Wolf Empire

0289 Those who commit our wolf pack will be killed even if they are far away!

The "Shaguo" castle "Muying Fort" closest to the dynasty is immersed in the lively atmosphere of the market.

For the whole castle and human beings living in this desert, Market Day can be said to be an extremely important festival. After the "Wisha Emirate" became history, the contradictions between the northern tribes are complex. After years of civil war, the five tribes of the Golden Snake, the wooden eagle, the water scorpion, the firefox and the camel, finally defeated other tribes and unified in form. Mobei established the new regime "Sand State" in Mobei.

In order to meet the little demon who broke into the dynasty and cooperate with the "destroying plan", the regent Sha Vul sent the most elite "wooden eagle flying horse" of the sand people in the border city of the two countries "Muying Fort" as early as a month ago, and was ready to launch an invasion of the dynasty territory.

At the market, merchants work hard to welcome the flow of people. In these seemingly humble stalls, the variety of goods is not inferior to the shopping malls of other big cities. With the convenience of the newly built highway of the dynasty and the incomparable tenacity of merchants, the castle is also as prosperous as cities in densely populated areas.

Mobei children may be the happiest group. In this desert where there is no guarantee that everyone has a pair of shoes, they laugh and chase you and shuttle through the crowd. From time to time, businessmen who were disturbed or bumped into the stall shouted and scolded, but it did not affect the children's happiness at all.

Today's weather is also the most typical in the desert. The hot sun pours its heat on people's heads without hesitation. But just a few flicks, some sensitive people have clearly heard the huge sound approaching outside the castle. Finally, when a huge group of chariots covered the whole street, people saw the flag of wolves flying in the sky.

The siren alarm sounded throughout the castle, making the panicked and crowded market jump in an instant.

"General Regent, there are wolves-" Seeing the "Desert Wolf Ride" that was almost far away from memory reappeared after many years, the eagle guards did not care too much and directly broke into the room of the general of the sand vulture, but found that the general had already woken up from the gentleness of water and stood in front of the window of the floating light screen.

"I know, step back." The general of the vulture calmly ordered the Eagle Guard to withdraw and wait. This "First Warrior in Mobei", who is in his prime, has a strong figure. He is not wearing any clothes and is as strong as a black stone. Under the dazzling sun of the desert, he is like an indestructible barrier, giving others a heavy sense of oppression.

"What are you looking at? Honey, you are so distracted." The soft curves and sweet voice of the woman holding him from behind softened the stiffness of the desert man. He stretched out his powerful arms and effortlessly hugged the woman behind him to his chest.

The woman awakened by the intrusion of the eagle guards habitually enjoys her lover's most reliable and powerful chest for her. After being confused for a long time, she found that her lover's eyes were still looking at the distance. Curiously, she also looked in the direction.

The endless armored chariots and iron riders, as well as the impressive wolf group sign, made the woman's sand hares involut help screaming and covering her mouth: "Wolf war flag, murderer! Butcher! That devil!"

The whole wolf group takes four regular divisions of the "Magic Dragon Legion", a mechanized infantry brigade and a mecha reinforcement battalion as the main battle, and there are also ten infantry divisions of the "Flying Eagle Legion", five cavalry divisions and an armored grenadier division, and two police divisions of "Skull" Fight with them.

In the panic of the people of the market and the wooden eagle flying and retreating, the magnificent and powerful sand vulture general held his lover's sand hare in hand, separated the crowd and appeared in front of the crowd.

"General, our 'Sha Kingdom' has signed a military alliance agreement with the 'General of Pingbei University'. Do you openly enter our territory to start a new war?" The general held the handle of the knife in his hand.

"Are you confused?" Fourth brother An Zixuan said sarcastically, "What does the Pingbei Army have to do with our wolves? Even if the general of Lengbeicheng is willing to send troops to help you, will his exercise force in '* Town' have a chance to ignore the powerful wolf guard of Uncle Youdong and the sixth brother and ninth brother of the opposite dynasty retreat? It's a fool's dream!"

The general of the sand vulture shouted and asked, "You and our two countries have not been at war for three years, and the well water does not violate the river. Why are you waiting for another war?"

An Zixuan said coldly, "Don't pretend to be righteous here. Your country's spy nine princess An Xiaoyao has already 'destroy the sky' anyway, right? Humph! Those who offend my wolf pack will be killed even if they are far away!"

The sand vulture and others were speechless when they heard this.