Wolf Empire

An Xiaoyu took a step forward to open the door of the temporary conference room and saw the general coming. The wolves who had been waiting for him stood up and saluted together.

Andongye motioned everyone to sit down and look around. Except for Song Guangmin, the commander of the 604th Division of the armed police division, and the four brigade commanders under his command had not yet arrived, the generals of the Yuanmo North Front Army who knew that the wolf king's order was disciplined like a mountain were already present, but it's okay. It's right to keep some words not to let Song know. .

According to the practice of the army during the desert war, General Andongye naturally sat at the top, and the military officers of each brigade sat in the left and right boxes according to the number sequence. Obviously, before the general arrived, the generals familiar with each other had greeted each other livelyly.

The Shaman Holy See's overseas expedition, a total of nine regular military divisions and an independent police brigade, plus the division brigades next to the wolves, the largest number since the founding of the country, and the army number is extremely large. At the suggestion of Chang'an Zichen, the general staff, in order to facilitate the unified command and control of each division brigade, the legion command The number of each department under its jurisdiction shall be adjusted as follows according to the order of the formation of the army:

Lion Legion: the 401 Division of the former Fourth Army, with a total of 12,000,600 people, and the Legion Chang'an shed tears;

Wild Wolf Legion: the former 402 Division of the Fourth Army, with a total of 1489 people, Chang'an Jinliang;

Demon Tiger Legion: the former 403 Division of the Fourth Army, with a total of 11,725 people, the Legion of Chang'an Demon Yi;

Dragon Legion: the former 404 Division of the Fourth Army, with a total of 12,00027 people, the Legion Chang'an Zixuan;

Skull Legion: The former armed police independent brigade and the 6th Army added three divisions, with a total of 49,000, and the legion Chang'an Zitong;

Blood Legion: adapted from five brigades of the original gendarmerie, with a total of 4691 members, the Legion Chang'an Shadow;

Guardian Legion: the Guards division directly under the former Mobei Front Army, with a total of 8619 members, Legion commander Youdong;

Vulture Legion: former temporary members of the First Division's City Defense Army, with a total of 6,305 members, Legion Commander Yang Shu;

Warcraft Legion: the former Warcraft Division, 5,850 people, commanders Uriah, Pontus and Uranos;

Red Fox Legion: members of the former Red Fox Independent Brigade Mercenary Regiment, with a total of 525 members, the Legion Chang'an Xiao;

Bcat Legion: members of the original Bobcat Independent Brigade Sand Thieves, with a total of 1249 people, the Legion Chang'an is proud;

Black Hawk Legion: members of the former slave division to liberate slaves, with a total of 928 people, Chang'an Xiaopan;

Legion of the Dead: Former killer members of the Hell Knights of the Dead, all 73 members, Legion Commander Rainstone;

Dark Legion: former members of Dark Witchcraft, 215 members, the leader of the legion;

Holy Light Legion: former members of the Church of Light, all 360 members, Legion Chang'an Qudan;

Spirit Snake Legion: Former gang members, all 1115, 545 members, Legion Chang'an Mochen;

Hanying Legion: Former pirate members, all 1027, the commander of the army is cold;

Flying Fish Legion: former members of the exile, with a total of 68,000 people, 500 members, the Legion'an is charming;

Biluo Legion: members of the former organization of the former dynasty, all 1110 people, the legion Chang'an Yixue;

Police Legion: Armed Police 604 Division Division, with a total of 1649 members, Song Guangmin, commander of the Legion.

Excluding the major combat legion troops, plus the relevant personnel of the legion's staff officers, logistics, medical and other organs, as well as the Royal Guards and the New Seventh Army, the total strength of the Wolf King Andongye has reached an unprecedented 600,000 people, which is also the largest battle that Andongye has commanded so far. Force.

"Father." An Zixuan and An Yaoyi exchanged glances and first said: "Zixuan believes that the wolves sent troops to the northeast this time as cannon fodder for the Canglang people and marry others. If they win, they will fail. If they win, they will lose-"

As if he felt that the word "defeat" was unlikely, General An Zixuan finally did not say anything; An Jinliang said in a thick voice: "How could the imperial army be defeated when dealing with the more than 300,000 Shura defeated soldiers and the remnants of the kingdom trapped in the 'wolf capital'?"

"Who said-"Andongye asked meaningfully, "Cang, Lang, Emperor, Kingdom, Army, No, Hui, Defeat?"

The general's slightly strange words exploded in everyone's ears like a bomb; these wolf warriors who followed their young commanders to fight in all directions naturally knew more or less of the commander's unique and even some strange way of thinking.

"Dongdong, after the whale swallowed the wind and wing country, they defeated the invincible Shura people. Who is their opponent when looking around the world?" The fish sitting at the top left squeezed his lips.

Not satisfied with the mysterious smile of Sister Nai's title and helpless An Dongye on a formal occasion: "The Canglang people only won a battle, but this does not mean that they have won the whole war. The war is unpredictable. It is unknown who is the winner who laughed to the end. Humph, maybe it's me. Where are the wolves?"

The meaning contained in the words of the Wolf King really surprised the generals present. The superiors had a pointed but unspokey attitude, which made everyone couldn't help but fall silent.

"I'm sorry, Mr. General, I seem to be late." The attitude and tone of Song Guangmin, a late armed police officer, attracted the cold eyes of everyone present.

Andongye waved his hand carelessly and said, "It doesn't matter, General Song Guangmin, the official meeting hasn't started yet. Please sit down."

In the eyes of the wolf masses condemning the officials, Song Guangmin Shiran sat down at one end of the chairman's table, facing An Dongye. The four brigade commanders under his command stood line behind the officer, with a posture of fighting in a large court.

The reason why Song Guangmin, an ignorant boy, can climb to today's high position is that he has two good sisters. The eldest sister is the wife of Count Song Yabin, the first-class second minister of finance, and his cousin Wang Lei, Prince Rui, is known all over the world; the second sister Song Haiyan is the wife of Tang Feng, the eldest son of Tang Shu, the marshal of the Holy See. Relying on the nepotism of his sisters, Song Guangmin, who had no ability, became a police general leading thousands of troops.

"General, our armed police force is the elite of the seven legions of the Holy See. I heard that the commander of the Ming Gendarmerie has first equipped the 200-two armored fighting vehicles of the expeditionary force in place. Will the general consider giving priority to equipping our police legion?"

General Andongye secretly frowned. This batch of armored fighting vehicles converted to be purchased by the empire was intended to order Liu An Ziran, a ruffian, to select some young, flexible and easy-to- master juvenile equipment in the direct guard army, and then set up a The mechanical armored regiment enhances the mobile combat power of the wolves, but at present, it has to be slow down.

Andongye said with a normal face: "Of course, the combat effectiveness of the armed police force is obvious to all. As early as the battle in Mobei, the independent brigade of armed police commanded by General An Zitong made remarkable achievements, and those armored fighting vehicles were assigned to the armed police force."

Praised by the general, Brigadier General An Zitong, the commander of the Skull Legion, naturally became the focus of the public. Although she was a member of the armed police system, after the double life-and-death test of the Mobei battle and the "Tower of Judgment", the direct generals of the wolves have long regarded her as their own, which is essential to Song. The difference.

- Song is also happy too early. In the armed police force of the overseas expeditionary force, it is not only his 604 Division. How can our young general be stupid enough to hand over such a battlefield weapon that can affect the survival of wolves into the hands of unreliable troops?

"Please wait a minute, Your Excellency, I mean-" Song Guangmin, who feels that something is wrong, seems to have something to say.

"Do you have any problems with General An Zitong's use of this batch of armored fighting vehicles? General Song Guangmin, or do you think the three divisions and an independent brigade she commanded do not belong to the armed police force? General Antonye's words already have a trace of murderous intention. He himself hopes that the head of the police division, who had almost caused the wolves to mutiny in "Garo City", disobey the military order, and he can justly get rid of the big trouble placed by a police leader around him early!

Faced with the murderous gaze of his colleague An Zitong, who was in the same position as himself, Song Guangmin chose to give in and swallowed the words he wanted to express.

At this time, An Muxi, a proud and beautiful secretary, knocked on the door and came to the Wolf King in the greedy eyes of a group of men. He bowed his head and whispered a few words to his father Antonye. The latter moved slightly, thought for a moment, and said with a smile, "Generals, I have a distinguished guest to visit. Please excuse me first. The following meeting Zixuan will host it on your behalf; Yu Yu, come with me.

Out of the temporary conference room, An Muxi, with a charming back, took Antonye and Yuqi to a reception room. After entering, he saw two Shura people sitting in it, tall in their 30s, high cheekbones and hooked noses; the short one looked like shaman, but not all of them were all mixed-race people.

The two were a little surprised to see An Muxi walking in with a sick young man in his twenties. Seeing this, An Dongye smiled secretly and walked over and said, "I'm An Dongye. You two came from afar at the risk of being discovered by the imperial military police at any time, thinking that there must be something good to take care of Dongye?"

The two Shura people secretly said that An Dongye was really young. The short Shura man hurriedly shook hands with the Wolf King and said with a skilled shaman, "Where, no, the little two were entrusted by your old friend, General Dorozha, to come to talk about a big deal with the general."