Wolf Empire

0148 is a disaster caused by kindness

In fact, the Musashi royal family, which was distressed by the "Wolf City" military action, hates what the "Black Society" has done in China, but it has always been powerless for the "anti-black" operation due to foreign war. What's more, in the view of the ruler Musashi and his son, compared with the "Black Cloth Society" The "shrive disease" of small fights, the "Tianyi Business League" that threatens their dominance, is the real big trouble!

The silence and inaction of the government contributed to a certain extent the arrogance of the "black society", so that the descendants of Montenegro's apprentices and grandchildren increasingly did not pay attention to the imperial law. After the wife and daughter of Oshima, the director of the "Tianjing" police chief, were not severely punished, they came out of the shaman mission. During the ** period of visiting the imperial capital, he bravely kidnapped Miss Yui Asano, the only daughter of Hideki Asano, the richest man in the empire, and offered a sky-high ransom to "Asano Department Store".

The top ten chaebols of "Abudu Kanedu" are at the top of the list with the "Tianyi Chamber of Commerce", and the other nine big chaebols with abundant funds are arranged in order. The Montenegrin family uses the "Black Society" as a tool. Starting with human trafficking, he became the controller of the empire's largest slave trading market in addition to official slave houses in just a decade. This huge business family, founded by despicable means and with countless family deaths and blood and tears, will face an unprecedented catastrophe today!

The "Montenegro" market, this is the nest of the "black society". The whole street is full of traffickers, villains, *, drugs, arms - this is a hell of evil and a devil's paradise.

This is the independent kingdom of the Montenegro family. In the world of the Black Club, other gang door valves do not want to get involved here, and police soldiers have to take a detour. A long time ago, there were many unconvinced police officers or military commanders who crossed the unwritten limit, and finally all the bodies were carried and thrown out.

At the street of "Montenegro" city, two naked, body and female corpses were hung high in the scorching sun of the street lamp, with bursting skin and burnt hair, indicating that the mother and daughter had been dead for a long time. They were the wives and daughters of Oshima, the director of the "Tianjing" police chief, who hung high here after being torn by the Montenegro Party. Demonstrating to the police, the police of the nearest police branch, 400 meters away, just hid behind the glass window and dared not show up.

Under the leadership of the handsome Long Zhijie, six "famous" young men and women half knelt in front of the two core figures. Long Zhijie stroked the crescent sickle in his hand and said in a low voice: "It's clear that the 'Black Society' has a total of 383 members sitting in the 'slavery Exchange' of Miss Jieyi. It's the ** demon of the Black Mountain Palace, the boss of the Black Mountain family.

Chiyo Jiyong said with hatred: "The bastard in the Black Mountain Palace is as lustful as life. I don't know how many good women have been stained by him. Sister Jieyi fell into his hands. How can there be life-"

"What should I do?" After all, it was Mixun Kudo, a daughter who had never experienced a real battle, and looked back at Andono, who was a guest minister in this operation for help.

An Dongye's beautiful mouth opened a cold arc, and he said in a low voice, "Youdong, go and help Long Zhijie and kill all the guards of the exchange, and don't leave a single one!"

Following the order of his brother, members of the "famous flower stream" such as Youdong and Long Zhijie rushed to the downtown opposite side. Satisfied with the action of the "famous flower stream", Antono said to the two imperial girls around him, "You and I will save people."

Mixun Kudo and Chiyo agreed to nod, one holding a fork and the other holding a rope whip, followed Antonye and jumping into the "slave exchange" with a light manner.

Looking at the rows of cells under his feet, he couldn't help but have some big Kudo Mixun, and asked the man in front of his brother, "Higashino, where will Yui be imprisoned in so many rooms?"

Facing this question, the questioner answered easily: "Miss Meixun, your wisdom and height are really not coordinated. Just ask if you don't know."

On the one hand, he was slightly cold, and the female companion behind him had already covered her mouth and laughed. Antonno, who cast a strange look at Chiyo Jiyong, immediately sarcastically said, "Is it funny? Her breasts are flat like Miss Chiyo at the airport. Chiyo Jiyong's face suddenly changed, and now it was Kudo's turn to laugh and tremble.

Two noble ladies who came from a noble background and have responded since childhood have been humiliated by a certain wild. Although they are extremely angry, the two noble girls who are now in the tiger's den are not stupid enough to ignore the overall situation and turn against bad things. Therefore, both of them gritted their teeth with hatred for walking in front of them, but they could only hold them angrily.

At the same time, the eyes of the three saw a member in black come out of the corner, walking a duck step, and the vicious slave who kept moaning and crying in pain in the black prison: "Don't cry! I'm pissed off, pull you out and chop them all and feed the dogs!"

Just as the black member was so powerful, there was a sudden coldness on his neck. This guy, who was also a warrior, knew that his life was already in the hands of others.

"Sir, which cell does Miss Asano you kidnapped live in today?" Andongye's polite inquiry could not calm the fear of the members in black. A pair of wolf eyes that did not belong to human beings were staring at him close at hand.

"In the youngest young master's room-" The member in black, who had just thought he could survive, only felt that his neck was cold and he didn't feel it. Gently putting down the body in his hand, Anton Ye wiped the blood stains on the military thorns. Along the corner of the wall, two careful noble girls touched inside.

At this moment, "famous" boys and girls such as Youdong and Long Zhijie have carried out skilled assassinations on the number of "Black Club" members who are dozens of times more than theirs. These noble young men and women who formed a circle because of their common interests and hobbies quietly and cruelly took the lives of one enemy after another with knives, needles, silk and other weapons in their hands. Especially when dealing with multiple targets who were taking a nap in the room, a light poisonous smoke killed several people in their sleep. The lives of ten people. In a stillness, the whole slave exchange gradually became the burial place of the dead.

The goal that Antonye and two imperial girls are looking for is obvious. In the whole exchange site, the only exquisite building indicates the most expensive and unique identity of the resident of the Black Mountain Palace.

From downstairs, Mifukura and Yoshio Chiyo, who have been trained by professional agents of the army, blew poison smoke into one room after another on both sides of the stairs, and Antonno was responsible for cleaning the wind and cleaning the stairs and corridors for the two. When cleaning from the ground floor to the third floor, only a burst of song and dance music were heard from the highest floor. The three looked at each other and kicked the door in--


In the screams, more than a dozen naked, naked and body dancers who swarmed out of the room, took their lives in an instant by the deadly poison needles fired by the two crossbows in the hands of Meixun and Chiyo.

What the three people saw was a barren, Tang, **, and chaotic unbearable scene. The Black Mountain Palace, the young master of the Black Mountain family with a tall figure and strong muscles, actually lay on a white woman who was also naked and raged, and her body was in a mess.

"Sister Jieyi!" Chiyo Jiyong shouted, and his legs were soft and fell on the carpet.

"Higashino, it's not good, there is a mystery and fragrance-" Kudo Meixun, a tall and healthy beauty, shook twice and fainted on the ground; Antono only felt black in front of him, and he didn't have time to think about it. He covered her mouth and nose and fell beside Meixun.

Black Palace smiled grimly and got up from the white flesh of the unconscious Yui Asano and said proudly, "Do you 'famous flower stream' see that this young master's one girl is not good enough today and automatically sends two beautiful girls to the door, haha, plus the princess Lihui, the four beauties of the empire, I, the Black Mountain Palace-" When he didn't say anything, he only felt a hot colic in his lower abdomen. When he looked down, he saw that the "wolf tooth thorn" in the hand of Antonye, who was "comatose" under his feet, had been cut into his stomach.

The frightened Black Mountain Palace tried to grab the intestines that flowed out of his body back to his abdominal cavity. Finally, after several unnecessary efforts, he spit out a few mouthfuls of blood and fell to the ground.

It's too late to assassinate Andongye, who has been successful in the Black Mountain Palace with a trick, to cover his respiratory organs. A few mouthfuls of fan and incense entered the breath, and his whole body immediately became dry and restless all over-

Andongye slapped himself in the face and tried to wake himself up as soon as possible. He only felt a smelly body fragrance coming, and a hot and dirty man hugged him from behind. Dimly, Antonye vaguely felt that he was confused and raped by the evil young black mountain palace, and was muddle-headed. In the state, An Dongye, who still had a trace of mind, tried to push away Yui Asano, who was tired of the fragrance, but he was also deeply poisoned and had no strength at all.

And just as Yui Asano was squandering on Andono, Kudo Mifu and Yoshiyong Chiyo, who were also burned by the incense ** in the room, were also crawling over with thirsty licking their lips and red tongue -


When Count Chenyuan rushed into the slave exchange with a Marine with live ammunition, he first saw a well-dressed but cowardly dressed friend surrounded by three "imperial flowers" on the sofa. He couldn't help but curiously ask Youdong and Long Zhijie, who smiled secretly at the scene of the accident: " What's wrong with that guy? Did I just miss something?