Wolf Empire

0133 black market

As a newly built seaport city, the night market of "Tianyi Harbor" is as bustling as the day. There are heavily armed soldiers or mercenaries, careful and guarded rich businessmen and nobles, groups of hot-blooded young adventurers, and chanting and condemning the imperial war everywhere on the streets. Poet.

Andongye, who had stayed in front of a feather stall for a long time, finally bought a delicate pink bracelet with five silver coins and thought to himself, "Yaya likes these small objects the most-"

"Dad, wait for me here. I'm going to buy some daily necessities for my aunt and me." An Yixue lowered her head and whispered.

"Well, you go and go back quickly." Yuqi nodded clearly.

"What daily necessities?" A wild man asked with no doubt.

An Yixue's pretty face turned red, and she didn't dare to raise her head. She turned around and ran away in panic.

Yu Zhi clenched his fist to cover his mouth, coughed dryly, and his face was full of unconcealed embarrassment; Antonye tilted his head and looked at a dark witch puzzledly. Is his question strange? Why did my daughter react so much?

Seeing his brother looking at himself puzzledly, Yu Yu quickly turned his head and pretended not to see anything.

After a while, the little girl An Yixue ran back with a large bag of light things and a cowardly. The curious Andongye was about to ask what was going on. An elf with transparent wings and two pointed long ears came over, nodded to the feather and smiled, "This distinguished wizard, you OK."

The eyes of the three suddenly focused on the elf.

The elf kept a polite smile, turned to An Yixue and nodded: "Hello, beautiful swordsman." After saying that, he turned to the direction of Antonye, but his face couldn't smile.

The wolf-like eyes when looking at others in the wild were too difficult to accept; the elf quickly recovered and lowered their heads and said respectfully, "Hello, Mr. Policeman in the dark world."

Yu looked at the elf puzzledly. Obviously, she didn't know each other. What's the matter with accoling them? Although puzzled, Yuqi instinctively answered politely, "Mr. Elf, how are you? I wonder if there is anything we can do for you?"

The elves smiled politely, and their attitude was neither arrogant nor humble. It was easy to make people smile and said with a good impression: "I'm just a nobody in the 'elves Kingdom'. At first glance, I know that the three are knowledgeable people who walk all year round. We have some very special goods there. I don't know if the three are interested in going there. What about it?"

An Dongye tilted his head strangely, but Yu Yu and An Yixue looked at each other, and a noun appeared in his mind: a black market merchant.

For a legitimate trade of goods, there must be a legitimate source of goods. The goods themselves do not violate local laws and regulations, and pay a certain amount of tax to the local government. Both parties to the transaction are protected by law and are legitimate commercial acts. However, if the source of goods is improper, such as stolen goods or the sale of prohibited goods, For example, military standard equipment, slaves, or untaxed smuggled goods, etc., these goods can only be circulated through the black market.

In the black market, you can buy standard equipment, contraband, slaves of all races, and all kinds of rare goods. As long as you can get anything that exists on this continent, you may see them on the black market; even if you don't have goods, as long as you can produce high amounts. Black market merchants will do everything they can to help you get compensation; no matter what country, black market transactions are explicitly prohibited, but driven by high profits, black market transactions are still repeatedly prohibited.

Yuqi is a great wizard. He has traveled south and north. He doesn't know how many times he has dealed with black market merchants, so as soon as the elf finished speaking, Yuqi guessed his identity.

Yuqi is very interested in the black market. Most of the rare witchcraft refinery materials, whether they are the viciss of their home country or the Shaman, are controlled goods. Without strong channels, they cannot buy these things. The price of the secret silver black market for the refinery alone is 5,000 gold coins, but on the exchange, the price is at least doubled.

The elf looked at the words and saw that Yuyu seemed to be moved. He quickly said, "The goods are not far from here. Please come with me."

Under the leadership of the elves, the three walked into a narrow and remote alley, turned around, and finally came to the two big iron gates full of rust. The elves slowly knocked on the iron gate at a fixed rhythm, and the small window on the door opened. A pair of eyes looked at the elves for a long time before quickly closed the big iron gate. The small door on the side slowly opened.

Four people walked through a dark corridor full of debris, walked straight down two floors along the spiraling stairs, and finally arrived at their destination; this was a dark and spacious basement, and the torches on the surrounding wall radiated a faint fire, reflecting the dark figure.

The indoor smoke is diffused and the air is turbid, which makes the feathers frown. The hidden nature of the black market has caused the environment of many exchanges to be extremely bad. Although they have been to such places many times, the feathers with cleanliness are still not used to it.

"Here, three distinguished guests, this is the largest underground exchange in our Harbor City, where you can find everything you want." The elf turned around and introduced with a smile.

"You are a very competent professional seller." Yu smiled and nodded, took out two gold coins and put them in the hands of the elf. It was not the first time she visited the black market, and she was very clear about some rules.

The concealment of the black market makes the source of customers of underground exchanges the biggest problem. In addition to the source of customers and regular customers gathered through special channels, the development of new customers requires black market professional sellers such as elves who lead the way. They walk in places where the rich go, select potential customers to contact, and then lead them. Enter the black market and draw from the customer consumption brought by.

Experienced black market professional sellers are very vicious. You can see at a glance whether the target has money, whether they need black market services, whether they are official detectives, etc.

The elf professional seller quietly held two gold coins and said with a smile, "General Antonye, the big wizard, little princess An Yixue, I wish you a full load." As he spoke, he retreated with a smile.

I'm not surprised by this feather. As a black market professional seller, if he doesn't have the ability to see through them who deliberately hide their identities, then he is not a qualified professional seller.

Underground exchanges like general are roughly divided into two areas, one is the organizer of the underground exchange and the other is the stall of retail investors.

The organizers who can open underground exchanges are of course rich black market merchants. They have sufficient supplies, professional services, good reputation, and general bulk transactions. Merchants are convenient and stable, and they all prefer to find the organizers.

As soon as Antonye entered the basement, he saw a huge banner hanging on the main display stand, which said: "A large number of Shura Army standard equipment wholesale, large quantity and excellent, door-to-door delivery, Tianyi Commercial Bank provides credit guarantee, *, after-sales service provides the whole process of technical guidance, exempt you All the worries." Wait for the words.

The organizer's booth occupies half of the entire underground space, in which many blondes wearing the same miniskirt uniform and ** snow-white thighs come and go, which is a busy scene.

Yuqi secretly praised that it is worthy of being a coastal transportation hub, and the underground exchanges are so professional.