Wolf Empire

0248 baptism

The "Life Palace" in front of us is magnificent and magnificent, showing the dignity and majesty of the royal family everywhere.

Today is the auspicious day for the royal brother Prince Antonye to attack and visit his mother-in-law, Empress Dowager Xia, and how can the Empress Dowager Gu and Yuan, who are the same generation as the Empress Dowager, let the Empress Dowager Xia beautiful? He also came early from "Wanxian Palace" and "Wanxiu Palace" to make fun.

The court usually pays attention to etiquette and tranquility. Especially since the death of the old Pope Baiye Changqing, he is unwilling to face a group of "old women" little pope Baiye Mufeng and those ** charming female nuns who plunged into the church and refuse to return to the palace, and the harem becomes more lonely and more lonely; now there is such a big A good excuse is that you can take the opportunity to do a big job openly, and everyone will have a lot of fun, and everyone will be happy.

So the Empress Dowager had just recognized her adopted son, and a group of concubines led by Empress Dowager Gu and Princess Yuan in the palace had begun to prepare for the grand "washing and dry relatives" event.

An Dongye competed martial arts skills with Xuanwu at night and stayed up all night. The overbearing man forcibly spent two hours with his sister-in-law Gou's sisters, and then took a nap. Then he got up and washed. Gou Qing and Gou Ling dressed their master's court uniforms uniforms neatly, served them and drank a bowl of bird's nest porridge, used a few pieces of pastries, and hurriedly chewed them. Xiao Duan Fengyi Tianshen refreshed his mind and got on the carriage and went straight to the palace to comfort him.

Andong Ye waited for the godmother in the "Manevity Palace". Those fast-eyed eunuchs and the little maids of honor covetted the golden melon seeds and silver beans of a royal prince. From time to time, they went to report the news. The empress dowager's wife got up, the empress dowager's mother took a bath, the empress dowager's mother made a bath, the empress dowager's mother had breakfast - and so on, like running water Andongye didn't feel too boring about the news of the report.

"Higashino, are you in a hurry?" The voice of infinite charm wrapped in peace and gentleness was shallow and refreshing. An Dongye looked back and turned out to be a dress and charming Xia Zhan's eyebrows. I don't know when he had stood a few steps away.

Andong was shocked, and his heart suddenly returned to his mind. He quickly saluted and said, "My son didn't know that the godmother was coming. He didn't have time to welcome him. He deserves to die!"

The "son" to the "gomother" was originally nondescript. According to common sense, he should be respectfully called "mother and daughter-in-law". At the end, it should also be the "righteous mother". In fact, he was a little intentional. He had long wanted to test the mind of the Empress Dowager Xia, and now he took the opportunity to gamble.

In the past, far away from Kanto, the sky is high and the emperor is far away, and he can still act arbitrarily; now at the foot of the "Flower Capital" emperor, he must be more careful; Andongye now deliberately seizes every opportunity to build a small piece of his own small world in the forested palace and church.

The empress dowager Xia Zhanmei in front of her is the most powerful woman in the shaman palace. Pope Mufeng has been waiting for Princess Yaya and has never refused to choose a concubine. Only this elegant aunt, the Empress Dowager Xia, is the most powerful in the harem. Although she is favored by Imperial Concubine Gu and Princess Yuan, she still has to give her status higher after all. The first-order Xia Zhan's eyebrows, so it will naturally be of great benefit if the Empress Dowager Xia can be formed as a backup.

An Dongye deliberately uses the more intimate "godmother" commonly known as "mother", rather than the formal "mother". If it is not done well, it is a crime of rudeness, and the crime can also be large or small, depending on Xia Zhan's intention.

"Don't be polite, get up and talk!"

As soon as he heard this, he knew that his bet was right. Before he arrived at Huadu, the words of the fourth master Wen who stood in front of him. The Empress Dowager Xia really heard it in her heart. She deliberately encircled the commander-chief of the border military with great power and thought it was an Austrian aid, so it was easy to do what she thought later. .

"Thank you, godmother!" Andong Yekou responded, and suddenly remembered his bitter mother, Mrs. Pinyu, and couldn't help but feel sad.

"Well, today is a good day for a good man to recognize his marriage. Remember to listen to the godmother's arrangement! Come on, go somewhere with your godmother." Xia Zhanmei's voice suddenly became sweet and charming and seductive. She turned around and walked away. The luxurious pleated phoenix-tailed skirt made her particularly charming and enchanting.

An Dongye followed his mother and walked all the way. He saw that the maids of Gong'e were wearing big red auspicious clothes, with festive flowers on their temples and buns. They were neatly dressed and jubilant. The eunuchs and internal supervisors were also dressed in new and in special spirit.

Wherever you go, the lanterns are colorful, the purple and red joy is piled up everywhere, and there is a dazzling red light everywhere. The royal style is different!

Following the Empress Dowager Xia, surrounded by a group of palace eunuchs and eunuchs, she came to a house and palace. Looking at its form, it turned out to be a soup pool bathroom.

Some wild smiled bitterly. It seems that this group of concubines are going to act according to the custom of shaman "washing and drying their relatives".

Before the bathroom, Princess Gu, the daughter of General Gu Xilou, General of Dingxi, and Princess Yuan, the sister of Archbishop Yuanbei, Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and other concubines have been waiting for a long time.

Although the identity of Concubine and Yuanfei is respected, they are young. In the elegant and luxurious royal atmosphere, it is full of Chu charm, which is obviously fresh and gorgeous, with a smile and a smile. This is also the protagonist of today's "washing dry relatives". The rest of the concubines and other women are naturally friendly with these imperial concubines. Sisters or con's in-houses came today.

After seeing each other's respect and inferiority, Gong'e led the emperor's adopted son Andongye to change clothes. When a certain wild light was naked with knife marks and gun scars criscrossed, the strong red * body was introduced by Xiao Gong'e into a huge soup pool, which was already steaming and warm soup was ready.

In the end, dozens of tall and healthy palace matries carried Andongye with colorful sedan chairs. The concubines gathered around and paraded along the palace alley corridors, shouting and laughing all the way. Everywhere they went was extremely lively and grand. Some princesses threw all kinds of fruit toys on the colorful sedan chair, and some imperial concubines took pastries. Bottles and so on pretend to feed babies are not enough, even Shaman's Day has never been so crazy.