Wolf Empire

0115 head gift

Chang'an Dongye, the fourth army legion that has made great contributions to the country, has fallen. Isn't it his turn to be unlucky for the Fifth Army and Leng Beicheng?!

Although the sword of the Holy See has not yet fallen on the head of the Fifth Army, the arrears of military wages are already a preliminary signal. In such a situation, isn't it to plan a way out in advance for yourself and these bitter brothers? Why don't you become the second Antonye to be pulled out and be controlled?

After exchanging opinions with Lei Hei and other three other confidants, Leng Beicheng silently put a thick pile of military tickets into his arms and said lightly: "Recently, the departments of the Fifth Army under my command will have a three-day holiday-"

An Zixuan, a smart man, immediately whispered, "Thank you, Uncle Chengquan. Three days is enough time for us wolves!"

"What did you say? Are the two generals talking about such speculation? At the beginning of the charming words, the charming queen of the sand fox, dressed in big red wedding clothes, joined hands with the yellow-faced and shy king of the sand pheasant to toast to the table of the general of Leng Bencheng.

"The Queen is dressed so beautifully today!" An Zixuan said with a smile.

"You little devil, you obviously say that I am not good-looking, or that I am ugly. Can't you really hear the light of my clothes today?" Queen Shahu ignored the existence of the groom, King Shajun, and gently poked An Zixuan's forehead with a white finger.

Zixuan smiled and did not answer. He looked at the listless groom and said to himself, "Poor King Sapren, at a young age, has entrusted himself to this strong queen for the survival of the tribe. In the past few days, he has been so thin. I'm afraid he will be squeezed dry by this fox spirit sooner or later-"

"Why don't you see His Royal Highness and the Countess? I saw you just now." Queen Shahu asked.

A servant lady smiled and whispered a few words in the ear of the Queen Shahu. The latter covered his mouth and smiled, "No wonder he went to the bathroom for so long. It turned out that his cousins and brother went back to the room and turned upside down. Count Sun Yabin's head is so green." Several female officials were promiscuous and laughing as if no one was around.

"The face of the Holy See has been lost by Wang Lei and Song Haifen!" The blue-faced general of Leng Beicheng drank all the toast of the bride and groom and said with hatred in his heart.

When it was An Zixuan's turn to drink, Queen Shahu laughed and said, "In the past, we were each our own masters and there were many conflicts. Now the two families have turned war into jade and silk, and we are a family. The four young masters can be honored to attend the wedding of me and Jun'er. I am very happy. Please drink this cup!"

With a cup of belly, Zixuan said mischievously, "Zixuan and the third brother Yao Yijin represent their father and wish the queen a noble son early and eternal youth!"

"Nep!" The queen of the sand fox stretched out her jade palm and scolded, "Where is my gift? Four young wolves, won't they come to eat free food with empty hands?"

An Zixuan smiled elegantly and gently patted his palm three times. When he slowed down, he saw more than a dozen wolf soldiers pouring into the outside of the hall and placed five golden-skinned boxes in the center of the hall, which attracted the eyes of the guests at the wedding banquet.

"What's good? Open it and have a look!" Prince Wang Lei and Countess Song Haifen, with spring eyes and flushed faces, squeezed in from outside the crowd and said curiously.

At the signal of An Zixuan, the wolf soldiers lifted the lid neatly, and a smell of blood gushed out at that time. The surrounding old ladies almost screamed harshly at the same time. Song Haifen and other rich ladies were so scared that they foamed on the spot, rolled their eyes, and their round bodies fell softly to the ground.

The soft and gentle sand girl who had been snuggling in An Yaoyi's arms screamed and plunged her head deeply into the warm embrace of the demon. The latter took the opportunity to hold Yiren's soft waist and attached her thin lips to the girl's transparent earlobe and whispered softly to comfort the other party's uneasy mood.

Queen Shahu looked at the bloody heads in the five boxes, and her face was blue and red, and she said, "Four Master, what do you mean? Take these five boxes of human heads as my wedding gift? Are you threatening me?"

"I dare not." An Zixuan said unhurdenly, "If Her Majesty knows the identity of these dead, I believe you will be very happy to accept this gift."

General Sand Vulture handed over the bloody and vulture, the bloody and vomitting "king nephew" of the scene, to the bodyguard beside him. The two powerful arms separated the crowd from left and right. He came to the box, pulled out his waist knife, and picked it up from the blood-soaked suitcase with the tip of the knife in the harsh screams of the lady. A ferocious head, illuminated by the light, a wood merchant said tremblingly, "I know this man - he is the fourth head of the 'wolf thief'. He also robbed a batch of my goods last month and killed all the escorted mercenaries-"

"The head of the 'wolf thief' is also here!" An official-like fat man boldly came closer and pointed to a red-haired head in the box with surprise and hatred, saying, "Good death! A few days ago, this group of thieves looted North Town and killed people at sight. Dozens of big girls were killed by them-"

"Gentlemen." An Yaoyi gently patted the girl's shoulder, motioned to leave a little distance, and said loudly, "As we all know, the 'Wolf Thief' is another newly rising horse thief bandit organization in the desert after the 'Sand Thief' was subdued by our wolves. They are the remains of the 'Sand Wolf Department', the strongest tribe in the past. They and the 'Golden Snake Department' The sand snakes colluded with each other, killed more goods, and robbed their families. For the purpose of harming one side, everyone hated them and killed them. We wolves detected their nests a few days ago and took their old nests overnight with elite soldiers. They not only eliminated a disaster for the local squire, but also helped the Queen to help a deadly enemy sand snake. Why not What about it?"

"What's more--" An Zixuan's cold eyes swept the audience and said proudly, "The wolf is a noble and inviolable saint. We wolves will never allow that group of robbers to insult the reputation of wolves!"

"It's not early without profit." Queen Shahu smiled coldly and said, "An Zixuan and An Yaoyi, you two brothers are both Chen Bing's demonstration and head congratulatory gifts. What's the ultimate purpose after spending so many weeks? In front of His Royal Highness and General Beicheng, you might as well say it bluntly!"

"It's very simple!" An Zixuan took a step forward, inspected the Mobei group of heroes present, and said loudly, "The wolves will be stationed in '* Town' for seven days to worship and bury their former brothers and sisters who died in the war. Please also cooperate with the activities of the wolves and stay away from '* Town' within these seven days. If anyone dares to interfere by force, Zi Xuan doesn't mind letting these 'wolf thieves' take care of them on Huangquan Road!"

After saying that, An Zixuan flew up and kicked over a suitcase. The box was full of bloody heads and ran around. Everyone in the hall couldn't help changing color!!!