Wolf Empire

0224 Holy Crusade

Antono retreats quickly!

On his back, there was also Ryunosuke's crescent sickle and Yukiko's hands, and blood was soaked in black military uniform!

Maji laughed wildly and saw that as soon as Antonye left the cover position of the car, there was a gunshot in the air, and Mr. Jinya, who was hiding in the dark of the rooftop, shot again!

"Shit dad, be careful!" The nearest ruffian Liufei rushed over and stood in front of his father. The bullet passed through his soft armor and entered his body. The father and son fell out of the street together.

Long Zhijie and Xuezi's eyes were dull and grabbed the Wolf King empty-handed. Almost at the same time, Maji's golden teeth and Zhuluo's "Holy Crusade" priest rushed over at the same time!

Everyone thinks that the wolf king An Dongye is dead this time!

There is no doubt that you will die!

-"Use Zhu Luo to cooperate with the golden tooth master and apprentice to sniper the Wolf King, this is the first mistake you made." Xia Qixi, a little maid far away in the deep palace of Huadu, calmly faced Mr. Huo Du, the chief planner of the "Tiger Plan": "You despise the friendship between Zhu Luo and An Dongye too much."

- Long Zhijie and Xuezi just got up, and they felt that there was a wind behind them, and their whole body was numb. The two girls dressed as priests and students took action like electricity, and suddenly clicked the couple.

"Husband, are you all right?" Jiyong Chiyo put down the soft dragon in his arms and asked the man who fell to the ground with tears.

"The two of them were controlled by golden teeth with 'ecstasy*!" Yui Asano opened Yukiko's eyelids and said anxiously.

Andongye laboriously moved the ruffian six who fell on his body to the back of the car and shouted to the frightened shooting moon, "Take care of the injured sixth master."

Maji seemed to feel something wrong and shouted angrily to Zhu Luo, "Your man-" As soon as he shouted, Zhu Luo ghostly flashed forward, took a sip of the wine in the gourd with one hand, and casually broke Ma Ji's neck with the other hand.

"Uh - Antonye's wine is strong enough!" Zhu Luo burped, loosened his hands, and the body of Maji, with white eyes, fell to the ground like a puddle of mud.

All the priests of the "Holy Crusade" took action!

Hand out to the golden tooth disciples!!

A heavy move!!!

The elites of these churches, the cross sword in the right hand and the holy iron lock in the left hand, are fierce, and they are seriously injured if they die. Most of the golden-toothed disciples are killed and injured, and they have fled one after another!

Mr. Jinya on the rooftop adjusted the scope at the top of the sniper gun and tried to attack An Dongye again in the panic crowd on the street below. When he was about to pull the trigger, a familiar sniper gun sounded in his ear, and his thigh hidden in the grass had been shot!

At the same time, Mr. Jinya also found the position of the sniper who ambushed himself, in a bell tower far away from his left rear. He quickly changed the sniper position. Jinya was too late to find the target he wanted to hunt in the crowd on the ground. He only saw hundreds of men and women. The priest students in black deliberately submerged General Wang in their crowd with their own bodies, directly facing the muzzle of the golden teeth and the name of death.

Jinya's search was fruitless, gritting his teeth and pulling the trigger, "Pong" three times in a row, knocking down two men and one woman and three priest students, but what made him slightly annoyed was that the results he wanted to see did not appear as he wanted. These "Holy Crusade" priests and students not dispersed, but also among the three companions. While falling to the ground and dying, several people stood up to fill the vacant position left by the dead friends, calmly facing the condescending golden teeth and the sniper rifle in his hand.

Jinya has no chance to shoot again. His irrational three shots just now have fully leaked his new position. When the sniper in the bell tower grabbed this critical shot, he hit Jinya's left shoulder with one shot. Mr. Jinya was shot twice in a row and failed. He saw a small team of black. The priest crawled along the wall to his hiding place, and had to give up his original intention and quietly retreat to the dark.

In the drum tower, Kudo Meixun, who stepped on the window sill with one leg, long hair and loose, spit out the dogtail grass in his mouth and scolded, "Playing with a sniper gun? My father, Kudo Takexun, is the ancestor!"

The strong Kudo Meixun put away the sniper rifle, quickly went downstairs and rushed to the scene of the incident. He saw Asano Yui and Yoshiyong Chiyo dressing the wound for their mutual man. Seeing that Antono's back was bloody and dyed a large area red, he couldn't help asking angrily, "Hey, husband, can't you die? I don't want to be a widow at a young age.

"My grandfather's injury is fine, but he has lost too much blood." After staring at Meixun, Asano Yui said, "The Sixth Master's injury is a little troublesome. The bullet passes through the inside. If it is not taken out in time, I'm afraid it will be life-threatening-"

An Dongye struggled to help Ji Yong Chiyo up and said in a hoarse voice, "Meixun, you and Sheyue immediately sent Lao Liu to the medical team for treatment, and told An Xiaorao that in any case, Lao Liu must be alive. I don't have Lao Qi-"

Seeing her boyfriend's painful expression, Mixun did not hesitate any more. She picked up Liu'an Ziran, a ruffian who was severely unconscious for her father, and greeted the shooting moon that had recovered his mind. With several classmates and friends, she picked up the soulless Long Zhijie and Xuezi, and trotted to the medical team station.

"The golden teeth are missing." Zhu Luo fell from the sky with his arms open and said in a low voice, "This guy is too cunning, but judging from the blood stains left on the rooftop, he was also seriously injured."

"My elder brother will never stop giving up so easily. He must hide in a corner of the city and wait for the next opportunity to take action. He is too dangerous!" Antonye stared at Zhu Luo's eyes with frightening and aggravated his tone, "Brother Zhuluo, take your 'Holy Crusader'. Anyway, even if you dig three feet of the ground and turn the 'wolf' upside down, you have to find the golden teeth!"

Zhu Luo did not say too much, but nodded slightly and waved to his "Holy Crusade" student priest, following the blood stains left by Mr. Jinya all the way.

"Wife, help Master go to the 'Book Ceremony' Square." Antono put his hands on the shoulders of the two beautiful concubines, and his movements were obviously stiff after the injury.

"Husband, do you still want to go? Your injury-" Asano Yui said unbearablely, and Chiyo Jiyong shook his head with heartache.

"Of course." Andongye straightened up with the help of the two and said proudly, "Don't forget that I, Antonye, am the protagonist today!"

——"Why? Is Zhuluo a loyal believer to me and the shaman? I won't believe that he will do something against the will of the shaman? I have given him enough. From the archbishop to the shaman high priest, what else is he dissatisfied with? Why did he betray me and the glory of God? The young Pope Baiye Mufeng said to himself meaninglessly.

"Because Zhuluo is an ambitious person." Xia Qixi said straight to the head: "With the cover of his alcohol and drunkenness, he has an ambition that is unwilling to be plain and wants to stand out. I'm afraid that your majesty can only give him the high position of high priest, which can't help him realize his thoughts. He wants a larger space and platform to realize his ideals and ambitions, and These are exactly what Antonye can give him.

"Maybe-" Baiye Mufeng withered and said no.

"Even if Andongye can escape with Zhu Luo's help, I still have his house in the hotel in my hand, and I'm not afraid that he won't be obedient?" Mr. Huo Du argued unyieldingly.

"No, prince." Xia Qixi's eyes were as bright as a candle, "You misread the other two people again."

"Who?" Huo Du asked in shock.

Xia Qixi's cherry lips opened softly and said like a silver bell: "An Yuxi and Fourth Master Wen."

- The silver bottle elder and the two United States of the Chamber of Commerce are fighting fiercely, unaware of the cold knife that An Yuxi bullied behind.

An Yuxi's knife hit the elder's back of the silver bottle fiercely. The large mouth nearly two feet deep that could reach the bone made the silver bottle elder's 'oop' in pain. He did not look back in a hurry and jumped to one side.

Reaching out and touching his back, his whole back was full of blood. The angry silver bottle elder could no longer take care of so much and turned around and ran on one foot. An Yuxi didn't see well and shouted, "Stop him!" Then two royal guards ran out of the battlefield and blocked the silver bottle elder's way with knives. The injured silver bottle elder also had red eyes and rushed straight to the two of them. The two good-handed royal guards stabbed each with a knife, and the silver bottle was fierce enough to not stop, but a slight side of their bodies stabbed her in the shoulder and the skin of her lower abdomen.

The silver bottle gritted its teeth and swaded a knife across their front chests. Regardless of whether they were seriously injured or not, they pushed away the two who were bleeding from their chests and fled.

The figure in front of him shook, and he was bumping into the smiling literary master Wen's fourth master, a silver bottle with a stick in one hand and a knife in the other, and shouted awkwardly, "Fatty Wen, save me!"

"Okay." Fourth Master Wen Haowen answered with a smile, his wrist shook, and a sharp knife slipped out of the sleeve, which was accurate and fast as lightning into the heart of the silver bottle!

"You-" silver bottle elder Wan did not expect that he would be strong for half a lifetime. Today, he will die at the hands of an unknown candy store owner and a smiling businessman who welcomes guests, and finally will be on the street with unwillingness and half-life glory.

Without looking at his masterpiece, the literary master Wen said to An Yuxi, "Here's up to you!"

An Yuxi laughed and said, "Boss Wen, don't worry!" After saying that, he waved to the remaining disciples of the silver bottle. The knife flashed, one shouted and fell to the ground, and one arm was abruptly cut off by An Yuxi.

An Tianyi asked breathlessly, "Why help me?"

Wen Si touched his nose and said leisurely, "Because you are An Dongye's wife."