Wolf Empire

0172 please! Please!! Please!!!

Although it is listed as one of the top ten famous cities in the mainland, the strong and huge walls of "Luosha City" are built very rough, and the residential houses are also so dirty and simple that people are really not flattering. Only a few round top towers of the "Asura" cathedral is still magnificent, and the cattle and horse feces on the road can be seen everywhere. Not to mention that it is not comparable to first-class metropolises such as "Huadu" and "Tianjing", it is almost half a level away from military fortresses such as "Wolf City".

The "Rasha City" is located in the extremely cold continent in the north. At this time, it is already snowing heavily. The cold weather makes pedestrians on the streets very rare. Only a few crooked drunks sway in the wind and snow with wine bottles.

In a big car shop in the corner of the street, the feathers that closed their eyes were shocked by the sound of knocking on the door. They hugged their bodies and fell asleep. They came to the door and narrowed one eye and looked out from the air hole on the door. The hateful meow also followed the appearance of their master, closing a cat's eyes and round small brain. The bag squeezed in front of the air hole and peeked out.

"Ibrahimovic is back." The short Shura man stood up and jumped up from the sleeper, quickly opened the door, pulled the big companion standing outside the door into the room, glanced around the door, and closed the door after making sure that no one followed him.

"Ibrahimovic, have you found out the situation in the palace?" The short man Shura asked impatiently. Ibrahim, a big Shura, immediately muttered a difficult and incomprehensible "bird language".

The short Shura man hurriedly translated before Yu's black face: "The emperor has returned to the throne of Asura last night. The master and Princess Serena have been placed under house arrest in the cellar by the 'Guangmu Heavenly King'. It seems that we are going to launch a rescue operation immediately. I'm worried that the Liubo dog will jump off the wall and not to the owner. Li."

Yu Yu patted and slept and kissed, "Baby, wake up the knights, tidy up the equipment, and go to the palace with Uncle Muhan to save people tonight."

The magician and the dragon knight nestled in the adjacent room immediately acted silently. They sorted out their magic weapons blades and took advantage of the snowy night to open the back door of the big car shop near the back street. The group of people moved cleverly and deftly dived towards the palace like a civet cat. Go-

The huge building, like a silent ten-year-old beast, silently tells the ugly and bloody dirty history of the royal family in the dark night.

"Get out of here! You are not as good as a beast! Asura, please open your eyes and take away this corrupt devil!" Outside a wine cellar, several snake guards who smoked cigarettes heard the cry of Princess Serena in the cellar, and coincidentally made a bad laugh or two, and deliberately walked a distance in a deaf ear.

After a long time, ** with his upper body and a comfortable face, the "Guangmu Heavenly King" came out with a fork and clothes. The divine snake guard outside the wine cellar immediately extinguished the cigarette butt, straightened up and saluted: "Heavenly King - no, no, the emperor has worked hard."

"Guangmu Heavenly King" left a smile: "I am optimistic about the mother's concubine and Dorozha's wild seed, and I have a lot of rewards." After laughing several times, he went away in response to the guards.

"I really don't understand. After the death of the emperor, there were so many young and beautiful concubines left in the harem. Why did the king attack his mother?" A middle-aged guard full of yellow teeth and obscene looks laughed.

"What young and beautiful girl has never enjoyed, the good thing is this one-" Another lees nose snake guard laughed drily. As soon as he turned around, he suddenly found that he had "yellow flat teeth" that he had just talked and laughed with himself. He was being knocked down by a red-haired kitten that looked cute, and suddenly bit his throat. The blood in the companion's body was sucked clean.

The "wine lees nose" thought he was dazzled, rubbed his glasses with his hand, and then looked closely. He saw that the fire cat was several times bigger than just now, with blood dripping on its sharp teeth, and he was smiling evilly at himself--

"Mom! There are monsters! Help--"The wine lees nose" shouted, and the sharp knife light reflected the phantom of death. He and the other three snake guards fell into a pool of blood before they could dodge.

Without any extra action, Dorozha took back the two knives in his hand and said coldly to the feathers beside him, "Thank you for saving me. Please go back and convey my gratitude to your brother."

The sharp blade of death also emerged from the shadow of the divine snake guard at the same time. There was no trace of mud and water. Under the leadership of the two Eastern military generals of Muhan and Ibrahim, the dark knights serving as cover killed all the defenders outside the wine cellar in an instant.

With pity, he took a look at Princess Serena, who was wrapped in a quilt and carried on her shoulders by the tall bodyguard Astro, and said, "King of Heaven, for the safety of the eldest concubine, I will take him out of the 'Rasha City' and go to his father, General Pishamon, the king of the north."

Dorazha said coldly, "The emperor has served the god Asura, and the current status of the imperial concubine is particularly eye-attentionally. Whoever controls her will directly grasp the orthodox voice of the empire and the 300,000 wolf-like northern army. It seems that his ambition is not small!"

Yu Wei snorted and said to Dudu, "Baby and Sleep Protect the Great Concubine. After the Dragon Knight is broken, go!"

"The enemy has invaded!"

"The prisoner has been robbed, release the arrow! Shoot the arrow!"

The heavily guarded snake guards soon found the abnormality on the side of the wine cellar. As the alarm sounded, the snake guards reinforced from around the palace rushed over the stairs -

Seeing that the Dark Knight, with Princess Serena, Astro's bodyguard and old servant Arthur, escaped from the palace wall under the response of the lethal explosives of the dark magicians one after another; Dorozha opened and closed with two knives, and rushed to the siege with two confidants, Muhan and Ibrahim.

At the first time he jumped on the palace wall, Dorozha looked back and said coldly, "liu bo cha, I will come back to you!"


The central camp of the wolves in the night was brightly lit. Under the light of countless searchlights, the senior officers of the imperial coalition forces invited by Andongye arrived at the banquet place relatively early.

"Priest Priest Yueling, I'm very happy that you can accept my invitation. It's really an honor." Andono first stretched out his palm to the beautiful elf priestess in the crowd.

"Where is it, General Higashino, it's my honor to receive your invitation." Yueling sincerely expressed her gratitude.

When the "Thunder Tribe" led the dwarf Berserker and other officers to the wolf camp, he was surprised to find that the owner of the night banquet was waiting in front of the door with a smile on his face; even if he had some hesitation before he came, it was dissolved under the enthusiasm of Antonye.

The two guests who did not want to look at each other naturally caused a hum.

After a little politeness, Anton Ye motioned his two daughters, Xiao and Yi Xue, to lead the two small army of the southwest country to rest in different small tents.

An Dongye smiled and looked at the people in the distance. An Zitong, the "Skull Legion" of the armed police force, appeared behind him and bowed his head and said in a low voice, "Dad, everything is arranged!"

General Antonye smiled at the corners of his mouth and nod slightly. He heard the imperial guard sing: "Commander Kudo has just arrived, salute!"

"Commander, I'm so glad that you can accept my invitation." Andongye smiled and greeted a "big brother-in-law" who had been infected with his concubine Meixun when he was young.

"Since the last 'bathroom' scandal, your two military officers are fine, worrying about the overall situation and face and still maintain a basic friendship, but the bastards below do not have this concern. More than a dozen large and small weapons a day. Across this long camp space, there have been a variety of scolding battles. It's a program that everyone decided every day. Grand Duke Kudo patted the thin shoulder of the host of the night banquet and said bluntly, "It's right for us commanders to gather together and open some such a fellowship to set an example for his men."

"What the commander said." Anton's ambition has been happy for a long time and greeted attentively, "Time is too hurried. Maybe please forgive me for the poor hospitality, please! Please!! Please!!!"

Moran and Muxi, who walked into the tent and waited there, had already prepared wine and smoke suction equipment. This exciting substance extracted from plants is very popular and expensive in the upper-class society of the empire.

The commander-in-chief of the "Tianyi Commercial League" mercenary regiment, the sad and lonely Leng Ruoxhuang and nine other slightly lower-level mercenary regiment leaders, also attended, five of whom had five new faces, but replaced the unexpected "dead" colleagues tonight and quickly replaced them.

The Duke of Kudo, who had millions of soldiers and pointed out the country, stood up, raised the wine glass in his hand and said loudly, "Come on! This commander will borrow flowers to present Buddha tonight and give a toast to all the generals! Take down the 'Wolf City' for tomorrow morning, do it!"




Between the imperial officers and the generals of the alliance army raising their glasses one after another, there was a crisp sound, and the wine glass in the hands of General Antonno in the master's position fell to the ground and fell to pieces--

The soldiers of the independent brigade directly under An Zitong, an armed police force that had already been properly arranged, stood silently behind their respective targets, with a small team of seven people. Although this blade force, which has been with General Wolf King and Brigadier General An Zitong for many years, was puzzled when receiving orders, still meticulously and perfectly executed, and even some veterans held the knives in their hands as if they smelled something from all kinds of signs-