Wolf Empire

0127 great idea

In the senior VIP room of the "Five Star Hotel" attached to "Tianyi Shipping Industry".

Ivy wears a long brocade skirt mixed with moon white and lavender. The skirt and cuffs are embroidered with large purple flowers, which is very beautiful. Her long hair sums up with a few traces of pine bun hairpin, the sandalwood lips are smiling, her eyebrows are full of spring, her pupils are broken, and her feet wear a pair of bright pink embroidered shoes. The eyebrows are not traced, and the skin is white and greasy as fat lips without applying powder, which is bright red and beautiful.

"Tomorrow's weather is very suitable for sailing. Our 'Tianyi Shipping Industry' has prepared the most advanced and highest-level passenger ship 'Tianyi' in the port, which has all the navigation safety measures and convenient living facilities, and can carry 300 people under full conditions;" Ivy's hibi's beautiful face With a professional smile, he said gently:

"We will set off with the princess's VIP passenger ship tomorrow morning, as well as a large cargo ship of the 'Kudo Heavy Industries' family-

"Is there anything wrong with those people in the caravan?" After the last ambush, Yu Yan no longer dared to be careless.

"You can rest assured about this." The well-fitted Miss Kudo Mixun smiled proudly and said, "Our Kudo family's merchant ships that buy steel and iron are often taken away here. Several captains and first mates have been following my father for more than ten years or even decades."

"How about the armed combat power on these ships? If they encounter pirates, do they have the ability to protect themselves? Count Chenyuan was particularly impressed by several pirate groups that accompanied his father, Marshal Chen Long, to go to sea to suppress pirates.

With a slight hesitation, Ivy, the female president of Tianyi Shipping Industry under the Tianyi Business Freedom Alliance, said, "Your Excellency, it is difficult to say this. After all, our company is only responsible for maritime ship trade, and we are not very clear about the situation of the pirate organization, so it is difficult to judge."

Princess Rie Musashi peeked at Antonye, who lowered his head to tease her dog "lone wolf" as if the matter in front of her had nothing to do with him, and said, "Ms. Ivy, please tell everyone about what you have learned."

"The 'Sea of Wrath' is very large, and it is said that pirates have been there as early as the barbaric era." With amorous gesture, Ivy lifted a wisp of hair scattered from her temples and said:

"The official can't give an accurate data on how many pirates there are on the 'Sea of Wrath' now, but even the most conservative estimate, there are dozens and nearly 100 group forces; among these pirates, there are five famous forces, the oldest and the earliest to be established is the 'old ghost'. The 'Giant Whale Gang'; the largest number of ships and the most active sea area is the 'Pirate Prince' Helan. Luo Zhengxi's "red scarf"; in addition, the strength of the two female pirates, the "flying fish" of the "red-haired witch" and the "cold shadow hall" of the "black pearl cold" should not be underestimated; however, when it comes to the recent momentum, it is the "blood shark" of the newly emerging "bas-baron" Hojo Takeshi, which is cruel. , killing and crossing the goods, robbing the ship never leaves a living mouth-"

"What is the strength of these pirates? How strong is it?" Youdong, who asked, was two meters tall enough to be comparable to the bear man in the orc, with long golden hair, sky-blue pupils, a resolute look on his angular face and two blood knives on his back deeply attracted the attention of the affectionate and beautiful Ivy.

"I'm afraid no one knows the real strength except their own people." Ivy smiled bitterly and said, "However, it is said that each of them has at least hundreds of pirate ships, and each of them can hold at least three or 500 people-

"So many? Could it be that the rumors are a little exaggerated? An Yixue, who squatted down and was interested in teasing the dog with her father, curled her little mouth and said something.

"In this way, each of these five pirates has 30,000 to 50,000 people, and the five shares add up - almost 2 to 3 million - is this possible?" Yuqi had such a question after a little clever calculation.

"I think it's almost the same." Count Chenyuan said, "If it weren't for such strong strength, how could they have made our imperial navy empty-handed several times and helpless?"

"That-" Chu Yunmian said, "Your Highness, what do you think you should do?"

When Princess Masashi Rie frowned and thought about it, Antonye, who had been talking to himself, had said, "What else can I do? Now there is only one method-"

Everyone looked up at a certain field together, and Princess Masashi said in surprise, "What can I do? Say it quickly!"

"Do you still need to say that?" Antono seemed to carelessly, "The only way is to pray together not to meet pirates."

The little friend was immediately shocked by the "great idea" of Mouye, and Takeda, the captain of the regimental guard, shouted first: "What's the way?"

Andono laughed and said, "What does Captain Takeda think we should do now?" Find the pirate's hiding island nest and fight with them desperately?" One sentence made the leader speechless.

Princess Musashi sighed, "This is the only way. Angel of the Fire Phoenix Army ambushed and killed heavily on land, and it didn't work at all. In case we also unfortunately met pirates at sea, we only had one way-"

"Fight to the death!" The same answer made Count Chenyuan and Antonye, who were exporting at the same time, smile at each other, and the friendship of cherishing each other was particularly important.

"Let's leave tomorrow morning. Let's go to bed early." Ivy got up elegantly, and her eyes flowed. She turned around the majestic Youdong. When she passed by, she smiled gently and said, "The night is long, and there is no relief. There is a good hundred-year-old red wine in the concubine's room. If the general is elegant, you are welcome to recommend Lin Worm and taste Xiaoxu."

Wen language style, with a smile eroding bones, body fragrance, intoxicating people's spleen, the fierce ghost suddenly stood in the direction of Ivy's departure like a red-headed goose, and has not moved for a long time.

"Dad, what's wrong with Uncle Youdong?" An Yixue asked with a naive face.

"I'm stupid." Antonye was diagnosed.

"Listen! If you dare to have a tryout with that fox tonight, I will ruin you!" Yu Wei tilted his beautiful head, lowered his voice with distorted facial features, and gave a serious warning to an imaginary guy.

The pink picture was smashed by the evil voice of the dark wizard. Youdong, who regained consciousness, touched the back of his head, and some King Kong couldn't touch his mind and said, "Why don't you let me go? Hundred-year-old red wine is rare! Brother, Chenyuan, why do you look at me in that way? I just want to drink - witch, why are you blushing? Do you like me? Ah!' Black Flame Attack'! I hide - ah! Help put out the fire! My butt is on fire! Making friends is careless! You are still laughing-"


In the dark sky, there were thick clouds floating, and the seagulls flew very low and filled with thick fog everywhere. This was the fourteenth day of leaving Tianyi Harbor, and the weather was quite bad morning.

After a few days of vomiting, Xiao Yixue's seasick condition improved slightly. The fleet, at the suggestion of several captains and first mates, came to the shore for supplies for the first time.

"The weather doesn't seem to be very good today. Is the storm coming?" Sitting on the deck and with a pale face like paper, Antonye said to himself.

The feather sitting on a chair in the bow of the boat nodded with consent, and suddenly turned his head and smiled, "Yixue's little girl is seasick. Brother front teeth, it's a little hard for you to get seasick as a big man-"

Antonye smiled bitterly and was about to defend a few words when he heard the lookout sentry on the "Kudo Family" merchant flag tower in front of him and shouted like a devil: "Oh, my God! Pirates!!!"