Wolf Empire

0064 A word "love", how helpless

When everyone's eyes in the golden tent focused on the sardine wearing a veil and only revealing a pair of blue eyes, the little girl An Jinlian opened her young arms, protected her mother behind her, and shouted at the ferocious sand snake king: "You're talking nonsense! My mother is not a bad person! You talk nonsense!!!"

Faced with the doubtful eyes of everyone, including the first-level generals and generals of Andongye, the beaver calmed for a moment and said slowly, "I didn't want to say those dusty old things, but now, I can only tell the truth-

Yes, I am the twin direct sister of the Sand Fox King, the owner of the 'Firefox Department'. Our sisters look exactly alike, but the difference is that my sister has a 'beauty mole' in her eyebrows. When she went to serve the 'five beast gods' dying, the mother passed the position of the head of the department to the sister who was born 30 fingers earlier than me and repeatedly told her. Let our sisters love each other-

After my sister inherited the throne, she has been very kind to me as my sister until one day, a beautiful man who came to Mobei for tourism from the 'Canglang Empire' appeared in front of us-

Sard beaver said this, bent down, held his daughter An Jinlian's little girl in his arms affectionately, and said infatuatedly, "Maybe it's fate! My sister and I fell in love with the young count at the same time, but our sisters never knew that the handsome and luxurious count was a descendant of a Western vampire clan-"

"So what you said - it turned out to be Count Sato, the father of Kunlian -" the wizard Yuyu muttered.

"hehe." The beaver smiled sadly and continued, "This vampire count is very charming and romantic, maneuding between me and my sister, like a fish in water, which fascinates our sisters-

The tragedy began here. My sister and I began to go from jealousy to intrigue, and finally to bad words. The rift between us became bigger and bigger with the escalation of the conflict, and finally reached the point where it could not be healed-

Later, I became pregnant and pregnant with the flesh and blood of Count Sato. After hearing this, my sister was furious and sent someone to kill the count to vent her hatred, hehe! It's ridiculous that Count Sato, who got the wind earlier, abandoned me and the child in his belly and sneaked back to his home country-

In the sigh of everyone, the Sand Snake King sneered nervously and said, "If you had followed your sister's arrangement and married me as a concubine, why bother today?"

"Bah! At this point, you are still flirting. Are you dead?" Princess Shayu, who was tilted aside, said viciously.

"Bah--" The sand snake king went back in court and cursed, "You tiger, for so many years, if it hadn't been for your half-brother, General Sand Python, with your support, I would have ruined you!" I've had enough of it!"

"Good!" Princess Shaqi tore back and scolded, "You ** snake, do you also have the face to be lonely? If my eldest brother hadn't helped you, you would still be feeding horses and sheep in the corridor of the Sand Wolf Department!"

"Presumptuous!" In his life, the Sand Snake King was most taboo for others to mention his disgraceful past, and immediately said angrily, "You ugly woman, don't think that you and the python brother and sister have committed adultery*, you just don't know-"

"You-you spit people's blood!" The ugly princess rushed to her husband crazily, tearing and biting, who also didn't care about the king's identity and grabbed his wife's hair and tore it violently.

At the first level, the extremely impatient signal of the gendarmes pulled away the two men and women on the ground. After the two people with torn clothes, drooling and scratches were forced to separate, they still scolded each other until each person had a stinky gendarme foot wrap in their mouth.

The third party, General Sand Python, sat on the ground with a pale face, with blue veins beating violently and closing his eyes without saying a word.

Ignoring the farce and ugliness of the two men and women, the beaver continued: "After the unintentional man left, my sister vented her anger and hatred on me. She not only cut me from the throne, demoted me to a slave and gave it to the sand snake couple for fun, but also destroyed my appearance crazily-"

While talking, the saver stretched out his hand to lift the veil that had been covering his face. With the sudden exclamation of the people in the tent, an ugly face covered with scars was surprisingly displayed in front of everyone. At first glance, it made people tremble and uncomfortable.

"Mother--" The little girl Anjin fell into her mother's arms and cried bitterly. The mother and daughter hugged each other tightly and wept.

"Alas--" A small voice in the crowd sighed: "A word 'love', how helpless-"

"Everyone will have a dusty past that they don't want to mention hidden in the bottom of their hearts. When you are a little careless, they will come out to make your heartbreaking pain." At the first level, An Moran, a female slave who had lowered her head at this time, lingered for a moment and ordered, "Dongzi, you go and arrange for Jin* and Moran to go down to rest first and be ready to set out with the brigade."

"Big Brother-" Brigadier General Youdong hesitated for a moment and saw several royal prisoners of the "Golden Snake Department" on the ground. He asked his brother to speak with his eyes. The latter raised his hand to signal but said it was okay.

After organizing the language he wanted to express in a long and short period of time, General Youdong said, "Brother, here's the thing. Those more than 100,000 slave soldiers who were liberated from 'Wusa City' saw that our wolves were preparing to leave the camp, so they entrusted me to ask the eldest brother to take They go together. You should know that among the slave group with a total of nearly 150,000, there are less than 90,000 young slave men and women with combat effectiveness, and the rest are old, weak women and children. It can be imagined that if we lose the protection of our wolves, once the army of the 'Wusa Emirate' comes, they will only have a dead end. . Therefore, I beg my eldest brother to allow me to take them with me-"

"It's nonsense, Youdong, is your first day as a soldier? Do you think we are on an outing? The enemy in all directions is about to kill. The wolves bring these burdens. Do we still have combat effectiveness?

After listening to his brother's request, the wolf king Antonye scolded Brigadier General Youdong angrily:

"I might as well tell you the truth, the only thing that can save their lives now is speed! Speed!! Speed!!! Except for weapons and ammunition, drinking water food and captured gold and silver treasures, all other heavy materials must be burned on the spot and break through and return home lightly. The future road of the wolves to China must be extremely hard and dangerous. If we bring more than 100,000 slaves who are incombatless and slow, then we Why did you run? We two brothers and the children just wiped our necks and committed suicide!"

"Big Brother-" Brigadier General Youdong shouted unwillingly.

"Don't you hear me? The situation is serious, and we are not allowed to be kind, give them the necessary food and water, and give them some money, life and death, and let them find their own way out!"

For the first time in 13 years, Brigadier General Youdong did not immediately carry out his brother's order and hesitated to move.

"Why don't you go?" The first-level general of Andongye seemed to have found his brother's abnormality today and was very angry.

"Big brother-you have changed-" Brigadier General Youdong shook his head and said with a painful expression: "Since you became the position of legion commander, you are less and less like you-"

"What-" At the first level, An Dongye's expression was slightly shocked, and his tone couldn't help but slow down.

"Brother, we are all poor and low-class. Do you remember the days when we begged along the street in the 'Wolf City' when we were young? Every time I was hungry, I was not the bitter people who were regarded as 'undomin' by the nobles and gave us their poor food. If it hadn't been for those kind-hearted people, you, me, we would have starved to death on the street! Now that you have become a general and have the power and wealth, do you completely ignore the life or death of the poor people who once suffered like us-"

The words that Brigadier General Dong summoned up the courage to say made his brother fall into deep meditation after the initial surprise-

"Brother, Youdong has always respected you and admired you very much. Over the years, he has never violated any of your instructions, but this time-" Brigadier General Youdong took a deep breath, straightened his chest, and said angrily to welcome his brother: "I'm sorry, brother, I decided to take these slaves with me and return them freedom. Never give up on any of them!"

There was no imagined storm. After a long and brief silence, he obviously felt the contemptuous glance of An Moran, the female slave hiding in the crowd. Antonye raised his head and whispered, "You are right, Dongzi. At least we have to do our best, and the rest depends on God's will-

"I thank you for them!" Brigadier General Youdong's body was short, and he knelt down on the ground and said with great excitement.

"Listen and tell them that if you don't want to be a fish, just pick up your weapon, keep up with the footsteps of the wolves, and be ready to fight and sacrifice!" An Dongye will announce loudly at the first level.

"Wolf herd! Wolves!! Wolves!!!" An Xiaopan and others, who had been waiting to hear the news inside and outside the gold account, immediately sent out a wave of thunderous cheers! So excited! Such a joy!! So full of hope for a new life!!!

"Yes, big brother." After saluted his brother with joy, Brigadier General Youdong rushed out with Jin*nu and Moran's sister and brother.

"Women's benevolence!" It was a golden armored general who threw out this rude word. Although he was a prisoner, he did not harm the majestic general's character at all.

General Sand Python? Higashino has heard of you-" At the first level, the general of Antonye narrowed his eyes, looked at the person who spoke rudely in front of him, and said coldly, "You are the first to make the armed police and gendarmerie troops under the top three under my command. So far, you are the first!"

After listening to this, a two female general standing behind General Python suddenly felt that their faces were pale and deeply lowered, and they couldn't wait to eliminate the hatred of the python!

In fact, in the short-losing battle, the "death squad" organized by the sand python really let the two brave forward troops of the wolves lose the total number of casualties in previous battles since they entered the battle of Mobei!

General Sand Python sneered and said, "It's nothing. Compared with millions of lives in the hands of you, the devil, my sand python is really a little witch!"

"I have courage!" At the first level, An Dongye clapped his hands gently, turned his hands, and said with a gloomy sneer, "It's still early. Why don't we play a game!"