Wolf Empire

0201 New official in any pot of water

As the leading rider of the contact position, he skillfully manipulated the hurriedly running war horse, stopped in front of General Antonye, the wolf king, stabilized his body, and reported: "General, the governor, the governor, the marquis Sun and other groups of people have arrived. Please pick them up."

"I know." Antonye's faint response.

"*'s Sun Yabin! What's wrong with you, a green-haired turtle that climbs up to a high position by his wife?! Let me and the three army soldiers wait for a long time in the cold weather, and fucking awkward like a woman who refuses to get out of the car!" Behind the Wolf King, the hot-tempered second brother An Jin burst into a rude mouth, and his eyes were about to spelt out fire.

Antonye did not stop the inappropriate remarks of the second brother. What he wants is this effect. It is imperative to strengthen the bad image of slandering the boss and arouse the resistance of the soldiers to the new governor.

"Father, the new official has three fires, and he still has to live in face." Tenth brother An proudly lowered his charming and enchanting voice and reminded him.

General Antonye nods his head and understands. With his gesture, the elite representatives of more than 100,000 wolf groups who have been waiting for a long time and with an indignant face have once again reorganized their powerful and neat lineup. Before them, a group of senior military generals, government officials and church cadres were also prepared for their best state. To welcome the arrival of the new governor of the Holy See, Sun Yabin.

In the official road, the vast convoy gradually appeared in the vision of the greeters. According to the personnel changes from the "Huadu" fish girl, there were more than 200 people accompanying the new governor Sun Yabin to take office in Guandong. The family members of these noble masters also came to Kanto together. He opened his greedy eyes and wanted to get a share of the victory of the wolves' hard work.

In addition, there are more than 60 main members of the central investigation team, including a large number of priests, businessmen, students, soldiers, police, craftsmen, prostitutes, etc., no more than 6,000 or seven thousand, which can be said to be a powerful and powerful.

On the surface of the official rank, Antonye, who holds the actual power of * affairs, is a general of Zhengdong, which is enough to fight against the full-power governor sent by the Central Holy See; but Antono himself also understands that according to the authority and orders given by the Pope and the cabinet to the governor himself, he is indeed higher than half-level. Under such circumstances, it is harmful and useless to argue with such a meaningless face, and the most important thing is to seize real power and real interests.

Andongye instigated the war horses and led several high-ranking officials and generals to the stalled luxury carriage. He held his fists and bowed his hand and said, "I am a general of Dongye, and the commanders of the Eastern Army at all levels. Welcome the marquis."

With the support of several picturesque and charming maids, a tall and thin man, wearing a high court uniform of the Marquis of the Holy See, holding a stick specially given by Pope Mufeng, walked out of the carriage.

"General Higashino, I'm not used to the bumpy carriages and horses, and it's too late to come, which makes the general and his colleagues wait for a long time." Marquis Sun Yabin greeted the wolf generals in a pretentious manner.

"It's really rude to welcome the generals and other military affairs, Your Excellency." General Antonno was also hypocritical and insincerely perfunctory.

Next, a group of wolf generals and officials turned down one after another to salute the new governor Sun Yabin. All those who were qualified to accompany the wolf King were wolves. Among the generals in charge of the four main divisions under the command of Andongye, the former commander of the 401 Division of the Fourth Army, Big Brother An Xi's tears and general are still confronting the rebels under the city of Rasha City, the capital of the Shura Empire. The former commander of the 404th Division of the Fourth Army, the fourth brother An Zixuan, replaced his father's general to exercise military law in the "Wolf Capital". Therefore, today, only the second brother An Jinliang, the former commander of the wolf king, An Jinliang, the commander of the former 402 Division, the general of the Chang'an Yaoyi lieutenant, and the general of the former 403 division, and the brigadier general An Zitong, who commands the armed police force system of the wolf army. There is also Admiral Youdong, who is directly under the Guards Legion, who commands the division. In addition, the uncertain ten Brother An's proud face has attracted a lot of attention from the Marquis Sun Yabin.

Compared with the lineup of generals, the civilian lineup belonging to the command of Antonye is much inferior. The chief of staff An Zichen is far away from the front line of Shura. He was born in Shura and also has a very high ability to handle government affairs. Instead, he became the chief of the civil officer. After the old man, there are also several people such as Ivy from the Chamber of Commerce and Xiu. Luo's business and political official.

Marquis Sun Yabin's pair of wine-colored goldfish eyes passed in front of the crowd, with a slightly arrogant smile, opened the brocade box in public, handed the box to the receiver behind him, held the imperial edict with both hands, and looked forward and shouted, "under the imperial edict, the ministers kneel down to listen to the oracle."

At the end of the shouting, the generals of the wolves standing in front of each other looked at each other with a sarcastic smile. No one knelt down and saluted, and they all looked at the unmoved Wolf King An Dongye in front of them.

"Cough, Dongye, this-" Marquis Sun Yabin awkwardly turned to General Andongye, and his eyes were begging.

"The servant conquered the Eastern General Antonye and received the order--" After a meal, Antonye half knelt on the ground with his robe. Although it was not in line with the etiquette of the emperor and minister, how dared to ask for extravagation on the side that read the decree?

As soon as the wolf king moved, the waiting wolf group of civil and military officials suddenly knelt down and knelt down like a ceremony. Long live the mountain.

Except for the Marquis Sun Yabin, who held the imperial edict in his hand, and the cavalry on both sides of the array could not be fully saluted and stood still. Only the long live the Pope in unison is the embodiment of the ancient emperor's edict not to enter the barracks!

"With the will of the shaman, at the proposal of the cabinet, there was An Dongye, the general of the expedition and the archbishop of the card, who fought a bloody war for the country, defeated the enemy in all difficulties, and showed the prestige of the Holy See in all directions, which greatly comforted my heart. I was specially awarded the title of prince and led the Privy Archbishop to comfort his hardship. In addition, a number of civil and military officials under the account, all of them were added Official first-level, advanced to the first-level; from the recruitment of military ding, three years of administrative tax exemption, six months of food and salary, double the benefits for the victims of the Holy See. Zhuqing led Kanto and kept it with all his heart. Don't lose my hope. The glory of God is with you.

With the end of the edict, Governor Sun Yabin proudly waited for more than 100,000 generals in front of him to send out thunderous cheers. However, there was no cheer in the cold scene, and hundreds of young wolf soldiers just kept silent.

These elites selected from the wolves are an absolutely reliable force. After the two unprecedented military battles of Mobei's "heart" battle and Kanto's "beheading" operation, it shows that their combat effectiveness and loyalty are absolutely worthy of the trust of the Wolf King. Without deliberate publicity, the young wolf king won the loyalty of all the wolf soldiers with his real achievements and style. In the eyes of these fearless young soldiers, the person who leads them to victory and glory has never been the pope or the high minister and bishop who enjoys the deep palace in the "Huadu" far away, and there is only one person worthy of their cheering and support.

——Wolf General Wang An Dongye!!!

"H Long live!"

"H Long live! Long live!! Long live!!!"

The cheers led by unknown people aroused the cheers of all the wolves. In the view of the Marquis Sun Yabin, the governor, and the officials of the central investigation team of the imperial capital, it seems that the changed shouts of these iron-blooded soldiers are all respects to Andongye. Secretly scanning a cold scar face of General Antonye, Marquis Sun Yabin secretly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

The Marquis, who is about to become the administrator of the land of Kanto, also has to act on the face of a great general king. The general Wang in front of him is really too young. The teenager of his age may still be intoxicated or worried about the communication between beautiful girls, but he is already famous among the mainland countries. He is a king and splits the earth. He comes from a despicable background. From nothing to the unification of millions of troops to pacify Kanto, which is almost unprecedented. The great achievements of the ancients and those who did not come later added to the legend of the king of the wolves.

"General Wang's hero is a teenager, and I am in charge of the government, and I will rely more on your strength in the future!" Marquis Sun Yabin was almost trapped.

"I dare not, I will do my best to assist the governor." Antonye's surface was calm. In fact, Mouye had no idea of handing over the power and interests to others from beginning to end.

"Brother, please allow me to introduce my family to you. This is my wife and my daughter." Marquis Sun Yabin said enthusiastically.

After the false words in the officialdom, it is a personal introduction that represents the tightening of relations. The reason why the so-called "ma's diplomacy" exists is true. Unfortunately, as everyone knows, although the young general Wang has a group of concubines, he has not yet been married.

Song Haifen, the fat and fat marquis's wife, is far less able to hide her real expression than her husband. Against the pearly, she only casually replied to her husband's subordinates in the car. The little girl in her arms, who was like a foreign doll, saw the bright red knife scar on her forehead, let alone I burst into tears at the right time.

"Madam, please forgive the misfortune of your brother General Song Guangmin's death for the country." Antonye bowed his head and saluted.

Mrs Song Haifen said coldly, "Is my bitter little brother killed by enemy bullets, killed in the battlefield, or killed by traitors and poisoners? I believe that the Central Investigation Team will find out the water and return justice to the dead."