Wolf Empire

0080 Mask

There were small raindrops flying in the night sky, and under the not too high wall of the city wall, countless soldiers in hats and raincoats hid their bodies, leaning against the wall densely, staring at the slowly raised gestures of the front officer.

As the main division of the wolf group, the 401 division should be 12,000. After more than a month of attack on the "Wusa City", its division has lost nearly two-thirds of its combat power; but the surviving generals have been refined in tactical literacy and combat skills. , mature and experienced, become the elite among the refined steel and elite.

"Be sure to occupy the city before your father and the main force come." After the commander of the 401 Division, who was tall and handsome and wearing a bronze mask, made up his mind with tears, he said in a low voice, "All of them are ready to attack!"

The words and deeds are more and more similar to the orders given by the division commander of the Wolf King, which is transmitted by the soldiers immediately behind him, one by one. Behind them, the wolf soldiers who survived the cruel battle were yellow and physically exhausted. Even the black uniforms on their bodies turned into pieces of cloth for many reasons, which was unbearable. The seven-day rush march made them have no time to rest at all, but the order was transmitted to their respective ears. At that moment, these seemingly exhausted wolf generals, the will and state of fighting again at the first time, naturally invisible and murderous spirit, indicates that this army will defeat any target and defeat any enemy!

The general of Anxi tears is convinced of the belief that his subordinates will win the battle, just like their father Andongye first-class*, who has never doubted them.

"Major General Anxin, your task is to open the fortress door as quietly as possible. If you are found by the defenders, please stick to the support of the main force of the division, please!" An Xi cast a bright look behind the mask in tears, looking at the young subordinate who grew from an ordinary soldier to the commander of the brigade all the way from an ordinary soldier.

The long hair hanging from the forehead of the beautiful and white Major General Anxin deeply hid the bright red scar left in the attack on his cheeks of the "Wusha City". After answering the officer's order in a low voice, Major General Anxin pulled down the towel and hit the thirty tight clothes and agile men who had been waiting for a long time. With a cool gesture, rope claws were cast in the air, and thirty-one shadows quickly climbed up along the rope on the wall.

The "Zhongshan Kingdom" village soldiers immersed in the joy at midnight did not know that the sickle of death had been raised; the village soldiers on the city fortress hid in groups in the guard building to play cards, or shook the dice. The winners of the money were flying, the unlucky people who lost money cursed repeatedly, and more people cheered. Joining in the fun, wine bottles rolled all over the ground, smoky.

The eyes of the two most senior young soldiers who were driven outside to stand guard in the rain was not in the direction of vigilance, but looked down from a distance at the small square and smiled at the graceful girl dancing in the drizzle.

"Fate! Why is it suddenly so cold-" A young sentry fought a cold war and subconsciously tightened his collar. Just as he was about to turn around, he was pierced by a wolf tooth blade full of murderous intent and pierced his body from the weakness of the armor on his waist. In the last eye before his consciousness disappeared, he saw that his good comrades-in-arms were also hidden at the same time. He stopped his mouth and nose and let a sharp blade in the shape of shining wolf teeth accurately pierced the part of the heart.

Major General Anxin skillfully put down the body that had lost its breath, and then observed all the changes in his vision. After making sure that he did not disturb the happy crowd in the small square below and the gambling soldiers in the guard building, Major General Anxin made a move and hit it coolly one after another. "Go!" The battle gesture of encircling, "opening the village gate" and "launching a signal" silently approached the "lively war" post with 30 masked archers in black.

Venzi Oil Sergeant Lean just touched a good card, a more sensitive nose than a hound. Suddenly, he smelled a smell of blood and was about to get up and go out to have a look. The two companions who lost money grabbed him and shouted with red eyes, "You old slippery. If you win our money, you want to sneak out to find a girl? No way! One more!" The noisy noise deeply drowned out the "squeak" sound of the opening of the village door-

Sergeant Lean couldn't help laughing and scolding, "My old man is lucky tonight, possessed by the god of gambling-" A red signal flare flew in the air and flashed a dazzling light in the black rainy night, which attracted the attention of half of the veterans and said puzzled:

"Are there any fireworks in the stockade tonight?"

"No, if there is, I won't put one." The companion who lost money said absent-mindedly.

"You two, take someone out to have a look. I feel something is wrong tonight-" Years of veteran career made Sergeant Lean feel a little inappropriate-

"Why me again?" What bad luck!" With a slight dissatisfaction with Officer Lean and a curse of his own luck, the two named losers called up their equally unhappy subordinates from the gambling game and dragged them out of the post.

In the dark night sky outside, it was still drizzling. A corporal officer who lost money walking in front of him suddenly felt a pain in his chest and saw a sharp arrow appear on his body. He rolled down the stairs before he could hum for a while.

"Enemy attack--" Another non-commissioned officer finally woke up and shouted to roll and climb back to the guard post.

The first reaction of Sergeant Lean, who has rich experience, is that he rushed to the guard building and hung a useless alarm bell for several years, desperately sounding out a harsh alarm. Although his very qualified soldier partners, after all, are also a regular border guard of a country, in the face of malicious attacks from the enemy. In front of them, they did not choose to sit down and wait for death, but took advantage of the number of people to attack the side that surrounded them.

First, more than a dozen soldiers who rushed out of the post were shot and killed by nine people with oncoming wolf-tooth arrows, but the cost of death had made other companions rush out of the door of the post tower. At this time, there was no time to assemble the wolf-tooth bows and arrows in his hand. Major General Anxin coldly drew his knife and went up with 30 black-clothed subordinates to catch them. Catch their respective targets and kill them.

When he saw the signal from the most powerful subordinates who sneaked into the village, the masked Lieutenant General Anxi turned over his horse and occupied the first position of the cavalry. According to the experience of his father Wolf Wang Andongye as an example, this masked general who has never seen his face deeply knows that as a general, no soldier wants to hear him say "Come on". What the soldiers more loyally trust is the kind of general who "follow me"!

For more than a dozen people, such as the open Zhaimen area and Major General Anxin, who has been killed more than half of the battle, the dangerous moment before victory is finally over, and the cavalry brigade of the main division is rushing into the open Zhaimen with the sound of thunder and iron hoofs!

The harsh alarm bells caused the people to party in the small square to panic and escape. The young Sergeant Allen grabbed the escaped soldier and scolded angrily, "Go and report to Commander Yi that there was an attack by the enemy army!"

This brave young non-commissioned officer of the "Zhongshan Kingdom" has determined that the enemy launched the attack only by virtue of the bravery of fighting against his old friend Officer Laian on the guard building at this moment, and the roar of horses's hoofs from far to near. These imitations are not the rabbles such as horse thieves that everyone had been willing before. The enemy that Buddha jumped out of the darkness did not make a sound in such a fierce battle, but his companions were cut to the ground one by one and turned into a cold body.

"Go and close the Zhaimen-" Sergeant Lean on the guardhouse lamented almost desperately, but it was too late!

"The wolves are out! Kill--" The huge wolf howl behind him made more than a dozen Major General An and others who avoided accidental injury flash out of the battle; while Officer Lean and other village soldiers who stayed in place were directly exposed to the wolf tooth knives of the powerful wolf cavalry brigade running like thunder and fast as fast as the wind!

The number of cavalry brigades of nearly 2,000 people has been on par with the Nanzhai border guards of the "Zhongshan Kingdom", and behind the cavalry brigade, 3,000 brave infantry brigades of three dissatisfied members of the 401 Division also followed up immediately followed up; the "Zhongshan Kingdom" village soldiers at the same level are the first to ride on wolves in the desert. Under the charge, it became a bird and beast scattered.

The masked general Anxi jumped over the head of the horse city and shouted with a gun: "There are wolves, and there are remnants in the village. Before the wolf king's army arrives, my 401 division must fully control this city!"