Wolf Empire

0051 0052 internal

"The general is now in a state of severe shock and may be in danger to his life at any time-

"What the hell happened?" The roar of Chang'an Jinzhong, the 402nd Division, which swirled into the internal account like a strong wind, rudely interrupted the female medical officer's statement to the staff officer Chang'an Zichen.

"On the way back, the general suddenly fainted and fell off his horse. So far, he hasn't woken up - Xiaorao is rescuing inside -" An Zichen glanced behind the curtain and sighed.

"Then why don't you guys go here for treatment right away? What do you military doctors want to eat? The hot-tempered An Jin's eyes turned red, and the sound made the eardrums of everyone present buzz.

"General - we have checked it - we really can't find the cause of General Higashino's illness - "I've already taken a heart-strengthening agent - but the effect is not ideal - it is likely to continue to be a coma - we tried our best -" said several female medical officers timidly.

"A bunch of useless vases! Waste! Come on - pull out these female quack doctors of the 'Marshal' Mansion and throw them into the 'Wusa City' to pay tribute to the Fire God!" An Jin roared angrily, and the blood on her face faded in an instant.

"Second brother, this is not the time to get angry and angry with others. Please be quiet and wait for Aunt Yuyu to come back to make a final determination." An Xi, who was born as the eldest son, will speak in tears at the critical moment, blocking the rude behavior of his second brother An Jinliang after his fury.

The wolves present looked ugly. They all clearly realized that with great sacrifice and great luck, the wolves miraculously went deep into the hinterland of the "Wusa Emirate" and successfully destroyed their political, economic and religious metropolis "Wusa City" and slaughtered more than 2 million civilians and soldiers. The team has taken countless wealth treasures, just like a gambler who won a lot of chips and money in the casino and became rich overnight. How can safely take the won money out of the casino's sphere of influence is a truth. The news of the destruction of Wusha City will soon spread all over the desert and even the whole continent, sober up. The large and small tribes of the "Wusa Emirate" will encircle and annihilate the invading wolves at all costs to return blood. At this critical moment, the supreme commander of the wolves who led the whole army to this point and was sent by everyone with invincible faith, An Dongye, Unexpectedly, he fell ill!!!

So, where will the wolves go next?

The unprecedented lack of confidence and impetuousness made the generals present silent for a moment, and another subtle problem also emerged silently--

-That is, at the first level, the general can't come due to illness, and the command of the legion is temporarily vacant!!!

Among the wolf generals of the Mobei Front Army's attack on the "Wussha City", there are three generals at the top and below, from the rank to the middle and general. According to the military system of the Military Affairs Ministry of the Shamand Holy See, An Zichen, who is also the chief of staff of the legion, should be unwritten - An Xilingzhong, the general and An Jin Liangzhong, and half of the generals At the same time, the commander of the army should come out to replace the military power and preside over the overall situation.

However, An Zichen, who was born in a professional class, deeply understands that although his battlefield command ability was affirmed by the wolves in the just-end "Wusa City" attack, after all, he is not the direct line of the wolves. Even if he has the ability to suffer in danger, several division commanders with real power will also decide He will not obey his own orders.

There is only one person who can convince this group of wolves, have the ability and status - that is, the wolves have always regarded as aunts, can be half of the family of Andongye, and have not yet returned from the battlefield.

An Aoyan, who was pregnant with ghosts, quietly retreated and secretly gave a wince to the four confidant leaders, who tacitly followed the former to a secluded place outside the account. An Aoyan looked at no one around and said in a low voice, "Our opportunity has come-"

In the waist-mountable grass, the five decision makers of the Bobcat Independent Brigade are secretly discussing an unspeakable conspiracy.

"Now Antonye is unconscious. As long as we can control a few general leaders and force them to hand over their military power, we won't worry about major events--" the beard said eagerly.

"We have a team in our hands, wave our troops back to China, and capture the 'Huadu', and the world is our brothers!" The knife's face was ready to move, and his face was excited.

"This is too risky! We only have less than 20,000 brothers, but the strength of the Guards, the armed police and the Warcraft Legion - these factions are super strong. We are outnumbered, and there is a huge gap in strength. In case the plan is revealed, we will be smashed and bones will be left." Another head of the bandit leader is hesitantly and has not forgotten to show off his stomachs. Three taels of ink in it.

The axe master, who called the "big axe" bobcat's four kings with a beard, knife face and broad rush, said with his eyes, "Richness is in danger. If you fail, you will take the treasure you grab with your brothers and continue to go back to 'Eagle Valley' to do moneyless business. Let's do it!"

Between An Aoyan's meditation, the carriages and horses outside the barracks were noisy, and the siege troops returned to the troops all the way. After a closer look, it was the Red Fox Independent Brigade that had been with several times that returned with a full load.

"Look, An Xiaoxiao's little lady is responsible for capturing the treasury, and the harvest is much richer than ours-," the bearded said reluctantly.

"I roughly counted that there are at least 500 vehicles independently transported into the camp by Red Fox, which are full of large and small boxes. Judging from the depth of the rut left on the wheels on the ground, the load of each car has exceeded the maximum limit. This is a wealth that will not be spent for ten lifetimes!" The knife face greedily swallowed three feet of saliva.

After feeling that the passing team had a strange look through here, An Aoyan looked at the four ghost brothers and said, "I'll go in first to find out the news." "The four of you are ready to listen to my orders and do it at any time!" The beard, knife face, broad rush, and axe should be in unison.

Opening the long grass, An Aoyan returned to the inner account as if there was nothing wrong. He only heard the armed police Brigadier General An Zitong slightly dissatisfied and said, "Aoyan, where have you been? The fish girl is waiting for the meeting with everyone-----"

After noding to the two newly returned female colleagues, Miss Yuyu and An Xiao, An Aoyan said slightly apologetically, "A few brothers under him fought after drinking. Ao Yan went back to deal with it. I'm sorry, everyone."

"The current situation of the army is very bad, and even the armed police under my command have shown signs of wavering. If the soldiers of other divisions and brigades are informed of the fall of the generals, the consequences will be really unimaginable." Brigadier General An Zitong, a gloomy armed police leader, said worriedly.

When the fish girl saw everyone staring at herself, she lowered her head and thought for a while and looked up and said, "First, issue a forbidden password to our troops. No one is allowed to walk around or spread rumors in the camp. Violators will be shot by the gendarmerie on the spot; each division and brigade will take a temporary rest after the war. Wait for the order!"

The wolf generals, who could not come up with a better way in a short period of time, agreed. After saluted each other, they returned to their respective troops. The fish girl secretly wink at Brigadier General An Zitong, the female leader of the armed police, who slowed down and dragged it down to the end.

At the beginning, Yuyu, An Zitong and Zhu Luo, and the dead Reguai were the first bishops of the Holy See to settle in the wolves, and the relationship was not shallow. After everyone left, the fish girl began to lower her voice and said, "When Xiao and I returned to the camp, I accidentally saw An Aoyan and his 'blast and axe' leaders were sneaky. Yes, I'm worried about their conspiracy against the legion. Zitong, you sent a team of elite armed police forces to keep an eye on the Bobcat Independent Brigade for me.

"Hmm. I hope he wakes up early. There is news from Wing Warcraft. The 'Golden Snake Department' closest to Wusha City has learned that the country has been attacked and may come anytime and anywhere. The wolves are now worried about internal and external troubles, and the situation is becoming more and more difficult to control-"

While Brigadier General An Zitong spoke, he and the fish girl coincidentally turned his eyes to a few busy figures behind the curtain in the inner tent. Both of them gloated and said nothing more-


On the official road leading to the Great Principality of the Northwest "Hope Moon Alliance" Sling, a caravan of more than 20,000 people is slowly moving heavy steps like a lazy reptile.

In this team, hundreds of vehicles, large and small, are full of various goods, and various figures such as merchants, clerks, mercenaries, translators, grooms, and even priests fill the whole team, forming a huge and complex flow of people.

In front of the team, there was a caravan flag embroidered with the word "Chu", leaning listlessly on the shoulders of the sleepy flag bearer.

Chu Yu, known as the "youngest chaebol" among the top ten chaebols in the mainland of Abdu Kane, was sitting sadly on the horse and browsing the newspapers put on the post.

Due to the war between the "Shamanic See" and the "Wusa Emirate", the "Chu chaebol" had to give up the foundation of the "border city" and go south; this time, the merchants transported goods to the "Great Duke of Slin" and encountered the "16 Kingdoms of the Haoshi Moon Alliance" and the "Shaman Holy See", which were closed for martial law, and the road was blocked. The team was forced to take a detour several times, so that the whole team was physically and mentally exhausted and full of complaints.

The newspaper is a product of the Tianyi Free Business Alliance and is sold in post halls all over the mainland. Chu Yu was shocked at first glance after picking up the newspaper: "The coalition forces of the Shura Empire and the Wind Wing Kingdom were defeated, and the remnants took advantage of the chaos to occupy the magpie's nest and occupy the wolf capital of the shaman border city, and the vicissitudes of the imperial army took advantage of victory to pursue"

For 600 years on the mainland, the army of the "Canglang Empire" invaded the "Wind Wing Kingdom", and the "Sura Empire" launched a counterattack in order to preserve the face and interests of the suzerain. After half a year of fierce fighting, the two sides finally ended in the defeat of the coalition forces of the "Sura Empire" and the "Wind Wing Kingdom" and retreating to the Wolf City. The decision makers of the Shamanic Holy See watched the Northeast town occupied by a group of remnants. In addition to meaningless diplomatic protests, the big men who could not produce a single soldier were helpless.

Amazed eyes swept over the next eye-catching title: "Wusa City", the capital of the Five Sands, was attacked and destroyed by suspected shamans, and the data of the dead is not fully counted up to 2 million people at present

Chu Yu couldn't help but meditate: "Andongye - you must be a madman-"