Wolf Empire

0076 scared my father to death!

The officer on duty of the "Wooden Eagle Tense" is an experienced veteran. He has large, small, long and short scars on his body, and the number of ten fingers in his hands is not enough. In the eyes of the group of recruits who have just been forcibly recruited, these old and new scars are simply medals symbolizing glory, burning with light.

After showing off the "scars" on his body in front of a group of vigil recruits, the officer on duty squinted his eyes and took a nap under the flagpole with satisfaction in his admiration words and envious eyes.

In a daze, he felt a strange sand rolled up by the night wind, which made his neck hurt outside. When the officer on duty looked up confusedly, he saw a pair of feet hanging in mid-air above his head!

The one suspended in the air was a long-haired and murderous swordsman. When the rotating officer realized that there was an enemy from the black military uniform and the murderous intention in the other party's eyes, he swept the place with a furious cross knife wind and instantly divided the old soldier into four pieces like a windmill, those pieces of blood and flesh. The faces of the soldiers who splashed around were full of vigil.

An Jinliang, who was successful in the sneak attack, jumped down from the back of Ulanos in the air. Two galloping knives swept out and sent two sentries into Huangquan.

"Damn! Enemy attack!" A ten-rider who was the first to regain consciousness finally shouted a warning in the gap where several comrades-in-arms were slaughtered one after another, but it also attracted the attention of the attackers. An invisible wind gun ran through the throat of the ten riders shouting from top to bottom, and the second little sister Xi Yuehu, who successfully landed, withdrew the wind gun and was about to put on a beautiful one. With a majestic victory posture, as soon as I looked up, I saw hundreds of central guards angered by the tragic death of their companions, holding high sabers and rushing out of various big tents!

Xi Yuehu stuck out his tongue and shouted, "Are you serious?" He turned around and wanted to run. Fortunately, the falling Lin Warcraft and Horned Warcraft intercepted the guards in the turbulent enemy camp. Xi Yuehu, the little sister behind the Warcraft comrades-in-arms, stroked his slightly undulating chest and said to himself, "Fortunately, I run fast! Dad is scared to death! It's not funny at all!"

In the moment when 600 Lin Warcraft and Horn Warcraft fell, they transformed from human form to animalized combat form. When they landed, the huge sound and raised sand attracted the attention of the guards who chased the little girl Xiyuehu. In the face of the shock and doubts of the enemy, purple The red-eyed Lin demon gave the most direct answer to Pontus and the black-haired and yellow-eyed horned demon Uriah and their peers--

After the horned warcraft warrior turned into a combat form, two five-bone sharp claw blades were born at the front of his hands, and one or more middle guard was cut into several pieces of them with one blow. The huge body and destructive power of the horned Warcraft led by Uriah were like 411 giant meat grinders. "Wooden Eagle's tent" rampage;

Compaion with its companion's land combat ability, Lin Warcraft, which is weak, as soon as it comes on the field, it fires raindrop-like and powerfully dissolved venom at the enemy camp guards who are fully resisting. Unfortunately, no matter which part of the venom is shot, that part is instantly dissolved and liquefied, but people do not Death can only die slowly in a harsh howling, or be stabbed to death by a companion who can't bear to witness its pain;

Some winged Warcraft warriors who completed their own tasks carrying their comrades-in-arms could have retreated from the battlefield to rest according to the instructions of the Wolf King, but although their overloaded tasks made them exhausted that they were almost exhausted, no one left, but summoned up their last strength. Rejoining the battlefield, he swept down from the air from time to time and attacked the guards in the enemy camp who tried to block the friendly army with their bows and arrows with their claws. Under the cover of the chaos and night of the battlefield, human vision could not catch these elf kings in the night, and the guards who were scratched one by one Fall down even.

An Jinliang and others, who turned the werewolf, carried out one-sided slaughter with their own force and skills, and their opponents, the guards guarding the "wooden eagle tent" as many as 6,000, made them unable to recognize the strength gap between the two sides for a while, and they were not afraid of death and launched round after another to the night attackers. The impact of the wheel.

But these elite guards guarding the tent never expected that the main purpose of An Jinliang, Xiyuehu and the three demons was to attract their attention and make the originally vigilant Chinese army's tents appear flaws and lax in a certain period of time; and at this time, it was the wolves who dared to die suddenly The best time to attack the main force in the night sky!

The second wave of night attackers with human warriors as the main body fell from the sky. The sudden attack and strong individual combat ability of the wolves actually made the overall combat power far lower than the enemy's "death" assault force, and for a moment suppressed the elite guards who were attracted to take away most of the combat strength and guard the big account of the central army. In An Zitong, An Yinger and Under the command of the fierce battle in Youdong, the sharp knife formed by the armed police, the gendarmes and the young guards, the heavy ground "wooden eagle tent" that the enemy defended with all its strength also opened the door in front of the rainstone, Zhuluo, feathers and the "72 Hell Knights of the Dead" at the first level of Andongye -

Under the siege of most of the guards by the headquarters of An Jinliang, Xiyuehu and the three major warcrafts, under the desperate impact of the inner encirclement of Youdong, An Zitong and An Yinger, the first-level of Andongye, generals and Yushi, Zhuluo, Yuqi and 72 "dead hell knights" can be called the strongest masters of the wolves. Two comrades-in-arms rushed into their ultimate goal "Muying's tent" with countless lives!

At the first level, the action named " Capture the King" is to capture the enemy general sand vulture or the two remaining leaders of the wooden eagle department and Firefox department at all costs, and finally use this as a bargaining chip to negotiate with the enemy's senior management to return home.

As long as the three important figures of the enemy catch one of them alive, they will be half successful, so when Antonye and Rainstone rushed into the tent and saw a lot of their three targets on the scene, they almost laughed!

I don't care about the cost of the "wooden eagle tent" silk cloth at all. All the "undead hell knights" who race against time pulled out the full moon machete, cut out of the entrances on the tent cloth, and followed the Lord to pour into the tent.

At the meeting before everyone's action, the general of Antonye made a brief description of the outline and appearance of the three leaders of the enemy to the "Dead Hell Knight", the core member who participated in the "capture the King" operation of the final Chinese army, and repeatedly told that the maid guards in the tent could ignore it. Those who wear gorgeous clothes and precious metals, both men and women, must be captured alive at any cost! Then, their commander-in-chief Yushi sneezed and added, "Even if you encounter resistance from the other party, you can't hurt him at all. You must catch it alive!"

The words of the first-level superior and general of Antonye can be ignored, but in the words of the owner, Commander Rainstone, these "dead Hell Knights" did not dare to be careless at all. As soon as they entered the "Wooden Eagle Curtain", they took the full moon machete in their hands and glanced at everything in the tent with their eyes wide open their masks. Something.

In fact, the situation at the scene is much simpler and clear than the wolves and soldiers expected. In the tent, there is a beautiful woman in a red dress, a golden helmet and silver armor, a neatly dressed general in a green robe like a god, and a young man with white skin and luxurious clothes, but anyone with a slightly longer brain will These three characteristic costumes are obviously different and different from ordinary people's temperament to guess their different and extraordinary identities; several of them in blue and red uniforms formed a small defensive circle with internal guards, and their expressions were very calm and angry at this group of uninvited guests.

The first-level generals of Andongye came out and coughed softly, "I'm sorry, the two noblebi xias and the generals of the sandb, you are surrounded!"

King Shahu listened for a moment and said with a charming smile, "Do you hear the sound of horses' hoofs getting closer and closer outside? I'm afraid it's you who are surrounded, right?