If you can defeat a strong enemy by morale alone, then the legion in front of you is the strongest army on the mainland. The Shaman Holy See reserve legion with more than 46,000 people is composed of thousands of aristocratic officers and private soldiers, large and small. In terms of the formation of the army, only 3949 people should be recorded in the plain file of the Ministry of Military Affairs. Nearly 10,000 people are special chefs, special servants, special grooms, etc. brought by various nobles, and there are even many seductive young women among these non-combatants.

"Bastard! Are these bastards here for a war or an outing?!" Standing in front of the gorgeous golden tent in Liangzhou City, among the four generals waiting for His Royal Highness to be summoned, the elegant General An Yaoyi couldn't help swearing, while the other two lower-ranking colleagues Mayor Bach and Brigadier General Yang Shu sneered and were speechless.

"Sut up, third brother, we are wolf soldiers." An Zixuan, who was full of heart, would yell at his brother in a low voice.

"Huh!" An Yaoyizhong, who received a kind warning from his brother, still took a sigh of sulking.

An Zixuan and the general secretly thought about it. Since the launch of the main force of the legion, An Zixuan has adopted the strategy of sneak attack and constantly harassed the Wusha state-owned market with a small group of soldiers, which made the suspicious generals think that their opponents have a conspiracy and resolutely go out to fight, but the wolf generals have seen through the strategic plan of the enemy in their hearts. The fear is increasing day by day. With the strength of the three divisions of the wolves, it is impossible to block the enemy's charge of ten times the fighting power on the 500-mile-long defense line between the front-line sky and Camel City. Once the elite sand cavalry rushes into the barrier, the scattered wolves with two defensive forces are bound to be cut off. There is no doubt that the final outcome will be defeated.

Although the reinforcements sent by Huadu are not satisfactory, it is also an indisputable fact that the overall combat effectiveness has been strengthened. As long as the ministries work together to guard the barrier, it is not impossible to drag the enemy's army for several months. But the question is, will those nobles who are above the top and unlearned to adopt their opinions?

"Four lords, Your Highness, please." After a long wait, a young servant painted with thin powder arrogantly walked out of the golden tent and rolled his eyes.

Suppressing the anger in his heart, the four generals walked into the huge golden tent under the leadership of a teenager who was not male or female. The scene in front of them couldn't help but be shocked: there was a large group of men and women singing and dancing in the tent that could accommodate 100 people. It can be seen from the unified uniform of men that the reserve army is high The officers are probably all here. The lively scene is not a discussion of tactical enemies, but a ** and chaotic party mixed with women's laughter*, band mellow wine and fruit food, which makes the four dust-coward generals who have just stepped in mistakenly think that they have gone to the wrong place. You should know that this place is outside the distance and staring at them. The 600,000 enemy troops are only less than 700 miles away from Liangzhou City.

"An Zixuan, acting commander of the Fourth Army and commander of the 404th Division of the Mobei Front Army, and general of the army, see His Royal Highness."

"The commander of the 403rd Division of the Fourth Army of the Mobei Front Army, General An Yaoyi, see His Royal Highness."

"Yang Shu, the commander of the 1st Division and Army Brigadier General of the Fourth Army of the Mobei Front Army, see His Royal Highness."

"The quartermaster and border city chief and army brigadier general Bach, see His Royal Highness the Prince."

Dissatisfied, the four wolves finally brought the neat military salute and strict titles into the chaotic tent with a unique seriousness on the battlefield. His Royal Highness Prince Wang Lei, who was hugging left and right, also had to push away the beautiful woman beside him and stood up from the soft seat and pretended to say, 'Generals have worked hard all the way. People, give wine to the generals-"

After a group of reserve officers sat down in turn according to their ranks, An Zixuan got up and saluted, "Your Highness, please allow me to report the situation of the enemy to you-

"Joke, what are the enemies of those lowly gerbil barbarians to report?" After taking a glass of wine from the attendant's hand, Prince Wang Lei said confidently, "The cowardly tactics of passive defense currently adopted by the generals are undoubtedly a disgrace to us and elites of the Holy See! I will use a grand, gorgeous and perfect annihilation to destroy the group of rabbles, and make my name amazed by future generations. Hum, you can wait and watch the play. At that time, His Majesty will definitely change his evaluation of the king, and the old men of the three cabinets will have to admit my strength!"

After Prince Wang Lei finished speaking, he looked around the generals present proudly, and the brilliant people had begun to compete to praise His Royal Highness's plan, genius and heroic strategy.

"Your Highness, the general will not agree with your initiative-" An Zixuan's facial expression was worse than crying, and he hurriedly said advice.

"Milieutenant General, Your Highness's strategic plan has a high chance of winning. Don't be rude. Sit down!" The man who shouted was an earl named Sun Yabin, who was Prince Wang Lei's cousin's brother-in-law, a declining nobleman who had been cheating on food and drinking in your circle of relatives and friends all year round. This time, he filled the fat of a logistics governor of the reinforcement army and swallowed a lot of oil and water.

"Bulls!" An Yaoyi, who had been patient for a long time, shouted, "Are you dreaming in the day? In front of us, below the front line of the sky is the most elite sand iron horse on the mainland with 600,000 people. We dare not let go of our own protection, and you can ridiculously want to annihilate them?! Is there water in your brain? You noble masters are wishful and self-righteous, don't drag hundreds of thousands of soldiers to accompany you to death for no reason-

In the always quiet and elegant roar, the whole golden tent suddenly came down silently. His Royal Highness Wang Lei, the young prince, was originally dark, but now he lost his face as color as white paper, as if the extremely fragile surface was destroyed by a volcano erupting underground. In an instant, various expressions such as shock, fear, anger, anger, etc. His thin monkey-like body kept shaking, and the unconscious language surged like a tide. Out:

"It's too presumptuous - do you know who you're talking to? Do you despise the tactical literacy of the king who studied abroad at the Samurai Academy of Canglang Kingdom? Or is it to provoke the patience of the supreme royal prince under the glory of the shaman? You-you-"

"Fad! What do you want to do? Get them out of the rude barbarians!" Count Sun Yabin, who was also thin and dry, with a sharp-billed monkey's cheeks, jumped his feet angrily and shouted.

Seeing that there was no room for the situation to turn around, An Zixuan sighed, pulled his brother who pressed his hand on the handle of the knife and looked evil, and walked out of the golden account with two other angry friends.

After the generals outside the tent waited for about an hour, Count Sun Yabin walked out of the golden tent and looked at the sky and said, "Generals, out of your rudeness to His Royal Highness, in accordance with His Highness's order, release An Zixuan's command of the legion before the end of the battle, and your Highness will take over personally. Do you have any objection?"

In the silent sneer of the three colleagues, An Zixuan said, "I will abide by your Highness."

"Very good." Count Sun Yabin nodded with satisfaction and said, "In this annihilation, the elite reserve legion of our Holy See is the main attack. Your 404 Division is responsible for receiving it after our legion. After that, the 403 Division will temporarily prepare the first division to stay in the pass." After saying that, the count did not look at the generals, shook his head and continued to have fun with his peers.

"These delicate nobles are so anxious to die by themselves. Well, why can't we fulfill them?" Listening to the rekindled laughter in the tent, there was a cold murderous intention in the pupils of An Yaoyi's gold and silver demon.

"An according to the arrangement of their troops, the two main divisions of our Fourth Army were lined up behind the reserve army, and Laozi's division did not even have a chance to participate in the war. His Royal Highness seemed to be afraid that we would rob him of his merits-" Listening to the inappropriate words in An Yaoyi's mouth, the chief teacher Brigadier Yangshu smiled dumbly and gently stroked the sword on the armed belt.

"But that's also good." An Zixuan, the general, muttered: "Before my father left, he gave me the right to make a decision. I will never allow the wolves we worked hard to bury those ignorant and arrogant idiots. I decided that once the battle starts, we will not move and preserve our strength. As long as those old men are defeated, we will The legion pulled down from the battlefield-"

"No, General, you're wrong-" Mayor Bach, with a treacherous face, smiled and said, "Our troops are not pulled down from the battlefield, but to defend His Royal Highness Prince Wang Lei from the dangerous battlefield-

"Lord Bach deserves to be a profiteer-" The powerful Yang Shu made fun of his colleagues in a good mood.

"I'm afraid that weakening the armed forces of the Baiye royal family by using the hands of the enemy is also the result that the three secret archbishops want to see--" Mayor Bach looked meaningfully at Brigadier Yang Shu, who was born as the commander of the guard of the powerful Nalan Mansion, and said with a smile.

The latter raised his eyebrows slightly and sneered, without any doubt.

The four left-behind military chiefs of the wolves quickly reached an agreement. The reserve army used their shortness to attack the enemy and took the initiative to give up natural dangers to defend and fight against them, which was tantamount to suicide. To help these mobs fight, not only could they not reverse the defeat, but it was also easy to drag the wolves into the Jedi. For today's plan, in advance After the defeat of the reserve army, it is undoubtedly a good scapegoat to save Prince Wang Lei from the dangerous battlefield. For other aristocratic officers, they can only ask for more blessings from their ancestors!

For the four wolf generals born in orphans, mercenaries and merchants, even if they become senior military generals of the Holy See, their bandits and habits of avoiding disaster and profit-seeking have not been washed away. As wolf warriors, as long as there are front-line fighters, they will not retreat in front of the enemy, but taking the initiative to die is another matter, let alone accompanying a group of noble masters to die. After a unified attitude, An Zixuan no longer hesitates for a moment:

"Order all units of the wolves to wear light clothing. Mayor Bach led non-combatants and the wounded to secretly retreat from various gates tonight; tomorrow as soon as the battle begins, the 404 Division is responsible for grabbing Wang Lei's shit on the battlefield; the third brother's 403 Division is responsible for covering; General Yang Shu's troops will take over. Each department took Qi Liangzhou and defended it, dragged the enemy who entered the customs at all costs, waiting for his father to lead the main army of wolves to return!"