Wolf Empire

0280 Dark Cuisine

In the glass push mechanism, two light armored warriors of the Southern Army guarded the door. On a chair illuminated by the dim lights in the room, a figure of a delicate woman in black stood up from her position and bowed:

"Your Excellency, my name is Yu Yu."

When the owner of this room looked at the uninvited guests, the guests were also observing the master.

After the powerful military empire Shura was divided into two, the elite legion that was once loyal under the same Asura flag was also divided into three.

In fashion, the second prince "Guangmu Tianwang", the commander of the Western Army, launched a coup with the support of Pi Liuli, the commander of the Southern Army, and killed his father* and seized the throne that did not belong to him. Dorozha, the "king of the country" of the Eastern Army, became independent, and the brave and good- fought northern army returned to the new immortal dynasty under the leadership of the "King of Heaven" Pishamen.

"You asked to see me, and now your wish has been fulfilled, the great wizard." Pi Liuli eased her expression, because the king of the other party had this rude qualification and weight.

Yuqi said with a serious look, "Your Excellency, my brother Yuqi ordered Yuqi to convey his wishes to you."

"Please express my gratitude to His Royal Highness the distinguished General and wish His Royal Highness good health." The glass does not show its color,

"Yu Yu must convey the greetings of His Excellency the King to Brother Wang." Yuqi also saluted.

Pi Liuli sat down in another position, and he secretly thought about the unusual secret visit of this important figure of the dynasty. Just wait until you figure out the other party's intentions. Sure enough, Yu Qi cleared his throat and said:

"Your Excellency, my brother and distinguished general, His Royal Highness Wang Dongye, ordered Yuyu to come here, hoping to get your help."

Pi Liuli's first reaction was astonishment, and then he began to check whether he heard every word correctly. Although he holds half of the military power of the pseudo-government of the "Sura Empire", he has no personal relationship with the man represented by the girl sitting opposite, and even met neither of them. It is said that this man swallows the northeast as an army general and holds the position of general king. He has millions of people under his command and is the king. People say that he eats human flesh and is thirsty to drink human blood. Although it is untrue, his great Wuxun and "great achievements" are eye-catching and frightening.

"Ha ha, Aunt Yuqi is really funny. Who doesn't know that there are millions of soldiers under his brother and countless capable ministers? What kind of problem will require a worthless person like me to work?" Pi Liuli laughed at herself.

"Little people? Your Excellency is joking, isn't he? Everyone knows that without your strong support, it would be worthless to sit in the wine pond meat forest in the palace!" Yuqi is calm and calm.

"It's not convenient for me to comment on my lord in private, Your Highness Wang Gu." Pi Liuli's face darkened and said, "Excuse me, why does His Royal Highness the Great General Wang need my help?"

"The dynasty has received information that some 'hostile forces' will take adverse actions against our ' immortal dynasty' and my brother in the near future." Yuqi paused and said, "There is a possibility that your country will participate in it."

"Please allow me to apologize, Your Highness Aunt Wang. I feel sorry for the problems faced by my brother. Please forgive me for what I can do." Pi Liuli declined.

The new "Sura Empire", which integrates nearly 60% of the strength of the original empire, has an absolute advantage under the rule of Liubocha. With the two most powerful elite armies of the two original empires, the two elite armies as the main body, plus half of the nobles loyal to this new empire, could have easily end the civil war and split the emperor. The integration of the country is under a banner; but the rise of the "Immortal Dynasty" has shattered this dream, and it is with the help of this powerful ally that the weak Northern Army has firmly established a foothold and formed a situation against it.

So, if one day the "Immortal Dynasty" regime collapses, or the Wolf King Antonye himself has an accident, the monarchs and ministers of the Shura Empire will not hide their joy.

"Indeed, this is very beneficial to your country, but is it beneficial to you personally, Your Excellency?" Yuqi smiled and asked

"I am the minister of His Majesty Liu Bocha, and the interests of the empire are also my interests." The plain way of the glass.

"Your words are insincere, Your Excellency." Yu looked at the words and looked at the color.

Pi Liuli snorted, expressing her dissatisfaction, and several verbal confrontations were actually mastered by the other girl.

At this time, the king of Shura was in a rare balance. Several powerful aristocratic door valves were dissatisfied with the status of Pi Liuli's title of marquis and grand marshal for his meritorious service, monopolizing military power and forming a loose alliance to fight against it. In this case, Mayor Haster, the "common father-in-law" of the two kings of the West and the South, was in the middle and reorganized the imperial cabinet at the cost of the military's withdrawal of some power.

After ensuring that their own interests were not harmed, the loose alliance between the great nobles of Shura also announced the dissolution and attacked each other for the distribution of power. It was with the help of the chaotic situation at that time that Pi Liuli took power and occupied a place in the court by virtue of his special relationship with His Majesty Liu Bocha, but in the eyes of the nobles who really had noble blood, he was still just a humble warrior.

If the collapse of the "immmorable dynasty" regime becomes a fact, in the name of the unified empire, the "Sura Empire" must use military troops in the north of Shura. That means that the biggest enemy of Pi Liuli, Dorozha, the king of the East Heaven, will take advantage of the situation, and that will be a terrible thing.

Dorozha's overurgent political move two years ago ended in failure, but it did not damage his strength. Once he is allowed to seize new opportunities, his grievances over the years will be liquidated in one fell swoop, and he will certainly be buried with the waste of Liubocha.

As if he felt the coldness of the blade falling on his neck, the owner of the secret room stared at the presumptuous guest with a sinister face, but the other party's courage was not bad: "I think you also hope that the beautiful and noble Miss Daphne can stay beside you alone instead of serving the stupid pig of Bocha, right?"

seemed to be stimulated to the pain, and Pi Liuli's blue eyes were almost spewing fire.

"The world is impermanent, and Liu Bocha is ultimately a person. As long as he is a person, he will get sick, fall down, and be bedridden. Or, more likely to die." Yuqi ignored the other party's fierce eyes, put a dish on the table, and said to himself, "A dark dish that looks good but can actually be poisoned solves everything. Do you know what I mean? Your Excellency the King of Heaven

Pi Liuli stared into the other party's eyes for a long time before reaching out and holding Yu Yu's outstretched palm. The king's palm was full of cold * sweat and said in a low voice, "Please tell Your Highness General Wang that it is my honor to cooperate with your country."


The luxurious fireworks over the Shura Palace lit up most of the night sky. At the side door of the unnoticed corner, a quick figure got into the carriage that had been waiting outside the door.

Like all taxis driving on the streets of Rasha City, this light two-seater carriage belongs to a local taxi with formal qualifications. Of course, no one will ever think that it is just a bunker used by the secret police of the dynasty to cover up the intelligence station here.

"Master, how's the meeting?" The moon spirit priestess waiting in the car quickly nodded respectfully; Yu, the commander-in-chief of the "Dark Knights" who had just finished the secret talks with Pi Liuli, the king of the Southern Heaven, said with a smile:

"Everything is going well. Daphne is the best weapon. The King of Glass accepted our proposal. Let's wait to collect the body for Liu Bocha.