Wolf Empire

0121 Tang Shao

On the eve of May in the mainland, the men, women and children in the civilian area of the "Huadu" West City were attracted by the deafening sound of earthquake firecrackers at the opening ceremony of a new inn, and they put down their work from the four streets and eight lanes.

This "Liangcheng Inn" is located in front of the "General Nanxuan Mansion". Every morning, when Princess Yaya opens her boudoir window, she will see the workers on the opposite side day and night. The sound of knocking makes it difficult for Princess Yaya to have a good rest. She is very unhappy.

When Princess Yaya is bored, she will observe the sweaty workers' work in the high attic. She soon found that many famous carpenters inside and outside the "Huadu" city and even the "Canglang Empire" were invited to the construction site to guide the construction. The work efficiency of these workers is amazing, and Princess Yaya every day When you open the window in the morning, you will find that there is either a rockery or a pavilion on the construction site on the opposite street, either a pond or a flower forest. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would have thought it was a miracle.

Xia Qixi, a little maid who was ordered to inquire about the news, brought back some news about the "Liangcheng Inn" by various "color" means such as kissing, winking, touching small hands and so on:

"-I heard Master Kong, a buyer of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, secretly tell me that Gu, the chief manager who supervises the construction of this Liangcheng Inn, is Gu Xiaodao, the nephew of Gu Xilou, the minister of civil affairs in Beijing. In the civil construction industry, the Gu family is second to none, even the renovation of the palace and the internal repair of the Shaman Cathedral. , Gu Xiaodao and Gu Erzi are specifically responsible for supervision;

-Xiaoliang, the gardener of the Ministry of Justice, told me that the business license of Liangcheng Inn was issued by the Commander of the Gendarmerie of the Minister of Justice. All relevant legal procedures are handled by Meng Xiaomi, the chief beauty lawyer of the Black Division Alliance. All provinces and departments have turned on the green light all the way and are unimpeded. ;

- This is the internal information provided by Hua Laosan, a special driver for the director of the 'Huadu Office of the Tianyi Chamber of Commerce'. The mysterious figure who invested in the 'Liangcheng Inn' calls himself 'Tang Shao' and has opened huge accounts in five major businesses including 'Tianyi Bank' in Huadu. As long as Gu Xiaodao and Gu Ergongzi call *, he can Gu Xiaodao, one of the 'Four Young Masters in the Capital', has seen the world, but he said to everyone: 'This young Tang is bold, and I have never seen it in my life.'

-According to the Arab of the water house of the 'City West Police Station', the 'Liangcheng Inn' has a strong behind-scenes shareholders. In addition to the mysterious 'Tang Shao' who owns half of the shares, the military boss Leng Beicheng and the mainland's youngest chaebol giant Chu Yu have participated in two shares, while the Kyoto officials talk about tiger Yuanzai, the color-changing murder demon king and the commander-in-chief of the armed police, also holds a group of shares, with these military, police, merchants and other popular figures from all walks of life to control and operate, and the identity of the largest shareholder 'Tang Shao' is even more confusing;

——'Liangcheng Inn' opened today, and celebrities from all walks of life in 'Huadu' have received invitations signed as 'Tang Shao, Chu Yu, Leng Beicheng, Yuanzai'. Before Tang Shao was listed as one of the three giants, the porter also received one. The lady has sent the old master to wrap the gift money. After all, the master and the military commander Leng have a friendship.

Ya's eyebrows are very beautiful, slightly wrinkled, which makes people feel very sad, and people can't help gently calming the faint sadness for her.

Who is Tang Shao?

At noon, the old man was carried back by the passer-by A, B and Bingding with blood and scars. The old man is the eldest brother of Yaya's father, General Xia Nanxuan. His name is very vulgar, the turtle egg, the turtle egg of the turtle egg, the egg of the turtle egg, and a self-righteous "pseudo-nobility".

Unlike as usual, after the king came back, he hid in the room and trembled. The luxurious dress he specially changed when he went out, together with his bright beard, were burned to the burnt, and the embarrassed virtue did not have any of his usual pride.

"Duncle, have you seen that 'Tang Shao' all the time?" The unique family atmosphere makes Yaya not care too much about the injuries of her elders.

"I didn't see it." Wang Guidan gasped and said nervously, "But I have seen three people I don't want to see in my life. It's terrible-"

Three? How terrible is it? Who are they? Is it more terrible than the king of Yanluo? Yaya's small nose moved unhappily.

"When I entered the inn, I saw an old man drinking by himself like a wolf in the corner of the ground floor. Next to me was a little girl with tiger teeth, the old man's appearance was very much like the 'wolf god' of the 'Wolf Sect', one of the 'Six Demon Sect' that moved the world 30 years ago!" When Wang Guidan described it, his eyes flashed with extreme panic and uneasiness.

"The 'Wolf God' used to be brutal and impermanent, killing the world. There are countless decent masters of famous families who died under him. Finally, he shocked the mother of Banaji, one of the three saints on the 'Great Bright Mountain', together with sixty-four first-class masters of the 'Light Holy Church', ambushed the 'Wolf God' in the 'Big Snow Mountain' and forced him to disappear. After 30 years, don't you think this devil has become a guest of 'Liangcheng' today? Yaya's curvature eyelashes draw doubts, which is pitiful.

"I hurriedly handed in the gift money and found an inconspicuous side table to sit at. As soon as my buttocks settled down, as soon as I raised my eyes, I saw a female guest sitting opposite me smiling at me. It was a beautiful, mature and amorous red-dressed young woman with wings, beside her two girls in beautiful blood, a thin and heroic figure, and a round demon. Ye, there was a 'bath*' pattern embroidered on the cloaks of the three beautiful women; I saw the big beauty in the middle smiling at me with a pair of peach blossom eyes, and I was fascinated for a moment and touched the little woman's little hand. Unexpectedly, the cold light flashed before the meeting, and my three fingers appeared on the plate in front of the little woman, which was bloody by her. With a smile, he swallowed it-" Wang Turtle Egg raised his gauze-stained, blood-stained right hand and said with frightened.

"It's the '*' of the 'Wing Kingdom'!" Yaya E's eyebrows swept away and said with no pity for the damage suffered by the "big uncle": "Who else is there?"

"I don't know." Wang Guidan trembled and said, "After I broke my finger, I wanted to ask several police officers in the next seat for help, but those bastards usually nodded to me and bowed to me. Today, somehow, they all pretended not to know me. I walked out angrily and bumped into a thin man in gold. I was about to get angry, but the man in gold stuffed no less than nine gold coins into my arms and said politely with a smile on his face: 'The little one was blind and bumped into the old man. It's a small thing. Take it to see the doctor.' ; When I saw him like this, I didn't care too much about him. I didn't think that I was not far from the inn, and the nine gold coins in my arms suddenly exploded, and I became like this-"

"Is that man in gold tall and thin, smiling at every person, with a festive look of congratulating him for making a fortune, holding a golden box in his hand?" After receiving a positive answer from a turtle egg, Yaya smiled privately and said, "I didn't expect him to come to this muddy water-"

"Does Xiaoya know that person?" Wang Guidan asked.

"When I was studying abroad in the 'Cang Empire', I met this person at the birthday party of Miss An Tianyi, the leader of the 'Tianyi Business League', and I was very impressed with him. He is the second most important person besides Miss An Tianyi in the 'Tianyi Business League'. His name is unknown. Everyone calls him Mr. Jinya." After a short pause, Yaya suddenly laughed, completely ignoring the face of a donkey who was infinitely elongated by the elder's displeasure, and walked briskly to the entrance of the stairs and summoned:

"Xi Xi, order to prepare the carriage and horse. Let's go to the opposite side to join in the fun. I seem to know who the 'Tang Shao' is!"


Andongye is imagining Yaya's beautiful appearance of frowning and making people feel a slight pain in his chest. Even if he is full of friends, it is difficult to hide the loneliness in the heart of the Wolf King.

There is only one table of wine in Wang Yaxuan, the highest floor of Liangcheng Inn. There are only nine guests, but there are more than 90 people serving next to them.

Of course, the guests who can sit at this table are well-known big shots in the "Huadu" city. In addition to Leng Beicheng and Chu Yu, who are half the masters, the fish girl, the rich young Gu Xiaodao, the "evil handsome" Yu Shi, the military police commander Prince Ming, the beautiful lawyer Meng Xiaomi, the royal guard Wanshan General, and the Count Canglang Chenyuan are all present!

The window is open. Standing at the window, you can see a new moon and the pool on the other side of the water pavilion that have just risen in the sky. When the depressed Andongye left the noisy banquet and came to the window, he saw a thin figure like a piece of paper opposite the water pavilion, stepping on the water!

The figure came quickly, and Antonye saw the man's face clearly. It turned out to be the Arab handyman in the water room of the unit police station! This old man as timid as a mouse is actually hidden and has such a peerless light skill?!

"He's coming! Higashino, run away!" After the Arab who rushed out of the window shouted this sentence, the whole person suddenly split into two halves from the middle, just like a paper man suddenly cut from the middle--