Wolf Empire

0176 I still have a card

"Bah! You treacherous shamans!"

In the long surrender team, a Canglang officer glared at the four brothers of the wolves in the saddle with deep anger full of humiliation when he handed over his saber representing his honor.

"Bah! "Bah!" Two voices, the violent second brother An Jinliang and two fierce whips, slapped the face of the vicissitude officer who stared at his four brothers with hateful eyes. The big brother An Xi's teared for fear of the irritable and reckless second brother's inferiority, which triggered an uproof of the Canglang army, which was unwilling to humiliate and surrender. He scolded the imperial officer and said, "At the end of the surrender ceremony, return to the team immediately!"

The black soldiers around the wolves who organized the team directly told the defeated imperial army that they had to obey if they wanted to live. The imperial officers suppressed humiliation and anger and returned to their queue.

On October 10, 2001, the second jihad of Wolves announced the end.

is a battle. The shaman wolf group, as an ally of the "Canglang Empire" army, suddenly united with the "Tianyi Business League" to fight back, and cooperated with the northern army of the "Sura Empire" and the remnants of the "Windwing Kingdom" that had been trapped in the "Wolf Capital" city for a year, and dealt a fatal blow to the imperial army!

After a day and night of fierce fighting, as many as 610,000 imperial aristocratic private soldiers and wind-wing guard troops who participated in the "Wolf City War" have been killed 104,000 people since the commander-in-chief, Grand Duke Kudo. Except for nearly 200,000 remnants who were surrounded and escaped, more than 300,000 people were captured.

Under the gunpowder offensive of the commercial alliance, the four island barbarians were almost completely destroyed. Two tribes from the southwest were forced to transfer to the wolf pack.

"I don't know how my father will settle these prisoners. Will it follow the rules of care-" The gesture of the third brother An Yaoyi's hand into a knife is clear, which makes the innocent fourth brother An Zixuan feel a chill from the bottom of his heart. Thinking about the bad records of the wolf father in the past, he understands that the third brother's prediction is not unfounded. , with a firm expression:

"Killing is not a stain that a truly strong man should have. In any case, our four brothers can't let our father go wrong again!"

"I can persuade my father that the two beautiful aunts Yuyu and Yuyu are not in the 'wolf'." The third brother An Yaoyi said with a wry smile.

"What are you talking about behind my back?" Behind him, An Dongye coughed with a smile, and the Wolf King rode with the support of An Xiaopan and An Yichen's brother and sister.

"Dad." The four brothers bowed together to salute.

"Dad, I think the Shura people are not very willing to give us the 'wolf'." An Zixuan said.

"Xi Lei also thinks so. There is a fire in the eyes of the soldiers of the Northern Army of Shura. I'm afraid that this matter will not be good. We should prepare early." The eldest brother An said in a tearful voice.

"I still have a set of cards that haven't been shown." With a slight smile, Antonye coughed and said, "Xiaopan, you lead the 'Black Eagle Legion' to the 'Zhongshan Kingdom' and work with Bach to mobilize the village soldiers to assist the sniper mission of the Chamber of Commerce in the 'Eagle Valley'; Yi Chen, immediately returned to 'Galo City' and handed over his father's handbook to Tang Feng and the general. There must be Half a point difference pool! Go and come back!"

"Guarantee completion of the task." An Yichen, a little sister in leather clothes and trousers, received the letter, bowed with An Xiao to salute her father and brother, and both took the order away.

The war horse urged, and Anton Nozi came to the city of "Wolf Capital" like a gust of wind. The Shura Northern Army, which greeted the Wolf King, far exceeded the number of honor guards. Immediately, the wolves and the generals of the Mercenary Regiment of the Chamber of Commerce entered the most urgent signal to prepare for battle.

The human wall composed of the thick armor of the Northern Army of Shura gradually surrounded it, and the four brothers and the guards who felt that the situation was wrong were tightly surrounded by the Wolf King.

Antonye asked the commander on the other side of the wall disdainfully, "Oh, King of Heaven, is this the etiquette of your northern army to repay your lifesaver?"

"Hmm, why did you launch an attack half an hour later than the agreed time to cause large-scale casualties in our northern army? The person with bad intentions from the beginning is you, General Antonye." "For the safety of yourself and your subordinates, don't try to resist. I will guarantee that you are eligible for the reasonable treatment of your status."

"You just want to violate the agreement between our two armies and don't want to return 'wolves' to our army?" Andongye's scolding made the old man of the "King of Heaven" Pishamon blushed for a while.

"Look at this. I believe you will change your mind." Antonye threw a hollow sapphire ring to the "King of Heaven" Bishamon, who lost his voice and said angrily:

"Selena?! This is a dowry gift for her. How did you treat my daughter?!"

"Don't worry, the Heavenly King, the eldest concubine and her bodyguard servant have been out of the control of the 'Guangmu Heavenly King' Liubo's claws and are visiting the sister Yuyu, without any life danger." Andono said with a smile.

"Then I really want to thank you, General Antonye. Our northern army will abide by the pre-war agreement, and your wolves can take over the 'wolf capital' at any time. Thinking of his baby daughter falling into the hands of the wolves, the tone of the "King of Heaven" immediately softened.

"The eldest concubine ran all the way and was infected with wind and cold. It is really not suitable to follow the king to travel a long journey again and go to China. According to the shallowness of Dongye, it is better to ask the imperial concubine to stay in the wolf camp for a period of time. When the jade body is raised, Dongye will naturally send the imperial concubine back to reunite with your father and daughter." Andongye is not slow.

"Are you threatening me? Young people, you will regret it." Pishamen is like an old lion, rubbing his ferocious teeth and staring at his prey. Under this pressure, Antonye said lightly, "The million elite imperial army of Musashi Fuji has crossed the 'Sura River', and the striker is close to 'Rasha City'. Seniors, there is not much time left for you."

"All the Northern Army are returned to the team." After an angry hum, the old man of the "King of Heaven" Pishamon said, "The leftovers and more than 3,000 wounded and sick members of the Northern Army, please ask the general to take more care of them."

"I wish the elders to clear the rebellion as soon as possible and revive the hero!" In the most correct posture, An Dongye saluted the magnificent back in the torrent of the northern army rolling towards the distance.

The gate of "Wolf Capital" opened to welcome his new master. The northeast military fortress, which had fallen for a year, finally returned to the army of his home country.

The wolves took a large number of imperial prisoners as winners and drove into the city solidly and powerfully. As soon as they entered the city, they were besieged and vented by the citizens.

"Kighten those vicissitudes!"

"Get out, shaman, I don't need you here."

"Ke them to death, hit them!"

In the crowd of onlookers, stones, soil and other "weapons" were thrown out, just like a rainstorm. These people who have been besieged for more than a year and have suffered from war include shamans, Shura immigrants, wind-wing soldiers, and vicissitudes slaves. Although most of their non-lecisic "annonballs" are aimed at the imperial prisoners in the streets, the wolf soldiers escorting on both sides are also inevitable. Become the object of being affected, and the disaster becomes the attacked party under the pond fish.

In the face of these unarmed and angry citizens, the wolf generals who have experienced many battles can only passively defend themselves under the strict constraints of officers at all levels.

" Stop!" Stop it all!" All back!"

The more than 3,000 wounded and sick of the Shura Northern Army left behind played a key role in settling down at this time. In addition to the reasons for the wounded soldiers, a large part of the remaining Shura soldiers married a local woman as their wives in the "Wolf City". Their relatives and families are all here. The well-known "King of Heaven" Bishamon, the well-known "King of Heaven", specially allowed this group of soldiers to stay with An Yusheng, who is responsible for the aftermath, to cooperate with the shaman military police to maintain urban security. .

The armed police officer Cui Fang looked in horror as the general took a piece of rotten vegetable leaf from his cheek, and then poured a basin of sewage from the sky through his whole body. The uncertain face began to get colder and colder. The female police officer immediately ordered the policeman: "Come on, go and catch the bastard on it. ."

Several armed police soldiers immediately got off their horses and were ready to rush to the top floor of the building next to the street to arrest people. The Shura guard soldiers next to the street intentionally or unintentionally formed a human wall to block the way. An Yusheng took the opportunity to obstruct it and said, "Your Excellency, the people's extreme behavior is acceptable. If you want to punish, please Let's punish the birth."

Hearing the cowardly Shura girl's request for punishment, An Dongye shrugged his shoulders indifferently and said with a smile, "Little girl of the city, I haven't been bloodthirsty enough to kill people with a knife because of such a trivial matter."

The unrestrained and meaningless riots of the city residents finally stopped under the suppression of strong measures by the left-behind northern army. An Yusheng personally led General Andongye, the new owner of the city, to the Taishou mansion prepared for him.

Sitting in the lobby of his father Tang Shu's old Taishou Mansion, An Dongye had a lot of thoughts. After a moment of silence, he said to the wolves standing in front of the steps: "Order--

After three hours, I will lead the main force of the wolf pack to leave the 'wolf capital' and recover the whole territory of wind wings. Bo Sheng, all the left-behind soldiers in the north of Shura under your command are reorganized into the 'Rasha Legion' and are ready to set out with this general immediately;

Zixuan led the 'Magic Dragon Legion', the proud 'Blosseum Legion', the 'Warcraft Legion' of Ulanos, the 'Cold Shadow Legion', and the armed police force of Sha Zhuang and An Xiaoting's 'Skull Legion', with a total combat strength of more than 94,000 people, staying in the 'Wolf Capital';

Be sure that the 'wolves' are in the hands of the wolves for a month. Zixuan, even if all your 100,000 people are sold out, will stick to me until I come back!"