Wolf Empire

0245 performing martial arts

According to Antonye's instructions, after walking through each formation, the centurion was asked to comment on the right and wrong of the training one by one, and then continue to practice, over again until proficient. In fact, as long as the leading centurion and ten captains understand the essentials of martial arts, others can follow it. There is no big problem.

After being proficient in the basic formation of each team, Andongye ordered to directly enter the joint training session. In the whole hall, the drums were everywhere, the knives were shining, the banners were fluttering, and the shouts were not noisy for a while.

——At this time, the news that the general Wang Andongye led the emperor's order to train 500 maidens to perform martial arts in the Shaman Cathedral spread all over the nine cities of the "Huadu", from the princes and ministers to the court to the gentry people. They all talked about everything and said. Some boring people imagined the delicate beauty of 500 people. Li**'s aunt, sweating like rain and wielding a sword, naturally has a lot of imagination. Some people say that the general's life is good, and some people say that someone's ambition is fierce.

In fact, Antonye did not train those female soldiers as people imagined, but paid great attention to the combination of work and rest to ensure that the female soldiers got more adequate rest. He also ordered people to prepare a number of high-quality fat powders and jewelry as lottery heads. After each round of training, they are serious and progress Other women soldiers who are fast will get a corresponding number of small rewards, and the poor performance is only those who look dry, which stimulates the strong desire of female soldiers of each team to chase me.

This day will be fucked, which actually makes the 500 women's army. When they arrange troops for the last time and pick up the lights to operate, they add a little awe-inspiring murder in the formation, which surprised the borrowed instructors and guards. It is not difficult to practice the formation to advance and retreat in a day. What is difficult is within a day. Let the girls be murderous!

-This Wolf King training is indeed a little evil!


In the early morning of the next day, the martial arts hall.

The surrounding flags representing different numbers of each army and guards are fluttering in the wind. The pro-guards, the Holy Crusaders, the Green Dragon Guard, the White Tiger Guard, the Zhuque Guard, the Xuanwu Guard, the Shennake Guard, and the armed police forces set up a queue around the square. The banners are colorful, the knives are shining, and the army is magnificent.

In the center of the hall, 500 neatly dressed female soldiers, under the leadership of Gou Ling, Gou Qing and others, have lined up and are waiting for the order to fuck.

In a short time, 30 or 40 court attendants arranged by an advance rushed to the martial arts hall. On the review platform and its left side, the screen was pulled and brought a number of royal utensils with them. They were laid out one by one. The Minister of Ceremonies, the Countess of Ceremonies, and the military police commander, carefully inspected the inside and outside of the venue. Two times to ensure the integrity of His Holiness's etiquette and security.

While waiting to move, Baiye Mufeng came in a convoy. In the shadow of the yellow dust, the golden light was shining and the brocade clothes were embroidered. The young pope was dressed in a deliberately conspicuous army uniform and rode a snow-white royal horse. He looked forward to proudly galloping into the martial arts arena surrounded by many courtiers and concubines.

After getting off the horse, Baiye Mufeng shook his horse whip and went straight to the inspection platform. The general manager Zhu, the deputy general manager Hei, Bai Hu, the accompanying bodyguard, and others also went to the high platform together with the royal driver.

The dragon bed has been set up in the middle of the table, and Baiye Mufeng sat down to **. The eunuchs immediately came forward to make fans and hand towels, and carefully busy.

After a moment, the empress dowager Xia Zhanmei, the head of the beautiful woman in the harem of the Hundred-leaf imperial dynasty, also held the servant's shoulder and climbed to the inspection platform curled up. The skirt was over, and a wisp of sweet fragrance slightly intoxicated the nose of many men.

As soon as Baiye Mufeng wiped his head, a black father-in-law held a crystal bowl with bird's nest porridge in his hands. Mufeng took the bowl and blew it, and then came to feed the young "mother queen" who had just sat down. Xia Zhanmei, with smiling eyebrows, used a little, and then won the Pope's consent and gave a table of snacks to a dry servant to eat.

For the nominal mother and son, secretly the couple's love in front of all kinds of people, a group of close guards has long been used to it and common.

After a simple breakfast, he put on the Pope's spectrum, and Baiye Mufeng ordered people to Xuan Dongye to see him.

Andongye wore the military uniform of the Holy See general, wearing the king's python robe, soft skin soap shoes, and lame. He stepped on the viewing platform and approached the car. He first bowed his fists to see the military salute, and then knelt down three times to worship the Holy See the Holy See, and said, "Your Majesty, my servant An Dongye, respectfully, please take care!"

Baiye Mufeng motioned his subordinates to stand up and answer, saying, "Dong Ye is not restrained. Let me see how you have trained my sweethearts today! Let's begin!"

"Servants take the order!" Antonye replied that a sergeant had already carried the order drum rack and placed it in front of the inspection platform, and the commander of the banner also stood respectfully beside Antonye, ready to listen to Mouye's order and give orders.

Andong Ye said, "The drill begins!" He held the drum and hammer in his hands and clasped up. I only heard the "dong-dong-dong-" drum sound like thunder rolling, and the drum corner near the left of the inspection platform also roared, deafening and powerful!

Five women's sabers and shields are raised together, and the long guns are shining, and they enter the martial arts teaching field in an orderly manner. With the crisp sound of shouting, the knives are like waves, shields are like tides, guns are like forests, chests are like hills, legs are like piles, hair is like clouds, and the formation changes smoothly, heroic posture is cool, and beautiful. Yesterday's lottery incentive really worked.

The Five Women's Army cooperated seamlessly, especially divided into two camps, Gou Ling and Gou Qing. When they practiced against each other, they were murderous, which made the generals and officers and schools of the guards look at each other and were amazed!

The training of the majestic and beautiful women's army made all the men inside and outside the venue a little fascinated. It was not until Mingjin finished his army and the drum corner stopped for a long time before cheering and long live.

After the military exercise, the wife's military exercise was completed, and then there was a cheering program of some sharpshooters of the pro-guards and shooting at the target and the bodyguards who fought in turn. It was also wonderful, and the beautiful concubines in the harem cheered and were very lively.

The hour is gradually approaching noon, and the sunshine after autumn is also very vicious. Baiye Mufeng ordered him to stand in front of Andongye under the hot sun with a group of courtiers, and gave him a Luo umbrella next to him. Others saw that if Andongye's "glorious favor" was like this, the Pope was in high spirits. Although he was unhappy, how to dare to stop it was only slandered at most.

After a moment's pause, he heard the Empress Dowager Xia ask with a smile and moved, "General Dongye is young and wants this ability. He must be a source of family learning and a famous teacher. I don't know which prince's son is from?"

touched on the ** question of his life, An Dongye's expression was gloomy and answered without thinking: "I reported that the empress dowager's wife, a servant was born in a poor cloth family. Her parents died early, followed Sirius's mentor to adulthood, and then joined the army of the old general Nanxuan until now."

"It turned out to be a miserable child." Empress Dowager Xia paused slightly and said with a smile, "The mourning family has also lost both parents since childhood. She grew up with several brothers in the family, and the pain of fatherless and motherless family is also empathized with each other. If not, you and my son Mufeng have been in the same brother since childhood, and you have a teacher-child relationship with my brother General Jingnan. This is the master of this for you and accept you. How about the 'righte son' of the mourning family? What does Your Majesty mean?

All the close ministers and generals were stunned by the sudden decision of Empress Dowager Xia Zhanmei. After Baiye Mufeng was slightly surprised, he immediately covered it with a smile and said, "It's so good, but it's up to my mother to make the decision."

With an indescribable sense of closeness to Yaya's aunt, An Dongye knelt down and said, "Danny", a great worship. In addition to kowtowing and thanking, Anton secretly smiled secretly in his ambition. With the empress dowager's godmother covering him, his little life was finally saved.

In the middle of An Dongye's thought, everyone had just woken up a little. Empress Dowager Xia solemnly announced in public that the 500 female nuns of the newly formed army of "the emperor" Dongye were given as the prince's vassals, as a gift to recognize their relatives!

When I heard this, the Baiye Mufeng in a bitter smile suddenly couldn't laugh-