Wolf Empire

0191 Cutting grass must be eradicated!

For more than half a month in a row, An Aoyan has not slept peacefully. The extreme mental tension and difficult suffering in his heart have made his thin face more and more glorious.

Sha Ying knows that her sweetheart is under pressure and has heavy worries, but she doesn't ask too much. She just does her best to take care of a man's diet and living as much as possible. She has always been a smart woman.

Especially in these days, several close brothers of An Aoyan secretly discussed something with An Aoyan in the secret room almost every day, either with a beard and a knife face, or a broad rush and an axe. Sha Ying knew that they were plotting an unspeakable plan.

The "Bcat Legion" is stationed in the coal mine in the west of the "Wolf Capital" city. On this coal mountain, more than 300,000 Canglang army prisoners of war have been imprisoned. Under the supervision of the "Bbecat Legion" composed of 12,000 fully armed members of the original sand thieves, these prisoners are working day and night in mining coal. The environment and arrears The lack of food makes these warriors in the former battlefield fall down and no longer get up every day.

The proportion is nearly 30 times different, which is an extremely dangerous signal. Since An Zixuan, the fourth brother, has received the task, An Aoyan feels that he and the whole army are sitting on the crater and may be overwhelmed by hundreds of thousands of prisoners of war workers under heavy pressure anytime and anywhere.

However, there is nothing to do about this situation. Shortly after the departure of the main force of the wolves, Dorozha, the "king of the kingdom" of Shura, who got out of the cage and regained the military power of the Eastern Group, brazenly tore up the alliance with the wolf king Andongye and rose up to invade the "wolf capital". The reason why Dorozha chose to launch is that he wants to seize the Northeast Continent when the wolves are not stable.

Viscount Ibu, the first tough general under the account of Dorozha, the "king of the country", entangled 70,000 noble private soldiers and local police forces. First, he rushed to the wolf group and asked the wolves to return the "wolf capital". The eager Shura immigrants and the captured ronin-doers in the city also took the opportunity to make trouble.

Four brother An Zixuan weighed the situation of the enemy and us, considered it over and decided to take the "wolf capital" as the first element. He immediately ordered the "cold shadow army" stationed outside the city to withdraw to the city and assist the "Dragon Legion" and the two skeleton police divisions Sha Zhuang and Cui Fang to defend the city gate to prevent Shura in the city. Immigrants and captives*, Zixuan specially invited the "Dark Knights" to enter the coal mountain to take measures.

The first thing Yuqi did when he came to the coal mountain was to take Lei Zhan, the "dwarf warrior" and the "elf magic archer" Yueling priestess and their subordinates for their own use, further expanding the strength of his "Dark Legion". Although Lei Zhan and Yueling, who were heavily used, were still hostile to each other, they were finally in one army. Do things in a group and keep each other at peace on the front.

The arrival of Yuqi, which even she herself did not expect, greatly delayed An Aoyan's plan. An Aoyan, who has been unwilling to submit to the wolf king, has planned to use his power to provoke 300,000 war criminals in the coal mine to escape from prison, causing chaos, taking the opportunity to assassinate An Zixuan and control the "wolf capital" in one fell swoop, and then Capture the northeastern continent and dominate the world.

Although the expanded "Dark Knights" is less than 1,000 people, its members are either magicians, dragon cavalry, or mad warriors, holy archers, and their skills are superhuman. Although their sand thief brothers are brave, they are not sure to take risks!

The ensuing siege and the riots in the city* of the Eastern Army of the Shura Kingdom made the ten brothers of the "undeishable imperial dynasty" proud of their faces. After careful consideration, they finally persuaded themselves and the four leaping brothers to decide to help the four brothers Anzi at this critical moment of internal and external troubles. Xuan overcomes the difficulties he faced.

Some Shura immigrants who recovered from hunger were unwilling to accept the unification of the shamans and began to conspire*. After trying to make secret contact with the captives of coal mountains and waves, the two sides of the world's feuds joined hands to drive the shaman department out of the "wolf capital" in the face of a common enemy. After leading the soldiers to attack the periphery of the city, he began to surface.

All these actions of the conspirators did not escape the eyes and ears of the "Dark Knights" and some skeleton police left by the Wolf King when he left, both of which monitored the undercurrent in the city. When Yuqi led the Dark Knight to the Coal Mountain, he quietly took over the surveillance network of the skeleton-armed police and secretly monitored the clowns' every move. Finally, at the most critical moment, Yuqi and nearly a thousand dark knights attacked the masterminds and leaders.

An Aoyan and four alliance brothers led the bocat sand thieves at the same time to cleanse the Canglang prisoners of war in the coal mine who lost their effective organization. The 1,650 high-level and high-level officers who participated in the * operation were immediately ordered by An Aoyan to be buried alive in the abandoned mine of the coal mountain, among the ordinary captured soldiers and subordinate officers. According to the method of drawing one in ten, nearly 30,000 people were shot. An Aoyan's bloody suppression suppressed the harm of * to the lowest point.

More than 5,000 Shura immigrants who participated in the internal response were arrested by the skeleton armed police, of which more than 200 and 50 trouble leaders were hanged by Cui Fang in the square in the center of the city. The followers were imprisoned and detained for interrogation, accusing each other, and more and more organizers were tortured under severe punishment. It is recognized that dozens or even hundreds of Shura immigrants are sent to the gallows by Cui Fang's skeleton armed police almost every day, including many innocent implicants.

Under the effective "appeasement" inside the city, while the civil strife has gradually subsided, the peripheral city defense war is in full swing. An Zixuan put the most powerful "Magic Dragon Legion" and the winged Warcraft of Uranos on the front line of the city defense, which is equivalent to the powerful skeleton armed police Shazhuang Division of the Warcraft warriors. The "Cold Shadow Legion" who was born as a pirate and was not good at land warfare, once again defended layer by layer and tried his best to block Viscount Ibrahimovic's offensive.

Fortunately, Dorozha, the "king king of the country", has just seized the military power of the Eastern Group Army. He is unstable internally and is forced to stay in the rear to stabilize people's hearts. Most of the vanguard, Viscount Ibrahim, brought by some weak private soldiers and local police militias, attacked randomly without any rules, under the tenacious resistance of the wolves. , Shengsheng dragged the Shura people who tried to fish in troubled waters in the outer city for nearly a month.

This nearly month of the precious lives of countless wolf warriors has given the desperate wolves a breathing opportunity to come back to life. After completing their missions, the main army scattered by the wolves began to frantically return to the direction of "Wolf Capital". In addition to An Xiao, who is still desperately intercepting the "Army Tiger" Kudo Takexun in the "Eagle Valley" and the "Flying Fish Legion" An Meiliang, which is still struggling to intercept the "Army Tiger" Kudo Takexun, and runs up the waterproof road along the "Black Water River" An Ying'er Department of the "Blood Legion" and An Yaoyi Department of the "Red Fox Legion" and An Xiao Department of the "Red Fox Army" who lost contact with the lonely army going deep into the western border of the Shura Empire, and the rest of the legions returned to help.

The sparse campfire of the Eastern Army of Shura was dotted with the black vast land, accompanied by the sound of songs and dances accompanied by the piper spread into the night sky. The Shura soldiers of the Oriental Army who gathered around in front of the bonfire and drank spirits to warm up. They could not imagine that the ominous swordsman killing spirit representing death was approaching.

"Wolfs, go out--"

With the fall of Antonye's gesture, hundreds of thousands of wolf warriors who had experienced hundreds of battles immediately surged out of the night in all directions, inciting a perfect killing!


The stunned sentinel looked at the brigade of cavalry emerging in the dark and couldn't believe his own eyes. He couldn't tell whether it was the illusion caused by alcohol or the existence of a real nightmare until a blood-red knife cut his head in half and the body fell on a ferocious face. Under the feet.

The death of his companion finally made a surviving Eastern Army Shura sentry scream hysterically: "There is an enemy attack--"

"Go to hell and shut your mouth." Behind the huge fist is a face of Pontus, a demon beast that absolutely does not belong to human beings. The scaled warcraft warrior effortlessly broke into the camp of the Shura people. The venom of the sharp long thorns all over his body shot like a flying arrow into the panicked crowd. In less than a moment, the Eastern Army Shura of the enemy with long venom in his body The soldier's body began to rot, but he could not die for a moment. The painful cry of rolling on the ground flattened the fighting will of the remaining Shura soldiers like a knife saw.

"Quick! Hurry up! Block it! Block it!" Viscount Ibrahimovic, with distinctive armor, under the cover of his attendants, loudly ordered his gradually disincorporated soldiers in Shura language to try to reorganise his combat power, but there were more and more powerful cavalry troops in black that appeared like ghosts, almost all over the mountains and fields full of black wolves; and at this time, behind them, from afar In the direction of "Wolf City", there was a thunderous shout of killing. Viscount Ibrahimovic's feet softened and said desperately, "It's over-"

A big bird-like shadow hovered down in the air, and the wing demon knelt down on one knee and said, "The fourth brother has led the army out of the city to pick him up. Welcome the return of the master king."

Like a still sculpture, Antonye coughed weakly, "The legions are surrounded, and none of these treacherous Shura people are allowed to be released."

The violent cough made the murderous order of the launcher seem weak, but no one dares to doubt the majesty represented in the words, which is the unparalleled emperor of the god of war who is about to dominate the continent!