Wolf Empire

0104 masquerade party

In the corner of the salon, there are four girls wrapped in red robes with a thin veil on their faces. When Antonye's figure unexpectedly appeared in their sight, four red-robed girls jumped up from their seats at the same time.

The four women neatly grabbed the empty scabbard on the waist of their left hand. The standard knife drawing and the murderous spirit of the enemy made the two girls scream at the same time and hide behind their respective male partners.

"Puff--" Antonye couldn't help laughing. Only then did the two girls find that four red-robed girls and Youdong grabbed knives at the same time and grabbed the same empty space. This is the dance party held by Princess Lihui of the "Canglang Mission". How could they allow guests to enter with weapons? Even Youdong, who did not leave his knife, left the weapons of the bloodthirsty knives and VIPs at the door for temporary custody. In this way, the most standard knife drawing action of a man, four women and five professional soldiers became a funny move.

At the first sight of the other party's costume, Antonye has guessed the identity of the four red-robed girls. Their cloaks are embroidered with the fire fox, which clearly shows that they are from the "Firefox Department" of the "Wusa Emirate".

Unlike everyone's weapons being politely confiscated by the samurai guards of the Canglang Mission when they entered the door, no one noticed the cane of Antonye, who was a disabled person, and the military thorn that drank the blood of countless enemies was hidden in this fine steel cane!

"This is the enemy roadzai." The "Firefox Department" Shahu King appeared in front of everyone with all kinds of amorous feelings. The red veil as thin as cicada wings was wrapped in a mature, hot, curvy and seductive body, which made the men present suddenly spewed blood and swallow saliva secretly. It seemed that the temperature of the whole venue also increased a lot at this moment and became dry and hot.

"The fire of 'Wusa City' hasn't gone out yet, has it?" Antonye attached to the ear of King Shahu and said softly with provocative questions.

The four female warriors of the "Firefox Department" were unexpectedly stimulated by this bad-hearted problem, and their eight eyes immediately ignited their anger at the same time; the king of the sand fox laughed and said, "Today, the lonely king came to attend the Princess Lihui's ball party. Just give the princess a face. Don't worry about you first, the accounts between you and me, there will be Time counts!"

"We are waiting for you at any time." Antono left a contemptuous sentence and heard Takeda's foreman in the host's costume come to the center of the venue under the spotlight and said enthusiastically:

"Welcome to the princess's party in your busy schedule. I hope you have a good time. I announce that the dance is now officially starting--

The music sounded, and the men scattered around the venue politely invited their dance partners or long-time favorite women to dance on the dance floor. The five-three thick, clumsy and clumsy Youdong could not resist the gorgeous soft and hard bubbles. They were forcibly pulled to the scene by the latter and began to dance experience step by step.

Looking at the brother's busy and sweaty awkward appearance, a wild man sitting in the corner of the salon smiled unkindly.

"Brother Higashino, please invite you to dance." An Buching, who was holding a drink straw, asked boldly. He looked very cute.

"My leg-" Antonye smiled awkwardly and said.

"It doesn't matter, we can slow down-" Quietly and peacefully, gently pull up the wolf claws of Andongye, and in the colorful slides and soothing music, according to the latter's clumsy and slow movements, with the dance steps.

"Ouch." An Bhou, who was accidentally stepped on the tip of his toes by a wild man, shouted softly.

"I'm sorry, girl, I'm too stupid, so why don't I jump?" The Wolf King, who is in the midst of thousands of troops and horses, is as embarrassed as a child who has done something wrong.

"It doesn't matter, Brother Higashino, let's continue." An Buqi patiently encouraged a wild. After several lessons, the latter could finally barely keep up with the dance steps.

"How did the Sha people come to 'Huadu'?" Gently holding his female partner's soft waist, Antonye took a look at the queen who was dancing passionately with the military police commander not far away.

"The girl checked the documents. After the end of the war in Mobei, a civil war broke out soon after the battle for the highest leadership. The sand snake king of the 'Golden Snake Department' pulled the remnants of the 'Water Scorpion Department' to his camp through the old relationship. The fox spirit of the 'Firefox Department' was not willing to show weakness, not only Using the female color to clean up a handful of stupid camels, and I don't know what means they used to make a joint statement with the general of the wooden eagle department. The two departments will hold a wedding for their majesty next month. You know, the wooden eagle king, the little sandfalcon, is old enough to be the son of the sand fox. Lao Niu loves to eat tender grass - "Anbu, who works as a clerk in the West Police Station of the city, said indignantly.

"This kind of political marriage is driven by interests and mutual use. How can there be any true feelings?" Anton Ye sighed and looked around the dance floor, trying to find the figure he was looking forward to.

"Brother Higashino, are you looking for someone?" An Bunqi asked in a very unnatural voice.

"No, no." Andongye's expression seemed to have been stabbed by a needle and covered it with a smile.

At the end of the song, the dancers left the dance floor and came to the bar to drink and laugh. As soon as Antonye asked the waitress for a drink for his female companion, he saw the red-faced and proud Count Chenyuan, holding his dance partner, a fitting and healthy and wild kimono girl came to the front. He led his friends with his hand and introduced them to his female companion:

"Meixun, let me introduce you. This is my good friend, General Antonno."

The tall kimono girl looked boldly and hotly at her friend in the mouth of her male partner and generously stretched out her hand and said, "It's nice to meet you, Mr. Higashino. I've heard a lot of legends about you."

Based on the most basic etiquette, Antonye symbolically held the fingertips of the kimono girl and kissed her, smiling:

"It must be some bad reputation of Higashino, right? Distinguished Miss

"Yes, you have many nicknames, such as madman, butcher, devil, executioner, murderer and so on. I also thought you must be more than two feet tall, and one hand is thicker than ordinary people's legs. The kimono girl has no taboos.

Although it is expected, even the Wolf King will not like to be imagined to that unbearable extent. Andongye said coldly, "Dear lady, Higashino is engaged in the profession of soldiers. How to kill efficiently is the essence of Dongye's profession. Higashino doesn't want to protect himself, but Higashino doesn't regret anything he has done.

"Of course, I'm not accusing you, Mr. Higashino. In fact, as my father said, you are not the kind of person who kills for the purpose of liking. Didn't you still abandon the slaves you liberated at the most dangerous time? Did you know that after your report, my father practiced your march route, combat process and so on my own sand table several times? My father also said that you are a military wizard and heroic teenager who is rare in a hundred years and can compare with Prince Fuji. In time, you must be a great figure-" The girl's unobstructed words were interrupted by the listener's curiosity;

"My father is-"

"Miss Meixun's father is Mr. Kudo Taken, the army marshal of our 'Canglang Empire', and also the principal of Chenyuan when he was at the 'Sakura Samurai Academy'." Count Chenyuan introduced in awe.

"Marshal Kudo and the count's father, Marshal Chen Long, and Marshal Jiyong, known as the 'ancestor of the air force', are known as the 'land, sea and air' troika of the Canglang Empire, and their status is equivalent to the three major secret bishops of our Holy See." An Fuqi, who knows the copywriting and history of mainland countries, added to his male companion.

Looking at An Boqi in surprise, Count Chenyuan asked his friend, "Your female companion is so beautiful. What's your name?"

"Never give up." Don't give up the slight nod head as a courtesy, and don't be arrogant or humble.

The second dance song in the field sounded again, this time changing the rhythm that made people blush and heartbeat. Chen Yuan bent down and bent his arms and handed over the "please" posture to Anbuqi. After getting the consent of his male partner, the invitee reluctantly went to the middle of the dance floor with his new partner.

Kudo Mixun generously stretched out his strong black arm to Antono, who bowed his head and drank, and threw a charming eye and said, "Can I ask my husband to dance?"