Wolf Empire

0238 Mei Yu's heart

"D. Yuxuan, why did you get off work so early?"

Just after leaving the "Tai Hospital" and turning to the door of the "Zhu Qier Dressing Shop", Dr. Mei Yu heard someone call him. When he looked up, he saw the "Zhu Qier Dressing Shop" with a beautiful facade. Outside a row of six-room facades, there were two soft sedan chairs, a woman in blue with a numb face, with very beautiful The official said hello to himself.

"Lord Rosefinch." Dr. Mei looked at the two soft sedan chairs and said, "Are the two high priests coming to take care of the business of the seven-year-old boss's wife again?"

The woman in blue smiled and said, "Yes. Dr. Yuxuan came here as soon as he got off work. Didn't he also come to buy clothes?

Doctor Mei laughed and said, "I'm not going to get married. I'll buy new clothes and show the monkey with red buttocks to others."

I only heard a person in the store say, "Who is talking outside? It's so unclean. Go and find someone to wash his mouth." The voice is delicate and crisp, just like a newly peeled lotus root.

Medical doctor Mei stretched out his tongue and said with a wry smile, "It's amazing. Now I'm messing with the hornet's nest." This time he really lowered his voice, because he really couldn't afford to provoke the aunt inside.

"Our sisters will never forget to take care of the young and lonely girl. Unlike Dr. Mei, the salaries given by the 'Tai Hospital' are given to the female tigers at home every month, but they look at the boss's face like a stupid bird, and half of the eldest son can't make up for it. I'm really not afraid of laughing at the four neighbors. I lost my front teeth. While talking, two long skirts came to the ground, and the graceful woman came out.

They are all tall and slim. They wear perfect pleated skirts and walk gracefully, but they are strong in charm and heroic in gentleness.

The one walking in front, is older, long and white, with a long clear water duck egg face, with several light hemp seeds, and a pair of phoenixes flowing light and flying over.

When Dr. Mei saw her, he actually bent down respectfully and greeted her and said with a smile, "Aunt Gou Ling, just keep your mouth."

The woman looked at him with a smile and said crisply, "Your Majesty's 'sacred medicine' is in short supply. Remember to send someone to the cathedral tonight."

Another woman laughed and said, "Remember, if you delay the double repair of our sister and your majesty, you don't have to be an official of the four-grade 'Tai Hospital'." The woman's laughter was like a silver bell, and her eyes were like bells, round and big; but when she smiled, these big eyes narrowed into a line, and the curved line could definitely bind any man's heart.

In front of them, the imperial doctor Mei became obedient and nodded and said, "Keep in mind the instructions of the second aunt of Gou Qing."

The two sisters did not give too much embarrassment to Dr. Mei, but they got on the sedan chair and hugged the front and back of the rosefinch and others. The sedan chair was quickly carried away.

Dr. Mei was finally relieved, but he still sighed and walked into the tailoring shop. There was a person behind the counter: "Are you afraid of them?"

Although the woman who asked is relatively young and not too young, she looks like a little girl. Everyone can't help but want to pick up and kiss the little girl.

Zhu Qier, the tailor's wife, is very cute. Although she is not too beautiful, she is crisp, bright and clean, just like a green pear just picked from a branch.

"Do you know who these two aunts are?" Dr. Mei sat down on a stool in front of the counter and naturally picked up the teapot on the table and drank a sip of tea as if it were his home.

"Aren't they the newly appointed shaman high priest girl Gou Ling and the second girl of Gou Qing?" Zhu Qier kept busy with his work and asked casually.

"If you say something nice, the high priest, if you say something bad, it's just two bitches." Dr. Mei wiped his mouth and smiled and said, "Since Lord Zhuluo and Miss Yuyu defected from Kanto one after another, the elder card archbishops have been dead or rebellious. The Gou sisters who once worshipped under Li De*'s door have dug their minds and passed through the doorway in the palace to get this beautiful job as they wish. Do you know? He is the best friend of Gu Xiaodao, one of the four young men in the capital, who offended Mr. Jinya, the elder of the Tianyi Chamber of Commerce, six years ago and was chased to the one who was split into two sections under the 'Zhangyuan Bridge'-"

Realizing that she was off-topic, the imperial doctor quickly turned back to the topic and said, "These two sisters did not learn any real talents from their ghost teachers, but learned a coquettish fox charming ability. Taking advantage of the pleasure of His Majesty Mu Feng's priestly spirit, they fascinated your majesty's heart in the morning and evening rain, and did not miss Shu; Think about it. The elder sister Gou Ling is also a family member. She has a five-year-old son in the family. Her husband leads the idle royal driver in the inner court and carries her majesty to prostitute her wife and sister-in-law every day. The bastard is also free. The sister Gou Qing's fiance is also a young and general under the command of the general of the guard, Wanshan, and has not yet married. , the green hat has been properly worn.

"You, a four-grade Beijing official, don't go home to accompany your wife after work and run to my shop to carry gossip and these lace news. It's really a boring person." Zhu Qier, who was busy, couldn't help hitting him.

"But speaking of which, these two sisters are still somewhat related to your Tang Yi-" Dr. Mei stopped talking.

"One update?" After his eyes lit up, Zhu Qier smiled bitterly and said, "What should I do with him?"

"Listen to me and tell you." Medical Mei came forward and said, "Xu Yun, the mother of these two little **, is the eldest sister of Xu Yuxia, the wife of General Jingnan, and Song Haiyan, the youngest daughter of Xu Yucai, the second sister of the general's wife, is the young lady who married Tang Yig's cousin Tang Feng. However, now Tang Shuai has been taken to military office and has thought about it at home. Tang As a result, the popularity of the door has become short, and it is rare to walk around on the street.

"It's also some relatives that can't be beaten. Besides, what does it have to do with me?" Zhu Qier casually tied the scattered hair with a hairband and tilted beside her cheeks, which looked amorous and had a smell of a crimen little woman.

A royal doctor who had a panoramic view of this beautiful little woman's movements secretly swallowed his saliva and said, "Don't the boss's wife have any news from General Tang's sailor?"

"I heard from the guests walking between 'Huadu' and 'Galo' that they followed Master Tang Feng's warship to sea to attack barbarian pirates. They were cut off by Gu Xilou's uncle and nephew. They couldn't go ashore and suffered from nowhere to redress their grievances and were forced to go to the sea to be pirates." While talking, Zhu Qier's pair of beautiful pupils have turned red. The pitiful appearance was seen by Dr. Mei, and her heart suddenly hurt.