Wolf Empire

0049 I'm sick

The earth trembled violently in the continuous loud noise, and the bells, drums and bells on the altar of the "Five Animals Cathedral" made all kinds of strange sounds, and the glass and porcelain burst one after another, sprinkling fragments on the ground.

"You must have killed too much - provoked the 'five beast gods' - the gods have sinned -" Unable to control the balance, Chu Yunmian, a young talent of the crooked "Chance Empire", began to speak unscrucilessly in panic.

"If you confuse the crowd again, be careful that I cut your tongue!" Colonel An Yinger, the gendarmerie captain who held the red paint wooden pillar, scolded someone in front of the unscathed officer.

At the first level, the general pushed away the two armed policemen who supported him. He grabbed the window of the "Five Animals Cathedral" with a gloomy face and a few steps. Looking down, he saw wild dogs, stray cats and large groups of livestock running around as if they were avoiding natural enemies. Even the well-trained horses began to break free from their masters. Control, manic hiss and kicking; rows of houses and city buildings began to collapse like paper lanterns, and people who could not escape were buried in the ruins, and debris flew in the air in chaos.

A huge black shadow in the sky shows huge wind wings, quickly covering under the sky, "Be alert!" Colonel An Yinger immediately issued an order, and the armed police and the gendarmerie raised their guns at the shadow in mid-air at the same time.

"Ulanos, see the great master." The dark shadow in the air made a familiar sound.

Seeing the people's faces, the police and gendarmes put away their weapons and salute. After the wing demon landed Ulanos, he knelt down and said, "Master, the prime minister of Shayang ignited thousands of tons of explosives buried in hundreds of places in advance to kill the people of the city and the wolves. Now the 'Wusa City' is about to be overthrown. Please order it."

"What's General An Zichen's opinion?" At the first level, Andongye asked with a slightly changed look.

"The chief of staff, please order the whole army to withdraw from the city for safety." The wing demon Ulanos replied respectfully.

"Signal soldiers, release signal bombs, all the wolves, quickly exit the 'Wusa City', immediately, immediately, the farther away from here, the better." Andono seemed to be aware of the seriousness of the situation and said repeatedly. He never expected that the old ghost Shayang would sacrifice the lives of millions of city residents to bury the desert wolf rider.

"Yes, General." The young signal soldiers who heard the order sent out three rows of nine red signal bombs in a row, which was the highest-level evacuation signal of the wolves's "heart-piercing operation", representing the addition of the three layers of "death approaching", "in danger" and "emergency retreat".

Death is approaching, the order of emergency retreat and the trembling city under their feet, so that the wolf soldiers who attack and fight in various areas of the city dare not delay a little. They immediately abandon their opponents who are fighting, give up the fortress defended by the enemy, and even those in Lianfuku that have not had time to be transported away. The seductive jewelry has also been abandoned. The harsh and cruel training norms of the wolves have been highlighted at this moment, with good and strict organization and discipline, which makes the desert wolves withdraw from the "Wusa City" from the nearby gates.

The first to break out of the siege was the Warcraft Legion with minimal losses. An Zichen took the wounded back to the safe area away from the city and gave them to the care of An Xiaorao, An Xiaole sisters and Sha Zhi, who stayed there. After learning that they had entered the deepest area of the city, the Bobcat independent brigade and armed police After the message that a small team was surrounded by the sea of fire, the seemingly weak staff officer Chang'an Zichen was beyond the imagination of his subordinates and personally led the winged Warcraft warriors back to meet the trapped friendly forces on the way.

When the soldiers of the Red Fox Independent Brigade happily carried the mountains of treasures, the emergency evacuation order of the legion headquarters flew into the night sky, and the steady and old-fashioned fish girl and the experienced head of the Anxiao Brigade immediately ordered to give up the treasure that had not yet been moved. The unwilling soldiers retreated quickly.

Brigadier General Youdong's Guards Division and the rescued 200,000 rebel slave army met. When they came, the street was already blocked and could not pass through. In full of anxiety, the female slave An Moran shouted, "Come with me!" Under the guidance of An Moran and An Xiaopan, the guard youth army and the slave uprising army circled to the city gate behind the Colosseum.

After dawn, An Xi's tear department of the 401 Division took a group of captured municipal officials of the "Wusha Kingdom" around the city and made a big circle to meet with the wolves stationed outside the city, such as Pontus and Urria.

Among the attacking troops of the wolves, the most pressured was the 102nd Division. They were responsible for attacking the civilian area and launched an unprecedented fierce battle with the tough and brave Sha people. Every house and every street had to fight hard. When the battle against the water, the fighting power of the Sha militia was quite tenacious. Realizing that the country was about to collapse, most civilians took up crude weapons to resist the occupying forces, and even many of them, the elderly and women. When the whole division withdrew from Wusha City, An Jinliang, the division, made a count of the number of people, and nearly half of the missing people in the headquarters had died.

The Bobcat independent brigade, which is the farthest away from the attack area, was surrounded by a fire together with the police detachment of An Zitong, which escorted the old husband and young wife of Shayang and young wife, because it was far away from the exit of the city gate.

Just as they saw the despair of the people who were swallowed up by the fire snake with their teeth and claws, the winged warcraft came from the air under the command of An Zichen on the back of the wing demon Ulanos, and rescued the besieged human comrades-in-arms from the sea of fire again and again, repeating their bodies overdrawn. Exhausted; After the two officers, An Aoyan and An Zitong, who definitely let their subordinates go first and insisted on staying until the final evacuation, were carried out of the sea of fire by the winged Warcraft, all the wolf group of human soldiers tightly hugged the Warcraft comrades in the dark world around them and cheered.

An Aoyan looked at the original sand thief brothers who were still following him. After this battle, in addition to the slight loss of his super-powerful "big axe" team, only half of them came out alive. An Aoyan and the four "broad axe" of the alliance brothers led the team to leave quickly. After opening the "Wusa City", as soon as they left the city, there was a series of earth-shaking noises behind them, and the "Wusa City" finally fell.

On the first day of January in the mainland, the Mobei Front Army of the Shamanate successfully raided the "Wusa City", the capital of the Wusha chief state. Under the order of the "Slaughter City" at the level of the wolf commander Andongye, the "Wusa City" turned into a sea of fire, and the death toll of the Shahs who had no time to withdraw was as high as more than 2 million. , the most in the history of the mainland's war; the "Wusa City", known as one of the top ten famous cities in the mainland, has been reduced to ruins and has ceased to exist since then.


After returning to the camp outside the city, when An Aoyan made a tired gesture and instructed the four brothers to take his brothers to rest separately, a sergeant of the Guard brought to the order of a legion to convene an emergency military meeting in front of him with a heavy expression. Although the war was over and physically and mentally exhausted, the army wolves were like mountains. Dare not to delay, An Aoyan immediately sorted out the military appearance and led the four colonel leaders under his command to the central account of the military headquarters.

Near the military headquarters, An Aoyan suddenly felt something strange. With his usual secret observation of the first-level and generals, the high-power wolf king is withdrawn. He likes to be alone and hates a large group of guards to follow him. Even if it is necessary for the security specifications of the legion commander level, it is only It was forty-six wolf teenagers designated by Brigadier General Youdong of the Guards, led by An Xiaoyu and An Ziran respectively; and now in his sight, there are five steps and ten steps and one whistle around the military tent, full of highly alert armed police and gendarmes.

"The brigade commander, you are not here for us, are you?" The beard, who also noticed that the situation was wrong, lowered his voice, and the other three regimental commanders looked nervous and subconsciously put their hands on the buckle of the gun box.

An Aoyan made a secret gesture and told his four colonel leaders not to be impatient and act on the opportunity. When he came to the tent, Colonel An Yinger, who was gloomy, told several adjutants and guards who came with the five people to stay outside the tent and not to enter.

If An Aoyan, who was full of suspicion, didn't catch a glimpse of the 101 Division's tears and the general's adjutants and guards saluted him, he would have almost thought it was a design trap for himself. You should know that the wolf division brigades have always had no good impression of the gendarmes who have the functions of monitoring the army, especially the Bobcat independent brigades with uneven quality.

"Haha, after such a big victory, why do you still look as ugly as your parents?" An Aoyan walked into the tent and obviously felt a dull atmosphere coming to his face. While looking at the faces of the officers, he played a small joke with a group of school-level officers as an unapproved brigadier general.

The school officials sitting on the chair saw An Aoyan present and stood up to salute one after another.

While talking and laughing, An Aoyan searched for other people's figures with the afterglow of his eyes, but what surprised him was that the legion commander was found at the scene of the meeting, and the 402nd Division, who had not yet returned to the team, An Jinliangzhong, General Youdong, the Guards Brigadier General Youdong and the Red Fox Independent Brigade, and their status were extremely special status. The fish girl was not present either.

Just as An Ao's face was suspicious, the armed police officer An Zitong opened the curtain and waved to him to his colleagues; the four commanders of the Bobcat independent brigade, including Beard, were left in the tent to wait for news like the school-level officers of other divisions and brigades.

An Aoyan opened the curtain and entered. At first glance, he was surprised to find that there was a tight and conspicuous curtain hanging in front of the bed of the inner tent. Chang'an of the 401 Division, who covered his face with bronze masks, was in tears, and several female medical officers wearing military medical clothes around Chang'an Zichenzhong and generals.

Hearing An Aoyan's footsteps, An Zichen raised his head with a solemn expression and said, "The general is sick-"