Wolf Empire

0073 Select the front

After a night of fierce battle, with the three powerful elite troops of wolves, monsters, police and gendarmes, and a "72 Hell Knights of the Undead" who made the army of the "Golden Snake Department" bleed into a river with unknown origin but with ghostly killing skills and speed, once believed that victory was in front of us. The Sha people were very unwilling and helpless to withdraw from the town.

After gathering 52 thousand cavalry troops and fighting to kill most of the night, the revengeful general had to suppress the shame in his heart and order the troops to withdraw from the battlefield during the time when it was conducive to the performance of shaman's weapons after dawn.

For the surviving five generals, their mental fatigue is far more than physical consumption. The three ampions of the wolves and the "undead Knights" that seem to be from the ghosts of hell have left an indelible shadow in their hearts; the more practical problem is that they are paying for the frontal attack. The four 10,000 cavalry of the soldiers were revoked, and nearly one-third of the "Golden Snake Department" attacked on the back was killed and injured. The "* town" is still in the hands of the shaman enemy.

At this time, the exhausted wolf soldiers lie down on the square in the center of the town and enjoy the few sunshine baths for the rest of their lives. God knows if you will see tomorrow's sun tomorrow-

With the hoofs, the wolf generals raised their heavy eyelids. When they saw the wolf king An Dongye first-class* accompanied by a laughing young man of the same age with a face and dozens of strange and murdered black knights, all the wolf generals, including the wounded, appeared in the square. The ministry stood up and saluted.

An Dongye's first-class * meticulous return of the gift, and the "undead commander" around him said strangely, "I can't see that your wolf cubs are quite respectful to you."

"Your stone, you'd better stay away from my eldest brother!" Brigadier General Youdong, the soul of the wolf guard, rudely reminded a certain stone road.

"Well-" Yushi felt good about himself and said, "I said Youdong, don't always be hostile to me. Although I am a little higher than your martial arts, I look a little more handsome, and my popularity is a little better-but that's not my fault-

"Stone-" Fish Girl couldn't listen and said, "Can you be a little more narcissistic?"

"He can!" Andongye first-class * said solemnly, "He is really capable!! Absolutely!!!"

Rainstone laughed and said, "Those who know me, Dongye!"

The fish girl shook her head with a wry smile and turned her attention to the silent "72 Hell Knights" who followed a stone without saying a word.

For this legendary top killer group in the mainland, Yuyu girl has long heard of it, which is almost the most horrible killer cavalry force in the history of the mainland.

Legend has it that the "72 Hell Knights" is the killer ace of the "Dead Organization" created by the "Iwatake Tianzun" rain stone known as the "King of Killers".

It is composed of 72 members. They are dressed in cold clothes, machetes, masks on their faces, black scarves, and only their eyes. Their bodies are dressed in long black cloaks, horse boots, horse boots equipped with daggers, and big bows and steel feathers. They are generally move in the desert and rarely enter the inland. What's more, because of their organization, and all of them wearing masks, no one has ever seen their true faces. Whenever this horrible killer force appears, it will bring a terrible massacre to mankind. They took the horn as the order and only obeyed their master's rainstones, as fast as the wind, as strong as fire, and did not leave an inch of grass wherever they went. Strong bow and machete, good at riding and shooting, with one hundred enemies, never defeated.

And these shocking horror rumors were confirmed by blood in last night's war!

Last night, more than 10,000 generals of the wolf group in charge of the rear defense line, under the command of Lieutenant General An Jinliang, a werewolf teenager, the head of the division, launched a hand-to-hand battle with the 100,000 troops of the "Golden Snake Department" with one enemy.

Just when Lieutenant General An Jinliang and his troops fought hard and couldn't support it, the Wolf King Andongye first-level* appeared. There was also a rain stone who kept yawning with the Wolf King and the "72 Hell Knight" under his command who frightened the enemy!

When the rainstone hit the 207 yawn, the "72 Hell Knights" killed more than 4,000 people without a sound. Everyone's saddle was full of a string of blood and flesh and vague heads cut off by the sand people, and the frightened "Golden Snake" soldiers collapsed one after another. The "72 Hell Knights" were poor. He chased and killed all the way until dawn before he was willing to give up and returned to the camp. As a result, more than 20,000 enemies were destroyed.

At this time, the generals of the wolves deeply realized that their commander, An Dongye, took half of the wealth captured by the wolves as a condition, and the fighting power in exchange was absolutely worth the money!

At this moment, the other half of the wealth, including gold and silver, jewelry, diamonds and jade, is piled up like debris in the center of the square.

"Children of the wolves, in the past two months day and night, you have proved that you are the strongest with loyalty and courage. I, your father, Antonye, thank you for your support. Here, I will fulfill my promise to everyone when I walked out of the 'death desert'!"

Under the record and distribution of Captain An Muxi, a young and beautiful clerk, each wolf group lined up in several long dragons received a gold coin or diamond group reward from the logistics quartermaster. Those dozens of piles of precious metals shining in the sun made the people who were exhausted and depressed just now suddenly shouted excitedly and cheered!

"Hang wolf King--"

From the standpoint of a group of officials appointed by the Holy See, such as Yuyu, Zhuluo, An Zitong, An Xiaorao and An Muxi, it is absolutely against the system for soldiers and middle and lower-level officers to claim kings and long live without authorization. It is not too much to be strictly investigated and to treat a crime of chaos and extermination of the family;

However, after experiencing countless days and nights, large and small difficulties and dangers, life and death, the uncontrolled words and deeds shown by comrades-in-arms, all of which are really not important-

Like other comrades-in-arms of the wolf pack, each slave soldiers liberated from the original "Wusha City" also have an equal number of gold coins and diamonds. If a slave's child runs to the side of the first-class* of Andongye, Mouye also grabs a handful of gold coins from a nearby mountain and puts them into the hands of children, not patting Slap their little buttocks, pinch their little faces, and then watch the children run away happily, showing a rare smile.

"Your father absolutely has a fetish-" The little sister Xi Yuehu held her cheeks in her hands. After an hour and a half of observation, she finally made such a conclusion to An Moran and An Xiaopan around her.

An Moran smiled quietly, carefully collected Nai's reward, and said earnestly, "You bought this money with your life on the battlefield. Your parents are gone. My sister will keep it for you first. When you meet your favorite girl in the future, my sister will help you get married. It's good to have a family and a business to continue the incense for our family-

He turned his eyes to An Xiaole's thin figure standing alone in a secluded place. An Xiao climbed with a bitter smile and said, "I'm not in a hurry. Let's talk about it when I have a brother-in-law-"

"Me?" The thin image in An Moran's mind flashed away, and he said with a wry smile, "It's good to be alone in my life-"

Then the voices in the distance began to become noisy, and the shadows were surging. The little sister Xi Yuehu jumped off the stone mill excitedly and said, "'Choosing the front' has begun! I'll sign up!"

"Little sister-in-law, what is 'selecting the front'?" An Xiaopan stretched out her hand and grabbed someone who was about to fly.

"Choosing the front is to select the most elite soldiers at the altitude in the wolf division brigade, form a 'death squad' dead men, and attack the enemy's command center tonight!" After explaining the unfamiliar words of the young slave leader, the little sister Xi Yuehu broke away from the hand held by the other party, raised her arms and ran to the center of the square, shouting:

"I'll sign up! Count me in! Count me in!"

"Sister-" An Xiao Panxi's difficult eyes greeted her sister and stopped talking.

An Moran unexpectedly changed his opposition attitude in the past. Instead, he gave encouragement and said, "Don't worry, sister. Go ahead. Men's dignity and wealth are won on the battlefield!"

In Naijie's continuous instructions of "be careful", An Xiaopan turned into two steps into the crowd and listened to Chang'an Zichen, a staff officer, standing on a square stone and talking to everyone:

"In the previous battle, our army, relying on the weak advantage of weapons and terrain, barely repelled the enemy's attack several times more than mine. While severely hitting the enemy, we also paid a heavy price, and the reality that we almost ran out of food forced our wolves to the edge of a desperate situation!" After taking a breath, An Zichen raised his voice and said:

"After the research and decision of the military department, now select 'dare to fight' dead soldiers in the wolf groups and brigades, and form a 'death squad' of 3,000 people. At midnight tonight, they will raid the enemy's command center, that is, the 'wooden eagle tent' of King Falcon! The selection requirements are not only superb in skills and strong style, but also not afraid of sacrifice and death!"

An Zichen glanced at the registered elites of the wolves surrounding him, took a deep breath and said in a low voice, "Because - these 3,000 'dead men' are destined to sacrifice!!!"

The applicants standing at the table of An Muxi, the clerk to be written, looked at each other and showed a brief silence.

A hoarse voice with a light cough sounded behind the crowd: "Captain An Muxi, I'm the first to sign up. I'm the commander of the Mobei Front Army, the first-class of the army*, Andongye."