Wolf Empire

0313 moths and flames

The cool emptiness made An Tianyi wake up from half a dream. The disappearance of General Wang Dongye caused her a little panic. It was not until she found the semi-new military uniform covered on her body that her heart stabilized.

She covered her hot cheeks, and this mentality of suffering from gains and losses appeared so suddenly, which surprised her herself. Before that, the proud "uncrowned queen" would never admit that she would have such a deep concern and attachment to a man one day.

The shy invisible flame burned in his body. Although he got up and rinsed his mouth several times, his mouth still smelled, and his throat was swollen and painful. Is it crazy for An Tianyi to blame himself for being at the mercy of General Wang Andongye last night and making such a wild and shameful move?

The taste is so wonderful and exciting!

The screen door leading to the balcony was empty. She quickly tidyed up her hair in the floor mirror, put on her cicada-like pajamas, and then opened the screen door.

The arrogant figure is not tall, but in the eyes of An Tianyi, his lover is the strongest in the world. Although this person is rational, cruel and mysterious, even so, she still bet on all her feelings.

- moths and flames, who can say that they are not attracting each other?

General Wang of Andongye stared at the quiet "Galo River" in the distance, and the blue waves shone in the rising sun. Further away is the entrance of the "Sea of Angry", where two armies are fighting for life and death.

"What are you looking at?" The woman hugged the man from behind.

"Baby, you're awake." General Wang of Antonye did not look back and answered the question.

"Hmm." An Tianyi said shyly.

The ambiguous intimacy and embarrassment floated between the young men and women. Finally, General Wang Antonye said calmly, "I can't stay here for too long. After a few years of forbearance, the new Marine Corps created by the 'Canglang Empire' made a comeback. Xiaoshi and Han Ye couldn't stand it. I should also go to meet my old friend Chenyuan. There are some things that have to be faced, and there is no way to escape.

An Tianyi's fat body stiffened and said reluctantly, "Master, you should at least rest for two or three days-"

"I must leave immediately." General Wang of Andongye was on this balcony, arrogantly turning the woman's back and lifting his dispensable nightgown.

"So fast? But you haven't recovered yet. There is really no need to worry about the camp in the south of the dynasty for the time being. Niuer also withdrew all the mercenary regiments of the commercial alliance from the battlefield, and the second brother can completely free up his hand to deal with the overall situation. An Tian obediently cooperated with the rough movements of the man behind him.

"In the war situation in the south, as far as the general situation is concerned, Lao Er Jinliang and Xiao Shiliu Meiliang are at the wind. In terms of naval warfare, Leng Ruohan's fleet has almost been killed, and I am also seriously injured - on land, the imperial armored group led by Meixun's dead father, Kudo Takeo, has successfully suppressed it in the southwest. The second brother is brave and lacks wisdom. I'm afraid he is not the opponent of Kudo's old guy - and Yoshino's air force flight brigade After the assembly, the southern camp of the dynasty will be bombed indiscriminately at any time. If it hadn't been for Xiaoshi-e, Xiaoshi. In short, if there is a loss on the southern line, let the army, sea and air forces of the empire meet. Not only will the wolves make progress on the east, west and north lines fail, but also the 'wolves' of our base camp are in danger-" Anton He grabbed the woman's hair rudely and acted like a storm.

"If we join hands, the situation in the south will turn around immediately. The girl will classify the armed forces of the commercial alliance into the battle sequence of the wolf army and go to the southern front line with her master." An Tianyi, who bent down to hold the balcony railing, gasped.

According to the estimation of the Information Section of the Military Unification Bureau of the Supreme Commander of the Dynasty, the actual combat strength of the "Tianyi Free Business Alliance" is about 600,000. This includes the regular mercenaries of the commercial alliance established by six legions, which is equivalent to the private divisions of 24 regular wolf groups. Although the local guard escorts, bodyguard groups registered in the Commercial League, armed transport teams and other combat forces have more than 200,000 combat strength, their combat effectiveness is unbearable in the eyes of the regular army of the wolves.

The truly threatening armed force of the Chamber of Commerce is the First Legion of the Chamber of Commerce directly controlled by An Tianyi, the leader of the Chamber of Commerce. In the past few years, this group is still nominally a commercial army of the private army, which is essentially comparable to the regular legions of the powerful countries. Both the quality of soldiers and weapons and equipment are not inferior to the most powerful Guards of the wolves.

In addition, there is also a guard of An Tianyi, the queen of the commercial alliance, in the formation of the legion. There is no male and female soldiers among the total number of more than 6,000 soldiers. People are nicknamed the "Women's Army".

In addition to the land combat power, the Chamber of Commerce also has a unique and powerful service, which is enough to compete with the naval fleet of the old maritime power "Canglang Empire". He Lan, the "pirate prince". Luo Zhengxi's "Red Mask" naval merchant alliance armed fleet has more than 600 combat ships, which are divided into nine fleets.

The Chamber of Commerce also has strong mainland wealth in its hands, and its value is incalculable.

At the end of the sprint stage, he slapped An Tianyi's buttocks without pity, and his eyes flashed. He fooled, "It's getting late. Let's go out. If it's a little later, maybe the hot-tempered one-armed female Xiu Andria will come in."


"For the empire, tanks, move forward!"

As the enemy's artillery peak line progressed deeper, the Imperial "Army Tiger" Takeshi Kudo crossed the ears of the captains of each tank chariot.

With a sharp fire attack for nearly an hour, the artillery troops under the southern battalion of the wolves seemed to be going to fire all the stock shells at once, and did not hesitate to pour tons of steel bombs on the turbulence position.

Opposite the Imperial Tank Group are ten regular divisions and a foreign legion under the southern camp of the dynasty and the most elite of the Third Army of Wolves. The southern camp of the dynasty took the "Wild Wolf Legion" as the main force, and the second brother An Jinliang, who was second only to the eldest brother Anxi's tears, sat in the town in person.

The plan for the destruction of heaven formulated by the shaman's cabinet should be perfect in theory. If the forces of the Immortal Empire rise up and attack in groups, they will definitely make the wolves suffer from the enemy, resulting in chaos and destruction.

The wolves formulated corresponding countermeasures according to the plan, but the battles on each battlefield have constrained the combat power of the wolves, so that the southern camp can only face the attacks of the vicissitudes of land and sea alone.

In order to cooperate with the overall war situation, the southern camp was defeated in the rapid offensive of the "Canglang Empire" army in the early stage, and finally guided by the main force of the "foreign legion" snow leopard led by the army group army and General Long Zhijie to lure the Canglang Army, which was eager to solve the main force of the third group of the dynasty. The regiment fell into a city offensive and defensive battle.