Wolf Empire

0057 Beauty

A blazing fire was lit in the big tent of the Chinese army, and there was a "crackling" sound when the firewood burned, which gave a rare strong warmth to the tent in the cold night.

The slightly recovered Antonye first-level* held the little girl Anjin's love and teased his dog "lone wolf" as if no one was around. A group of officials stood around with their breath and did not dare to stay away.

"General, I have found out that Ms. Shali, the biological mother of Jinlian, is now living as a slave in the golden top tent of the Sand Snake King of the 'Golden Snake Department'. The situation is absolutely true." After he couldn't help burping, Bishop Zhuluo reported.

"The 'Golden Snake Department' is the largest tribe with the largest territory and the largest number of people among the Sha clans. 650 miles away from here, there are more than 300,000 men, women, old and young, and countless cattle, sheep and horses. It is a hard bone that is extremely difficult to gnaw." The wizard added that he complained a little about an incomplete companion's report due to excessive drinking.

"Tomorrow morning, the wolves will go out." Andongye looked at the little girl in his arms and said quietly, "Anyway, I will help the baby find the lost mother - it's pitiful without a mother to take care of the beloved child." Perhaps it was the painful past, and the corners of the Wolf King's eyes were already faintly tears.

Wolf Wang Andongye, who has always refused to show his weak side in front of his subordinates*, must have touched the weakest pain in his heart-

"General, the troops have just withdrawn from the battle, and their combat effectiveness has seriously declined, which seems inappropriate-" The advice of Lieutenant General Chang'an Zichen, the staff officer of duty, was stopped by the fish girl standing opposite him with an unbearable shaking her head.

"Big brother-Shayang and they have arrived-" Under the soft reminder of Brigadier General Youdong behind him, the first level* of Andongye * began to recover. When he raised his head, he saw a group of senior prisoners of the "Wusha Emirates" who were bound into the tent of the Chinese army by the murderous wolf soldiers.

"Old man, for the sake of your own selfishness and fulfill your loyal reputation, you don't hesitate to let your more than 2 million subjects be buried with you. I really can't keep you!" An Dongye* stared at the old man in the front, almost squeezing out the sentence from his teeth to sentence the death of the other party.

"hehe." The white-haired "Wisha Emirate" and the consul of "Wusa City" old man, Sha Yang, seems to care about the life and death of his army and civilians. At least there is no attitude of grief and mourning on the surface. Instead, he sneered and said, "I am already half buried in the earth. How can I be afraid of death? Moreover, I might as well tell you that since my only son lamb was cruelly harmed by the evil beast around the general 15 years ago, I have become boring-" While talking, the old man Shayang stared at An Aoyan standing on the left side of the first-level * in Andongye, and the hatred deep into the bone marrow was full of words.

An Aoyan didn't care about the words and behavior of the old man Shayang, but looked at the sand warbler who was waiting to die beside him and was reduced to prison by a noble young woman. His nose moved slightly, as if thinking about what was determined in his heart-

"I am willing to fulfill your will and loyalty, prime minister." An Dongye unconsciously wrapped the long braided hair of Xiaojinlian in his arms and said coldly, "Before you die, do you have anything else to explain?"

"Yes." The old man Shayang got up and took the first half of the step, and was immediately rudely pulled to the ground by the wolf soldiers behind him. He struggled twice and asked, "I have three questions that I can't figure out. I hope the general can let me understand."

"Ask!" Andongye first-class * road.

"How did you let your generational sworn enemy Warcraft monsters serve you-" the old man Shayang asked.

"It has nothing to do with you!" Anton first-level* interrupted the other party's first question and directly refused to answer.

"Also, even if you pass through the 'death desert' with the help of An Aoyan, an evil beast, but with its 'World of Warcraft' and the triangle of China, as well as the 'Water Scorpion Department' personally commanded by the Sand Scorpion King, 50,000 elite iron riders stationed there. How did you pass through the defense zone without our awareness- The old man Shayang asked eagerly to know the answer.

"Simple, the 'Water Scorpion Department' is not left, and all of them have been killed." Andongye's first-level * expressionless answer.

"-" The old man Shayang took a long breath and asked, "So here at the border, there are also militias stationed in towns-"

"Thirteen towns, 41 villages, one alive!" Andongye answered the other party's last question quickly and decisively.

The old sand sheep sighed and laughed, "If I can die under the knife of an opponent like you, my sand sheep will not live in vain!"

"Zitong, except for our noble Lord Sand, the rest of the people, all! Department! Kill! Drop it!" Andongye first-class * squeezed a beautiful arc at the corners of his mouth and waved gently to the right of the armed police Brigadier General An Zitong, who had been waiting for the order for a long time, to signal that it was time for the latter to play.

After receiving a clear order from the commander of the legion, Brigadier General An Zitong waved his hand silently, and the armed police began to drag the senior prisoners on the ground like mud.

"Wait a minute!" An Aoyan suddenly appeared and pointed to Sha Ying, a noblewoman of the Sha nationality, who was dragged on the ground with her hair pulled by the armed police, and shouted, "This woman can't be killed!"

"Aoyan, are you ordering me and the armed police?" Brigadier General Zitong, the female leader of the armed police, looked coldly at An Aoyan; the latter turned to the superior who held the power of life and death, "plop", knelt down on the ground and shouted, "This prime minister's concubine was kind to Ao Yan in the past, please complete it!"

"There is gold under the man's knees. Proud, stand up." Andongye's first-class * narrowed his eyes and meditated for a moment, pouted to the armed police leader with a sinking face. He smiled and said, "Young people are inevitably short of breath and have long love for their children - since she is an arrogant confidant, let her go!"

The sand warbler, who thought he would die, did not expect to pick up a life. He fell into An Aoyan's arms in shock and fear. His shoulders shrugged and sobbed; An Aoyan held the beautiful woman who cried with pear blossoms and rain in his arms and silently comforted him silently-

Anjin, a little girl in the arms of the Wolf King, mischievously used her little hands to block the eyes of her father who looked at the lingering scene of you and my resentment.

The old man Shayang saw everything in his eyes, pointed to his concubine Sha Ying and laughed and scolded, "The husband and wife are originally birds in the same forest, and they fly separately in the face of disaster. You shameless bitch! In the past, it was because of you that I killed my lamb. Today, as soon as I died, I became happy for you, hahaha-"

"Prepare! Execute the shooting!"

After hearing the execution order issued by the female leader Brigadier General An Zitong, the armed police, who had already raised their guns outside the tent, launched a unilateral massacre after firing only a row of guns.

Compared with the administrative efficiency of these officials and gentlemen of the "Wusa Emirate", the armed police force belonging to the wolves is obviously much more efficient in executing slaughtering. Half of the armed police plundered the perimeter of the execution ground, and half of their companions raised the snowy special wolf tooth knives and rushed to the unarmed hands like a hungry wolf. A captured official tied to his hands and feet.

For a short time, 216 civil and military officials of the "Wusa Emirate", including the prime minister's sand sheep, were slaughtered clean like a group of frightened rabbits.

"Check it and don't leave a living mouth!"

Under the supervision and order of Brigadier General An Zitong, armed police officers with murder experience, inspect the dead bodies under their feet one by one, and then stab the part of the heart, which is an absolutely foolproof method of the armed police force.

Through the curtain of the Chinese army's tent, the strong smell of blood was sent directly by the wild wind to the nasal senses of the big slave owner Shaqi who collapsed on the ground. He seemed to feel something. He climbed to the foot of the first-level * of Andongye like a fat dog and kept kowtowing and begging for mercy: "General, please spare my life. The general spares his life. The villain is willing to be a cow and a horse for you, go through fire and water, and do not hesitate-"

After showing the silence of the barking dog "Lone Wolf" of the unknown species lying at the feet of its owner, Antonye first-level * suddenly asked, "I heard that you are the mother-in-law of the sand snake king of the 'Golden Snake Department'?"

"Yes, yes-" Mr. Shaqi, who was not sure whether his identity brought him a blessing or a curse, played the drum in fear and uneasily, and stared at his vicious dog "Lone Wolf" who squatted at the feet of his master with hostility, and threw a friendly smile like his kind.

"Very good." Andongye first-class * suddenly straightened up in the tiger's seat and said with his eyes shining, "You immediately write a letter to your nephew, the king of the sand snake, and exchange a female slave named 'saver' in his tent for your noble old life!" Would you like to?"

"Yes, yes, this is the small one to write--" Master Shaqi's pair of detailed eyes projected the desire to survive.

At the signal of the first level* of Antonye, Captain An Muxi, the secretary of the Mobei Front Army Corps of the Shamanite, quickly put the pen, ink, paper and inkstone and the four treasures of the study on the table.

"I'll read it, you write it as you write-" Antonye first-level * ordered.

"Yes, yes-" Master Shaqi hurriedly got up from the ground, grabbed the wolf, dipped it in the ground ink, then raised a shiny black fat face, and looked forward to someone who was staddled in front of the case.

"Listen-" Andongye's first-class* said slowly, "The king of the sand snake personally: Go to the border city to fight, and ask if the king's eye disease can be cured? Higashino is very worried and sleeps and eats uneasily.

Today, my mother-in-law stayed with my wolves as a guest. There are many rude people. There are some unsatisfactory things when entertaining, and the man is very eager to return. Dongye Su heard that there is a female slave who calls 'saver' under the king's tent. She has both sex and art, and she admires it very much. She is willing to take care of each other. If she is completely stupid, please meet with the two armies in the 'Wisha City' in ten days. Exchange hostages in front of the address, and then I will get drunk with you! Chang'an Dongye First-class Army*, the first-class army of the Mobei Front Army of the Shaman's Holy See, on January 2, 2001,

He is a good hand at writing as a big slave owner who is rich in human trafficking. When the words of Andongye's first-level * fell, this man also wrote the letter to the superior.

After reading the accuracy of the letter, An Dongye first-level * suddenly smiled and said, "In order to get the letter from the sand snake king, it is necessary to borrow something from Mr. Shaqi and take it with the letter to make a certificate-" After winking at Brigadier General Youdong, he smiled and said, "I'm sorry, Lord Shaqi-"< /P>