Wolf Empire

0112 I got married today

The "flower capital" in May is already scorching like a fire, enjoying the people of the capital who have not experienced the war for half a year, and are busy for the upcoming ancient traditional festival "Dragon Boat Festival".

In the office of the chief cabinet of the government building, the atmosphere was silent and deliberately tense and suppressed, making the temperature in the room more sultry than the afternoon weather outside.

"Look at these mansion newspapers first." Nalan Ruochu, the legendary archbishop who started from his work and crossed the shopping mall and is now the chief bureaucrat of the Shaman's Holy See, handed over a document with a gloomy expression.

An Dongye, who had already guessed the content of the document, still pretended to be in a state of ignorance, respectfully took over the mansion newspaper, and read it word by word. This is an express mail from the "Zhongshan Kingdom" of the southwest vassal country. The general content is as follows:

"Between April and May, the 'Kingdom of Zhongshan' and the adjacent 'Prince of Walker' and the 'Kingdom of Charles' were once again attacked by the two divisions of An Yaoyi and Yang Shu. A group of old-fashioned restoration aristocratic forces such as Yi Yitian and Yi Shiyun, the unified army of the former Zhongshan, were all captured and executed alive; His Majesty Yi Huchen returned to the throne and was The wolf group took Bach as the prime minister, the prime minister, and appointed the former prime minister Leian as the lord of the Duke of Walker, the king, and the general Allen as the lord of the 'Kingdom of Charles'. The wolf division returned to the south and the three countries were restored.

"What did you say?" The Privy Archbishop Nalan Ruochu, the chief minister who lowered his head to review the documents, raised questions without even raising his head.

"Congratulations, Your Excellency, the Pope is so powerful!" An Dongye's excellent concealment came out of his heart with a superficial sarcastic smile, pretending to be confused:

"The front-line soldiers were inspired by His Majesty Yi Huchen. Thinking of what His Majesty the Pope thought and the urgent needs of the Pontifical Cabinet, they took the lead in sending troops to level the rebellious and restoration forces of the Three Kingdoms, promoting the prestige of our country and shining my glory. It's really gratifying!"

"Hmm!" Nalan Ruochu, the Privy Archbishop, snorted and said, "You are still young to act in front of me!" Don't forget that Yang Shu, the reckless man under you, is recommended to you by me. With his loyal and upright personality, if you don't secretly point them to send troops to Zhongshan, can a small waste king Yi Ahu'an invite him to touch?!"

"Adults are wise." Antonye put away his smile and said lightly: "The general also couldn't stand His Majesty Yi Huchen's painstakingly for a while, so he wrote to the old department in front of them to let them do it according to their ability. How could he know that Zixuan, these ignorant children, made such a big noise, the son did not teach, the father and son, Dongye was not strict, and was willing to be punished for his son! "

"Ha ha!" Archbishop Nalan Ruochu smiled coldly and said, "You are now a celebrity under the surname Yuan. It's also your master's business to be punished. I can't do extravagant. It's just that for such a big thing as establishing the head of the country without permission, he acted hastily without a note from the central cabinet. It's really bold!"

Looking at a wild man's forehead hanging lower and lower, the old man said angrily, "And that Bach, who was a guilty old official with a criminal record, was in the face of the case. When the old Pope Changqing was in office, he repeatedly refused the Holy See's national policies such as tax collection and raising child baptism. He openly fought against the imperial dynasty. It's okay if you shield him, actually If you let such a greedy and lustful person become the prime minister of the vassal state, where will you put the face of the Holy See?

"Your excell, the general thinks that Bach is parallel and wrong, but he also has the talent to govern the country, which can be used. His Majesty Yi Huchen got this strong help, and then it is easier to control the 'Duke of Walker' and the 'Kingdom' and 'Kingdom of Charles' with his confid ministers Leian and Allen respectively." The head of Anton Ye said, "The 'Zhongshan Kingdom' has signed a covenant with our Holy See, and the names of the kings and ministers have been determined early. His Majesty Yi Huchen has taken charge of the three countries in the southwest and is loyal to His Majesty Mu Feng. It is a blessing in heaven!"

"I'm afraid it's loyal to you, the wolf king An Dongye?" Archbishop Nalan Ruochu's eyes were deep and wise, staring at the young people across the table from him without blinking.

"Adult, don't laugh, you will be scared." Antonye then showed panic on the surface and bowed his head to avoid the old man's divine light that seemed to penetrate people's hearts.

"Fear? I'm afraid you're secretly happy in your heart, aren't you?!" Nalan Ruochu, the Privy Archbishop, couldn't take his eyes off and said, "What is Yi Huchen? You and I know better than anyone that the death of conservative old nobles, Bach's prime minister, and the division of Zhongshan's two important ministers, literature and one martial arts, these fierce methods will never be Yi Huchen's style! If what I expected is not bad, these are all your secret instructions and your beloved son An Yaoyi's specific implementation, right?

"The general is wronged, please be clear!" It took a huge amount of human, financial and material resources to escape the disaster of prison, but he didn't want to move back to the damn place of the "Tower of Judgment" after repeated mistakes. Under repeated pressures, the superior simply vetoed, shouted for injustice, and put on a bear child who was not afraid of boiling water and did not admit it. Attitude.

A minister who couldn't get any answers and results he wanted had to sit back in his office chair angrily and issued a final warning: "Now the Fifth Army of General Lengbeicheng has been ordered to drive to Mobei and take over the defense from the 'frontline sky' to the 'border city' and ' camel city', but An Zixuan of the 404th Division He also relied on 'Liangzhou' to refuse to start and went to 'Wangyue City' General Xia Nanxuan's headquarters to report, simply regarded the cabinet order as nothing! I warn you that I will inform your good son immediately, and I will immediately leave Mobei with the rest of the two divisions before the wedding date of the Queen of the Saffron and the King of the Safusa. Don't play any tricks for me at the wedding of the lord of our country. Do you hear it clearly?

"Old man." Walking to the office door, he put on an innocent expression, spread out his hands and smiled, "Are you forgetful or old and confused?" I am no longer the commander of the Fourth Army. My command has long been taken down by the adults. How can the soldiers on the front line obey my command? Do you think so? Haha, I will leave."

As the door of the office slammed to close, Archbishop Nalan Ruochu, who turned pale in blue, suddenly slapped the desktop of a good sandalwood desk and gritted his teeth and said with hatred, "An Dongye, you are too ambitious!"


Fox City.

The northern tribes are closest to the king city of the "Firefox Department", a tribe in the oasis. The water and grass are fertile and the six animals are rich. Most of the clans are beautiful and open women, and men have extremely low social status. Almost all of them live a lowly and satisfying slave life in the female owner's whips and socks.

Today's "Fox City" guests are full of traffic, which is particularly lively; the red word "xi" is pasted inside and outside, making the palace full of festive atmosphere.

Today is a good day for the whole country to celebrate and have fun all over the world. The queen of the sand fox, who is over 30 years old, and the 11-year-old new king of the "wooden eagle department", the king of the sand falcon, married the Qin and Jin Dynasty, which caused a sensation. The women in the tribe took out gold and silver utensils made in their homes and congratulate their queen as a reward as a reward. The fox queen also rewarded the people, and even the lowest male slaves received a large amount of rice wine and meat that they could not imagine.

The arrival of greeting guests from all directions has made the gifts in the square in front of the palace pile up one hill after another; the gifts of tens of thousands of "earth camels" who have always been friends with the Queen of the sand fox and have lived secretly are particularly heavy. The jade screen that robbed the Canglang caravan has made many The guest was stunned by the chin.

The "Emperor" Sand Eagle General, who presided over the wedding, had a gloomy face as if he had died as his own father. He did not have the festive energy of marrying his "nister-in-law". He received true or false greetings from the guests with a donkey face.

The wedding banquet has already been arranged, but there is a beginning, because the most powerful figure in the Mobei region today, the newly appointed commander of the Mobei Front Army and the commander of the Fifth Army, will not yet be present!

Everyone, including the local powerful figures in every territory of Mobei, who is present, deeply understands that it is a crucial prerequisite to survive in Mobei and establish a good relationship with Leng Beicheng, the head of the army set up on the border of the two countries by the rising power Shaman Holy See!

However, why didn't the Lengbeicheng generals appear for a long time when they received invitations and promised to attend the wedding of the heads of the two countries?