Wolf Empire

0300 sister and brother are deeply affectionate

Once upon a time, the "Wind Wing Kingdom" was brutally occupied and suppressed by the "Canglang Empire" in the mainland war. Before the liberation of Wang Andongye, the wolf general, this beautiful and rich land was trampled by the imperial army. Death, hunger and vampire-like slave traders and thieves were rampant, almost It has become a hell on earth.

General Andongye, who supported his troops and established the hegemony of the kingdom in the "wolf capital", gave the old "Wind Wing Kingdom" a very high degree of autonomy and autonomy based on the complex factors and long-term plans of the whole Kanto War, including two princesses of the old kingdom as military and political executives and deputy military regions of the military region. Commander, acting on behalf of all the military and political power of the Wolf King in the wind wing territory.

In addition, with the help of the "Immortal Dynasty", the winged people began to rebuild their homes after the war and the reconstruction of the army of the autonomous SAR government with the winged people as the main body.

The Windwinger can be said to have obtained the greatest tolerance and kindness that a liberated or conquered nation can have. However, it is the Windwinger who trample this tolerance and kindness under his feet and plays the role of a pawn in a huge conspiracy.

The stupid old kingdom aristocrats represented by Min Xiang listened to the secretly instigated black hand of the Shaman and the Holy See, which led the whole nation to an immortal road, but the winged people were also delighted in this farce, not by reason, but into the joy of rejudicating the country with simple enthusiasm; of course, the final bitter fruit It will also be borne by themselves.

When the foundation of the restoration of the "Windwing Kingdom", the windwing Legion, whose greatest combat power, was completely annihilated in the "Hancheng" returned to the Windwing King City, the princes and ministers gathered in front of the new king began to disappear one by one. Because no normal person knows that the rulers of the Northeast will never forgive the betrayal of the wind and wings easily.

The young king An Shangyan was only a ten-year-old child when his family died. The tragic situation of his father's death in battle, his mother's suicide and his subsequent follower Wang's side. The humiliating memories of being exiled by various forces and receiving all kinds of white eyes and cold encounters have left a deep imprint in the heart of His Royal Highness. If he can abandon his delusion of reinstatement and grow up in the wolf army as a graduate of the "Royal Non-commissioned Officer College", he also has an immeasurable future. However, from time to time, his heart is filled with the honor that belongs to the past.

Therefore, when a successful opportunity was placed in front of An Shangyan, it did not take long for teenagers to choose. When he knew that Sister Wang and An Xiyan disagreed, he even acquiesced in the radical ministers' house arrest of his own sister.

Now the loyal little people have left one by one, and the most dangerous moment is still An Xiyan, his own sister.

"I'm sorry, sister, I'm the one who implicated you-" The teenager threw himself into his sister's arms.

Princess An Xiyan gently wiped the tears from her brother's face and whispered, "It should be said that I'm sorry, my brother, but my sister didn't find that you were carrying such a heavy burden. No matter what difficulties there are, I will be with you."

The girl took a glass of water from the servant's tray behind her, handed the glass to her choking brother, and said softly, "Drink some water."

"Sister Wang, in any case, even if I die, I will never humiliate the honor of our royal family." An Shangyan drank the water, and the previous excitement and anger made him very thirsty.

The cup slid unconsciously to the ground, making a crisp sound and then breaking. Somehow, the sister in the teenager's eyes shook, not just people, as if the whole hall was shaking.

"Sister Wang?!" In the vision before the young An Shangyan fell into a coma, there was endless tenderness in Sister Wang's eyes.

"Sleep, my good brother. You have to live." The girl An Xiyan held her brother's soft body, showing a sad look. The atmosphere in the hall was heavy, and it was not until the chief bodyguard appeared safely that the terrible silence was broken.

"Your Highness, the vehicle is ready. Your Highness and His Majesty, please leave with your servants. Time is running out. The chief bodyguard said anxiously.

"Lord Anran, Shangyan, please." The meaning of Princess An Xi's tone made the bodyguard grow up stunned and said in surprise:

"Your Highness, do you want to stay?"

Princess An Xiyan smiled gently: "Without my blood, how can I calm that person's anger and save the people of this city?"

"Your Highness!" The chief bodyguard shouted sadly.

"Take Shangyan and leave. I won't run away. It's my responsibility. If I don't leave, I will be self-absolute!" The girl An Xiyan gently stroked the ring showing the dark cold light and put it on her white wrist under the wearer's own will. As long as she uses light force, it will pierce the skin, which is an important thing to protect her reputation as a princess of the kingdom.

Anran, the chief bodyguard, who has always known that Princess An Xiyan must do, dared not say more and saluted respectfully. Then he picked up An Shangyan, the young master who was fainted by medicinal wine, and walked to the apse. In the back garden of the palace, a secret passage as old as the old wing royal family can reach the underground river under the royal city. It leads to the outside of the city.

Her Royal Highness An Xiyan looked around the hall, and the newly decorated wall after the restoration was covered with portraits of successive wind-winged kings. At this time, the ancestors of the Wang family seemed to be watching the girl.

"The main sect is above, and the unworthy descendants Xiyan are incompetent. This country has perished."

The old man Min Xiang, who waited outside the hall and lived in this palace all his life, couldn't help bursting into tears when he heard the princess's muttering words.

"Lord Min, please send an envoy to surrender to my Andong's father Wang Shu Baiqi." The girl An Xiyan ordered expressionlessly.

"Yes, Your Highness.

When Min Xiang's tired back was gradually moving away from the corridor of the palace hall, the wolves and hundreds of thousands of Warcraft troops were rolling towards the "Wind-winged King City" as a slaughter.

The slaughter of the city, the cruelest war atrocity in the history of human war, is the worst manifestation of the degradation of human nature. Even unscrupulous tyrants or crazy generals only use this atrocity as a psychological pressure or threat to force the opposing party to lose its will to resist most of the time, but it is rarely really carried out.

Wang Dongye, the wolf general, did not convey any ideas and intentions such as an ultimatum or persuasion to the besieged Wind Wing King City and the government. The action of the king who has just annihilated the main army of the "Wind Wing Kingdom" in the battle of "Hancheng" is more chilling than words.

It seems that he doesn't care that the "wolf capital" where his throne is located is being besieged by the superior enemy at this moment, and he doesn't care about the invasion of the powerful enemy at the same time. This crazy guy is actually interested in entering the vast area centered on the wind-winged king city capital. Preparation before hunting.

In addition to driving away the wind-wing officers and soldiers who were disarmed and captured in the "Hancheng" battle, the special forces formed by the elite of Warcraft also went deep into the towns and villages around the royal city to drive civilians in the direction of the royal city. Battle monsters without human wisdom are not good advice. Anyone who does not obey the order will be killed and devoured on the spot, and blood forced civilians to pour into the besieged royal city "Wind Wing City".

Hunting activities prevalent in human aristocratic society are also pioneers of trained hounds to expel their prey from all directions to predetermined areas to facilitate hunting. Judging from the action of the Warcraft Legion ordered by its master, this is an expanded hunt, but the prey has changed from beasts to human beings.

Warcraft only allowed to enter the fierce restrictions, which stimulated the pessimism of the people. Those who praised the young king and the government's restoration of the country not long ago are now scolding the young king An Shangyan for putting them in danger. Especially when the news of senior government officials, nobles and their families began to secretly flee the royal city, the whole city suddenly erupted like a volcano.

- Human beings are such a stupid and funny selfish species!