Wolf Empire

0235 spy

The clouds are thick and the wind suddenly rises. In August, Huadu ushered in an unprecedented sandstorm.

The nine cities of the imperial capital are all shrouded in the black and yellow wind, sweeping all over the sky, and the wind roaring, like wild waves and strange tides, flying sand and stones, as if destroying everything in the world.

In the streets and alleys, pedestrians are rare, and the pergolas built by the poor are pulled up by the strong wind, and the debris is flying randomly. Countless streets are blown off, and rows of shallow houses are almost blown down by the wind, making the panicked people always feel that something ominous is going to happen to the emperor.

But in this terrible weather, a man braved the head-on wind and sand and walked through the streets and alleys of the imperial capital.

Wen Si was wearing a large airtight cloak, a windproof neck cover in addition to the hood, and even a pair of thin eyes exposed. He also wore a wide and large windproof glasses, and his whole body was as tightly wrapped like a mummy, making the raging sandless.

Since the beginning of the month, the strong wind has rushed into Huadu from the northeast, flying sand and dust, covering the sky all night. Since then, the wind has been blowing day and night, blowing for more than ten days in one breath.

Because half a month after day, the wind and sand cover the sky, the day is like night, the houses are dumped, the trees are destroyed, and the fields outside the city are destroyed. The residents in the city are closed and refuse to go out easily. Not only the patrol knights of the Royal Guard are missing, but also the secret police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Xuanwuwei and the internal agents are also disappeared. This greatly facilitates Wen Si's secret activities in Huadu, and there is no need to worry too much about being found by the Holy See.

Wen Si is an authentic Kyoto native. He was born and grew up in Si. Therefore, he walked around like a ghost in the maze-like alleyway and the almost invisible sandstorm. He almost ran fast forward without thinking based on his memory. The sand on his face did not significantly affect his speed, but it was simply late. The dark sky without any difference also gave him the best cover.

He had just met with a male prostitute Qiu Guan alone in a house near Hutong Lane and got a critical report. At this time, he was rushing to a secret dating place, where a big man was waiting.

Wen Si himself does not have the habit of spoiling men. The male prostitute Qiu Guan is just one of the eyeliners that Wen Si personally mastered in the past. Wen Si can monitor and grasp the movements of the two dignitaries at any time through this male prostitute. One of them is the black father-in-law, deputy general of the "Siciary Supervisor" and the other is Wang Si, who is the deputy minister of the "Ministry of Military Affairs". Dog, although these two are deputys, they both have considerable power and are very useful people.

Although the black father-in-law is a eunuch and can't walk the way of female sex, he has a special preference for male prostitutes and is quite rich. Wang Sigou is one of the important members of the Wang Xia family. He is infatuated with the beautiful male prostitute Qiu Guan. He almost ran to the alley to hang out with him and spends money on Qiu Guan after work. Countless.

Once because he was jealous, Wang Sigou did not hesitate to fight with his usual black father-in-law. Two Qiu officials's benefactors, one broke the bridge of his nose and the other lost two front teeth. Finally, Qiuguan came forward to make peace and promised to accompany two people for half a month and treat them equally every month. The hand also added a joke to the people of Huadu after dinner.

Not long after Wen Si arrived at Huadu, he grabbed the handle of the black father-in-law and Wang Sigou through Qiu Guan, and secretly held the two people hostage by various means such as seduction, coercion and money, making these two dignitaries willing to work for themselves.

However, Wen Si understands that the more a spy is in the position of a senior official, the more it can't be used casually. The senior spy's eyeliner must be carefully controlled and used, which has the value consistent with his identity.

Often use this kind of high-status eyeliner, first of all, it is easy to expose it and reduce its use value; secondly, it is not conducive to effective control. These advanced eyeliners are too tight out of their own safety, so that they may jump over the wall and may take a bite back; secondly, they are not conducive to appease and control such advanced eyeliners. The emotions may cause them to fail at critical moments in some tasks because of the noise and lack of calmness. These need to be carefully considered and avoided as much as possible.

Of course, you can't put it on hold all the time. You also need to let them do something that is not eye-catching and harmless from time to pave the necessary to make them get used to this secret eyeliner career, such as letting them use their power to praise Wen Si's subordinates confidential files of the Holy See and important members of the royal family. Living and other jobs.

Not only that, Wen Si is a safety measure, and it still needs to closely monitor the movements of these two dignitaries through various methods to prevent them from betraying themselves. For example, in the Hundred-leaf Dynasty, whether rich or poor, there are many people who like male style. Among the nobles and priests of the imperial dynasty, there are many people who have male style fetishists. If the customs are like this, people are not strange, and they are all regarded as ordinary things. Black Grandpa and Wang Sigou, two dignitaries, can't avoid vulgarity, and they all have the habit of Longyang who likes male style. He was at the mercy of Qiu Guan.

Because the peripheral eyeliners like Qiu Guan are all half-way monks and do not specialize in prying, they can only bear the responsibility of surveillance, but they still need to often point out what matters to pay attention to, what movements to spy on, what news they ask about their skills, and pay close attention to their mood fluctuations and emotional changes, and guide An Caress to avoid bad things.

Since taking over the "dark part" of the wolf herd, the very boring and cumbersome work of supervising and monitoring the activities of peripheral eyeliners has become one of the important tasks of Wen Si.

Today's wind and sand are particularly big. With Wen Si's martial arts skills, it is difficult to see three steps away. If you are not familiar with the streets and roads, it may be bruised by hitting the wall.

In the dark sky, a courtyard appeared faintly in front of him. Wen Si jumped up without hesitation. His seemingly fat figure, like a civet cat, fell silently in the courtyard. This is a Beijing official's house that has been confiscated by the Holy See. Because it has been uninhabited for a long time, it has long been dilapidated.

Wen Si did not stop, quickly transferred the house, and left from another direction of the house in an instant. If there was a stalker behind him, he had gone far when he took time looking for traces.

After crossing several residential or uninhabited houses, Wen Si was convinced that no one could track him in this bad weather before he began to rush to his destination.

As soon as Wen Si swept into an alley street, lightning suddenly broke a long whip in the sand, like a poisonous snake, coming to his throat, and the fierce wind could not hide the sharp roar of the sky, which was unparalleled!