Wolf Empire

0097 Back to Mafeng

The prison car is parked at the gate, which is different from the prison car that An Dongye was caught when he was a teenager and Youdong for stealing food from the fat priest's house. The "prison car" in front of him can simply be described by the word "gorgeous".

The four walls of the car are enough for four or five people to sit and lie comfortably, decorated with all kinds of pendants, and several bottles of wine and a box of exquisite and beautiful pastries are placed on the special small mahogany table.

The beautiful police officer Anshui leaned lazily in the car and waved to his subordinates who were about to buckle the handcuffs to Andongye's hands, "Let's avoid those rules."

"Your Excellency, these drinks and pastries are a little bit of entertainment for the two of you. Please greet the two Lord Yuan Jin'an on behalf of you." Song Guangmin came over with a flattering face in the police.

For yesterday's riot, An Shuier unexpectedly adopted a small and trivial way to deal with it. She only scolded the wolf guards who caused the turbulent, and rewarded the senior officers of various departments who handled the incident properly. The only thing that was seriously reprimanded was Song Guangmin, the commander of the 604th Division, who claimed to have the greatest loss, withheld his pay for three months on the inexplicable charge of "not paying attention to military harmony".

Ignoring the great hospitality of a police officer and general, sitting opposite the policewoman, Mr. Huo Du, the luxurious and light foreign minister, waved his hand and said, "Dongye, sit here." Antonye turned around and nod his mentor who sent him over and got into the car.

"Have a good journey. Please send all the generals of the Second Army, the Fifth Army and the Fourth Army to take good care of Lord Yuan. If necessary, the generals of the Third Army will go to Beijing to greet Lord Yuan's living." Before closing the door, Xia Nanxuan said a threatening and meaningful sentence.

An Shuier in the Chinese car replied slightly, "The old general's good intentions - the subordinate will definitely convey it to Lord Yuan, the head of the family, goodbye."


"back to Mafeng".

"Wolf King, the last general's life can only be sent here. Please take care all the way!" Lei Heizhong, the commander of the 501 Division, will immediately hold a fist to Andongye in the Chinese car.

Leihei is less than 40 years old, with thick eyebrows and broad mouth, and a pair of strange yellow eyes. He has a very fierce appearance. He is the number one general under the Lengbeicheng account of the Fifth Army.

An Dongye dragged the sick body out of the car, bowed deeply to General Leihei and the 500 knights of the Fifth Army behind him, and said seriously, "Brother Lao Lei and all the brothers are not afraid of the wind and sleep out and send each other all the way. Please pay tribute to General Leng on behalf of Dongye. In the future, there will be a place for Dongye, the wolves will go together for life and death without avoiding the knife fire!"

General Lei Hei saluted together with 500 horses behind him and shouted:

"Gend the Wolf King!"

After the "back horse peak", it is no longer a rugged and difficult mountain road, but a flat and wide official road. Mr. Huo Du, the minister of foreign affairs, moved his delicate body and complained, "It's all Dongye, you who have caused so many disasters that I have stayed away from the gentle hometown and went to this poor mountain and the remote land to suffer from the bumps of carriages and horses - ouch, my buttocks-"

After smiling and lowering his gratitude in the seat, An Shuier handed over the glass of red wine as red as blood. The flowing **, with the shaking of the Chinese car and the one-meter of sunshine shining in from the window, made Antonye fall into the color full of ** for a moment.

"The beautiful color is as bright red as human blood. General Higashino is so fascinated. Does your heart yearn for blood?" An Shuier's very skillful question contains a sense of temptation.

"The water girl laughed." Antono suppressed the murderousness and discomfort in his heart and drank all the ** in the cup.

"This kind of good wine treasured by the palace makes you drink like this, which is simply a violent thing!" Mr. Huodu shook his head helplessly, picked up the wine glass in front of him, tasted a small mouthlightly, and then showed a self-intoxicated and memorable look.

An Dongye couldn't help laughing at each other, and suddenly heard Youdong riding outside the car and shout, "Be careful, everyone!" Before the words fell, a group of mules and horses suddenly rushed out from the corner next to the official road in front of them, like thunder.

Dozens of men dressed as horse dealers chased and shouted, "Extrave me! The horse was shocked, the horse was shocked, and the people in front of him quickly get away!"

It is also common for mules and horses to run wildly. A group of secret policewomen looked at this group of frightened horses and naturally stopped them one after another. Suddenly, they found that a group of horse dealers were running, and suddenly there was one * in their hands. They shouted, "There is an assassin! Protect the Wolf King!"

Before the policewomen could react, the sharp arrows on the opposite side flew like rain and shot down more than a dozen horses in an instant. Fortunately, these policewomen themselves were strong and agile. At first sight, they were in a bad situation, either quickly turned over and dismounting from the horse, or hid in the stiren, took the mount as a barrier, and used weapons to call arrows, making the formation chaotic. .

While the guards were attacked, An Shuier was also in the most dangerous situation.

These horse dealers galloped and shot, one shot of three arrows, like a group of hawks flying, one arrows, and then the arrows followed, and the arrows were like beads, forcing An Shuier and Mr. Huo Du to wave their swords and dance fans, which was overwhelming!


Almost no sound was heard, and the three wolf teeth were close at hand. Antonye reacted almost without thinking. The cane lightning hit one of the arrows, and the thorn in the stick flew out, like lightning, and abruptly hit the other two arrows.

The speed and strength of the arrow were really terrible, which made Andongye's wrist feel numb and painful. However, at this time, he could not take care of it, because it was the three arrows straight to take the key points of his chest and abdomen. The strength was so great that the aim was accurate. Obviously, the other party was going to kill the wolf king to death!

At the moment when the three wolf teeth flew in front of the Andongye, the enemy's arrows were in front of him and overwhelmed!

"Zing Zheng!" Two sad and low roars sounded. Andong's knife and staff were raised at the same time and hit two arrows. The shot straight from Andong's front chest went straight to his chest, and the wolf king rolled down his horse.

From the first arrow in Andongye to falling off the horse, it was just a moment of lightning.

At this time, from the side of Antonye, the two swords and two knife lights were almost in front and back, facing the roaring arrows like a shower!

An Shuier still shouted with a little anger, the two sword lights were stretching and swallowing, like a fan, which condensed like a screen; like a secluded flower blooming, as bright as a haze. The sword is fierce, but it is delicate and sad, difficult to control, and extremely fierce!

An Shuier's sword light instantly shattered the fierce arrow rain, and the two knife lights that took action at the same time shook with the momentum of the knife. The clothes were blowing, but the east shot angrily. The long blood knife was like wild, and the wind was fierce and angry, rolling to meet the approaching flying horse. Enemy.

However, some people are faster than Youdong. The figure of the rain stone rises out of thin air from the dark shadow and attacks the horse dealer first!

The sharp and harsh "colored rainstone" swirls away from the hand, and the thunder is as direct to the enemy, roaring sharply, shaking the sky and the earth!

A horse dealer had no time to dodge. He had just raised the hard bow in his hand to try to resist the sharp stone that came by flying. The sharp stone edge was like a sharp axe, with colorful dazzling light. He had cut him into two sections with a bow. Then he brushed the other two horsemen's necks, and the blood splashed everywhere, and the rain stone flew obliquely away. Whistling back to the hands of the rainstone.

It seems that the "72 Knights of the Dead" from hell have emerged one after another. The full moon machete is cut out one by one, like a round of bloody moon roaring and dancing, arbitrarily buying human lives, extremely fierce and miserable!

All the attackers were corpses on the spot. Youdong hugged the cold body of the wolf king Andongye and looked up to the sky and howled sadly: "Big brother--"