Wolf Empire

0085 The throne can't sit on any ass

In the scorching sun, an umbrella is like a crown, rejecting the poisonous and hot sun outside. In the shadow under the umbrella cover, Antonye lay diagonally on the bench, tasting the woman who was half kneeling on the ground and the iced watermelon juice with his hands raised above his head.

The gray-faced Prince Yi Along was tied down to the ground not far away by several strong armed policemen and forced him to accompany these invaders to watch the performance of the siege.

"Your Highness, do you know the number of the troops that attacked your king?" A wild man in a good mood saw that the questionee did not cooperate with the question, and did not care about it. He asked himself and answered himself:

"These 9,000 young soldiers with an average age of less than 15 are the guards directly under the general's army. Among them, more than 300 non-commissioned officers and school officers who serve as military chiefs at all levels are my adopted sons and daughters. Since the day of the establishment of the army, these children have shown no less than any regular division, even if they have passed through These two-month-long thousands of miles of attack still maintain a roughly complete battle. They are my pride!"

"You butcher! The devil!" Prince Ialong roared, "You turned a group of innocent and kind children into your killing tools-"

"But they survived!" The general of An Dongye suddenly sat up and said angrily, "I won't lead them to resist. Will I let you noble masters be a cow and horse for the rest of your life?"

Before Prince Yi Along could say anything, Xi Yuehu, who had not seen him for a long time, slapped him fiercely in the back of his head. Although he only used three layers of force, it was enough to make the weak prince quiet for a while.

"A talkative guy!" The feather wizard in the distance of the team glanced at a dragon with a face grabbing the ground and a mouth full of sand, and made a unique evaluation of the dark wizard.

"Brother, thank you very much for handing over the task of the main attack to our Guards, but - do you want Lao Wu to be the battlefield commander?" Brigadier General Youdong said with a rare hesitation: "Let me command the siege of the city. After all, Lao Wu is still a 15-year-old child-"

"A young wolf always nests in the wolf's den and relies on the protection of his father and brother, so it will never become a real wolf." At the first level, the 9,000 soldiers of the young guards who will look at the wolf group advancing towards "Zhongshan City" in the distance, said meaningfully: "The military strength of the 'Zhongshan Kingdom' is completely vulnerable. We also take this opportunity to exercise and test these wolf cubs. If there is even a small 'Zhongshan King' If you can't take down the city, what else can you take to dominate the mainland in the future?!"

"Don't worry, Youdong." The rain stone leaning against the saddle and taking a nap, he narrowed his eyes and half woke up and said, "I think that the fifth child named An Xiaoyu is as wise and clumsy, and looks a little hungry and dull, but he is born with a blessed appearance. I dare to assert that none of their brothers will not live as long as him in the future."

In fact, Brigadier General Youdong is indeed too worried. For the "Zhongshan Kingdom", which has only a thousand royal city defenders, An Xiaoyu and the nine thousand guards are still too afraid to use ox knives. However, for An Xiaoyu, who served as the battlefield commander alone for the first time, he was not careless at all. After a period of observation with the ruffian Liu An Ziran, he finally decided to put the breakthrough in the south city with a low wall.

Like their father, An Xiaoyu and An Ziran rushed to the front. Under the long-term cover of the aura of the four brothers Xi Lei, Jinliang, Yao Yi and Zixuan, the two brothers unanimously decided to take advantage of this rare opportunity to show themselves and let "Abudu Kane The mainland remembers the two names that are rising in addition to the four big brothers of the wolves!

The scattered arrows of the enemy did not make the attacking wolf guard teenagers pause at all. With the enthusiasm of the young men, they rushed to the root of the south wall, and 54 captured and self-made ladders went to the city together.

Without any hesitation, An Xiaoyu and An Ziran bit the knife across their mouths, took their brothers and sisters, and scrambled to climb the long ladder and rush up!

The fall of the king's city was unexpectedly fast. Although some of the defenders of the king's city also actively resisted, and even some brave citizens went to the head of the city to assist in the defense, the overall difference in combat strength and morale made the battle last for less than half an hour, ending with the victory of the party attacking the city.

The people of Wangcheng huddled in the cracks of their attic doors and peeped out. There was no imaginary plunder, only the roaring of horses' hoofs and neat and loud footsteps, stepping through the large and small streets of the civilian area in the "Zhongshan King City". The fully armed soldiers in black, except for a few seven people as a small team, carefully In addition to sweeping the remnants of resistance in the dark alleys and streets of the city, most of the generals and soldiers have tightly controlled the streets and alleys and some government public departments.

"The general has an order to kill those who enter the house without permission! Those who insult women, kill! Kill those who persecute citizens!"

The message conveyed by the gendarmerie directly under the roaring legion made the Zhongshan people who were hiding in the house and scared to death about the rumors of the slaughter of the city boldly probe out of the cracks in the door one after another; when they saw the young soldiers in black, who were about the size of their own children, standing motionless. Standing on both sides of the street on guard and patrol, when they did not enter the house to loot and kill people, the people's uneasy hearts gradually fell to the ground.

His Majesty Yi Wanlei, the poor and ridiculous king of the "Zhongshan Kingdom", after learning that the famous desert wolf rode into the royal city, the first thing he thought of was not to try to turn the tide, save the people from the water and fire, and help the buildings, but to run to the statues of the royal "Tai Temple" Yi's ancestors and cry bitterly. The maid of honor was unprepared and swallowed gold and committed suicide!

At the first level, An Dongye will sit high on the empty king's throne in a likely comfortable posture. He twisted left and right for a long time in the kind laughter of the wolves. Finally, he raised his buttocks, sat on the steps with a bitter face, and said to a group of confid wolves, "This king's throne can't sit with any buttocks. I don't have the rich life to enjoy, and I feel uncomfortable sitting on it. The hot wolf crowd will have another burst of happy laughter.

"East." The beautiful fish girl said in a good mood and said, "The necessary materials of each division have been replenished and can be pulled out at any time. In addition, the headquarters of Jinliang's 402 Division left the city after the end of the battle and rushed in the direction of the 'Kingdom of Charles' bordering the 'Kingdom of Zhongshan' east."

"Haha." Antonye said to the wolf crowd, "Our second master is good at everything. He is brave in fighting and can correct his mistakes. It's just that this impatient man will not forgive anyone at all. He must be afraid that his eldest brother took down the 'Dunacy of Walker' with tears and grabbed his independent skills and his face was not good-looking, so he hurriedly searched for the bad luck of the 'Kingdom of Charles'."

An Zichenzhong and the general smiled and said, "Would you like to send Aoyan and Xiaoxiao to take over the two young generals?"

"Don't worry, I believe both of them! Our honest fifth master also commanded the battle alone and took down a royal city!" After giving a glimpse of the praise to the dull and smiling An Xiaoyu, Antonye turned to the silent Sergeant Leian and asked:

"Has everyone been found?"

After getting the affirmation of Sergeant Lean's nod head and reply, the general of Andongye, who stood high above the imperial steps, opened his arms and said, "The real good show is about to be staged--"