Wolf Empire

0066 Canglang Mission

Faced with the surprised eyes of the two female subordinates, Antonye showed a confident smile and said:

"Have you ever heard of the phrase 'raising the enemy and self-respecting'? Our wolves made such a big noise this time. How can those bigwigs in the Holy See let us go easily? Lifting the military power and destroying the family is also a matter between their mouths; ha, remember that we will always be just chess tools in the hands of noble masters and archbishops. As the old saying goes, 'Fly birds, good bows, cunning rabbits die, and running dogs cook.' Once there is no war in the frontier, in order to have peace of mind, the first thing those noble lords and archbishops have to deal with is us border generals with military power-"

After a little meditation, Andongye saw that the two love generals could hear it, and then continued to say, "Now the five major departments of Mobei have died. The second, the sand camel of the 'earth camel department and the water scorpion department' have died in my hands one after another. Among the remaining three kings, the sand falcon of the 'wooden eagle department' is still young, and the sand fox department of the 'fire fox department' is more than wise. , lack of courage will not be put in the eyes of our childish pope and several archbishops. The only thing that really deter them is the vicious and ambitious 'Golden Snake Department' sand snake. Once the sand snake dies, they will be fearless and get rid of us quickly!"

"So-" Brigadier General An Zitong said slowly, "As long as the sand snake is still alive for a day, the Holy See will use the power of our wolves to protect the country, and dare not do anything to us-

"In order to save our lives, we have to let this stinky snake live for a long time-" Colonel An Yinger said reluctantly.

In the light of countless torches, the wolves are preparing for the retreat in an orderly manner under the command of the general Chang'an Zichen.

The soldiers at all levels sorted out their weapons and dry food and threw down all the unnecessary things. A tent was ignited into a huge bunch of fire trees, and piles of debris piled up together. The slave soldiers were pouring fire oil on them. With the temporary appointment of Brigadier General Youdong as the head of the slave army An Xiaopan threw the first torch in his hand, and the slave soldiers threw the torches in their hands on the piles of goods one after another. In a moment, the materials piled up into hills have disappeared in the raging fire. The pungent thick black smoke passed through the burning camp, accompanied by the wild wind and permeated the cold desert night sky. , refused to disperse for a long time-

In tears, the division of the 401 Division had left the wolf brigade earlier. Behind them, who were the avant-garde, countless horse vehicles carried the huge amount of wealth captured from the "Wusa City" city, and more than 100,000 liberated slaves followed closely behind the queue of wolves.

"Quick! Hurry up!! Full speed!!!"

In the urgent urging of officers at all levels, the wolves took the 401 Division as the avant-garde, the Bobcat Independent Brigade as the left wing, the Red Fox Independent Brigade as the right wing, and the 402 Division as the rear guard, directly under the Guard Division, the Warcraft Division, armed police and gendarmerie troops to protect slaves and treasure convoys, stretching hundreds of miles back and forth. It formed a huge long black torrent and made rapid progress along the mainland highway towards the border without stopping!

The winged monsters in charge of air vigilance and reconnaissance in the circling clouds, looking down from the sky, the whole wolf group is like a black dragon passing through the firelight, with a rolling black iron flowing wildly into the distance--

In front of the wolves, the five defense coalitions, whose total strength is more than three times the wolves, are waiting to open their big nets. In the rear, countless Sha militias are also chasing after them!

There are only two ways in front of the wolf king An Dongye: life or death.

In the history of 7,000 battles of wolves, there has never been a case of surrendering or waiting for death without fighting! Never!! Not once!!!

A fierce bloody battle is about to begin! At the first level, the general of Antonye did not know how many people could survive the wolf children who passed through his horse, but he knew that it would be very few, very few-

Turning his eyes to the front full of crisis and endless darkness, Antonye said to himself at the first level: "One day, I will make our wolves strong enough! Powerful is not restrained by anyone!! Powerful makes those high-ranking bigwigs look up at us and tremble!!!"


In the past half month, I don't know how many times the cabinet meeting has been held.

The young Pope Baiye Mufeng yawned tirelessly while listening to the endless arguments of several secret archbishops on the table.

"For this incident, the servants thought that Lord Tang, as a marshal, could not escape the blame, and the governance was not strict, and he should take full responsibility." The short and powerful interior minister, Archbishop Yuanbei Gu, once again pointed the finger at his sworn enemy.

Marshal Tang Shu, the military minister who had already greeted the 18th generation of his ancestors, suppressed his anger and turned his eyes for help to the chief cabinet minister who was sitting above him and closed his eyes, and the archbishop of Nalan Ruochu, who had an in-law relationship with him.

After a long time, the latter opened his slightly closed eyes, and the old god said freely, "Andongye has no military law. Doing such a bold thing has caused a very bad impact in the world and greatly damaged the good image and status of the Holy See among the mainland countries. Therefore, this time, the cabinet must come up with the most severe The attitude will impose the most severe punishment on him to block the world's leisurely mouth.

"Gong Ziming, you are proficient in legal affairs and are a long-talent in this field. Tell me?" Baiye Mufeng turned his eyes to the legal minister Ming and general.

"Your Majesty, ladies and gentlemen." The young and ambitious Minister of justice and military police commander, Ming, stood up and bowed slightly to his superiors and colleagues. He held the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said, "If the newspaper report is true, General Andongye destroyed 100 cities in the 'Wisha Emirates' in Mobei and massacred more than 2 million soldiers and civilians, which is bound to provoke the powerful countries of the mainland. Public indignation and panic, so from the perspective of the diplomacy of the Holy See, heavy responsibility is inevitable.

Referring to diplomacy, Cardinal Huodu, the foreign minister in his position, said immediately: "The province has received a double note from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the embassy of the 'Canglang Empire' yesterday, all of which expressed serious concern about the 'Mobei incident'; it is reported that Princess Lihui, the eldest daughter of Emperor Musashi, will visit at an appropriate time. In the list of members of the mission accompanying the princess's visit, the names of Count Chenyuan, the son of the grand marshal of the imperial army and the eldest princess are prominently listed, which shows that the visit of the 'Canglang Empire' is not as unusual as it seems.

"In the battle between the two powers, the 'Sura Empire' was defeated by the vicissitudes. According to the Northeast town of our Holy See, the 'Wolf City' has not been able to return it so far. Based on this situation, the 'Canglang Empire' has been the general trend of our Holy See." Marshal Tang Shu, the military minister who breathed a sigh of relief, expressed his views.

"The vicissitudes of the waves have won the power of Shura. If you come to visit the Holy See, you must be arrogant. I, the Holy See must not lose the momentum." The young pope turned his encouraging eyes to the only female member of the eight ministers of the cabinet.

After receiving the hint of the superior, the ceremonial minister, the Countess of the butterfly dancer, got up and said gracefully, "According to the equivalent reception specifications between the great powers, our Holy See will also send royal ladies of the corresponding status and hereditary noble military officers with titles to welcome Princess Lihui and Count Chenyuan, who entertained the viciss of the waves, but-"

"It's just the rise and fall of the sun of the royal family, and there are few women-" The young Pope Baiye Mufeng sighed and caught the words that the ceremonial minister and the butterfly dance count were difficult to say.

"There is a way for servants." The Privy Archbishop of Nalan Ruochu, Minister of State, said: "Miss Yaya in General Xia Nanxuan's mansion is the closest relative of His Majesty the Pope. She is smart and beautiful. She has studied in the 'Light Cathedral' of the Canglang Empire'. She is well aware of the customs of that country. Her Majesty can can can title Miss Yaya as a princess and treat her with full authority. The vicissitudes of the waves."

"As for the candidate for the deputy military attache - barely only Count Sun Yabin, who is still on the front line of Liangzhou, can correspond to Count Chenyuan in that country -" Marshal Tang Shu, who said this, couldn't wait to slap himself twice.

Archbishop Yuanbei, the Minister of Internal Affairs, who has always opposed the marshal of the Ministry of Military Affairs, sneered and said, "Sun Yabin? What is the status of Count Chenyuan in the 'Canglang Empire'? Can our Sun Yabin third-class count be compared with his only son, hereditary relatives, princesses and navy leaders?

"It's only him-" Baiye Mufeng couldn't hide his awkward dry cough, which made a minister of the interior restrained and put away his poisonous tongue.

The Hundred Leaf Royal Family has withered its talents. Speaking of military merit and nobles, after thinking about it, it is just a general of the Prince of England, but Chen Yuan, who reduced the price as a prince and received the accompanying foreign mission as an earl, is not ceremonious. Sun Yabin is the only one who has seen the relatives and nobles of the dynasty, has been related to the royal family, served in the army, and has a title.

Minister of State Naran Ruochu, the Privyrincipal Archbishop, once again cut back to the topic and said: "My servant has always been naive and romantic (in fact, what a minister wants to say is 'unruly and capricious'), and Count Sun Yabin is sometimes a little mixed (a minister's subtext is 'Sun Yabin's second son is occasionally stupid), in order to To avoid dishonial etiquette and making jokes in diplomatic occasions, Miss Yaya and Count Sun Yabin's etiquette training guidance has bothered Lord Lao Diewu-"

The ceremonial minister, the butterfly dancer quickly bowed and said, "The responsibility of the butterfly dance is, and I dare not resign."

"Good." Pope Baiye Mufeng put on his broad sleeve robe and said, "On the same day, Miss Yaya was named the 'Princess of Liangcheng' and became the emperor; Sun Yabin, a third-class count, was promoted to the first-class count and was ready to welcome the 'Mission of Canglang'; Lord Yuan of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, please send elite forces to arrest Andongye before the mission reaches the 'Huadu'. Sin, there is no reprieve!"

"Servants receive the decree." Archbishop Gu, the Minister of Internal Affairs, secretly said happily, "The Anshui Department of the Third Column of the Secret Police is ready to depart at any time!"

"Huo Du, you can also go with Lord Yuan's subordinates." The young Pope Baiye Mufeng leaned tiredly on the pearly seat and said to his confidant and foreign minister, Archbishop Huo Shan, "You and Dongye, and I have played since childhood. Maybe that madman will listen to you more or less-"